54 / male London, England, UK
Just heard that primary schools in Middlesborough have written to parents asking them not to turn up to school in their pyjamas when dropping the kids off in the mornings and when collecting them in the afternoons.
<Insert rant containing In my day... and What's the world coming to... etc. etc. etc.>
May 25, 2011, 08:25 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Pyjamas
Warning New rant coming your way!
Schools need to concentrate on TEACHING! I do realise that things have changed and schools have had to do one thing ahead of teaching and that is security. But other than that GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BUSINESS!!!!
On the other hand Parents start taking responsibility and being responsible when it comes to your children!!
One of our schools had the balls to send home something telling parents they aren't allowed to send certain snacks to school due to the fact that they felt they were not nutritious. Have you seen some of the school lunches they serve? I can send candy bars and it would be better than what I have seen on the menu.Needless to say I laughed and through it in the garbage , called the superintendent and told him and the school board what to do with that "rule".
The most recent "rule" they have tried to put in place was that if a student attends a party outside of school, on a weekend or other time when not in school and is not school sanctioned, and someone or all get in any trouble with the police or even get reported to the school for something like drinking under age or anything they feel is inappropriate all students found to be attending will be banded from all extra curricular activities as well as have sever disciplinary action taken.
I just laughed at them out load at the school board meeting. I understand the intent and applaud it.This came about because a group of about 300 kids were at a party at someone's house and did over $15,000-$20,000 in damage. To start with there were parents that supplied the alcohol to minors and were aware of the party and left. So I have no sympathy for them!However, this isn't even legal. You can't blame my kid for instance if someone else at a party did something like smoke pot or drink under age if she didn't. Furthermore what the kids do outside of school and not at a school function is neither the schools business or responsibility.Last I checked as the parent It's my responsibility to decide how to discipline my child for behaviour outside of school.I spoke with the superintendent and several school board members outside of the meeting. (They know me quit well.)I told them there is no way this would hold up in court if you tried this and someone challenges you in court. They all said they are very aware of it because another school about half hour away tried this and lost in court. The real goal was to scare people both students and parents into being more responsible and make better choices.They also know if it was ever my kid that I would take them to court and have the media right there with me.
I will be damned if someone will tell me if I can show up in PJ's. I can show up in a bra and panties and legally they can't do a fucking thing. As a matter of fact in NYC,I can show up topless and they couldn't do anything.It almost makes me wish I still lived in NY.lol Most kids go to school in PJ's at least once in a while these days. They even go shopping in PJ's.
By the way they tried telling my kids they couldn't come to school because they dyed their hair (The school colors by the way). I got a note saying it is against policy and they have to change it back or seek alternative education..lol I had a news crew on the steps of the principles office and the superintendents office the next morning. The tease on the news said "So why is this child who is an honor student and boy scout as well as a volunteer to help the disabled told to seek alternative education by the schools attorney?" Come back after the break and see. lol The first question I had for the principle with the cameras running was "So when are you dying your hair back to the original color? I thought she would die.lol They backed right off! He was back in school in minutes. And they had to take the absence of his record for not allowing him to attend class the day prior. I actually refused to pick him up and said they were denying him an education so they made him stay in the office most of the day. They gave him a HUGE I'M SORRY.lol Yeah, I get pissy when you mess with mine or my kids rights.
May 25, 2011, 11:13 |
User no longer registered.
Actually I have to say I am with the Schools on this one. I agree that anyone has the actual right to wear what they want when they want, but the question of what standards it sets is the important one for me.
Maybe I am just a litle too British, but Pj's are for sleeping/lounging in and I have a lot of nice clothes which are for outside the house. I would never have dreamed of going outside especially to somewhere like a school which is effectively your childs "workplace", than I would of turning up at my own job in them.
Sometimes people may be ill and rushing etc and there are always the odd time you may have to do it, but am fairly certain that is not the situation in this case.
I am open minded about most things, but on this one I am with the authorities
May 25, 2011, 11:38 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Pyjamas
Good for you newbie! Loved that "dye your hair back" to original color deal. That's just funny. SLAP! Too cool. Be a screwed up thing, if we were denied our individuality, personal choice's, and differences. Teacher's, just do your job, don't make me go to your house, and make you comply with what I think you should eat, the way you dress, change your habits, or how you live, etc. In the same vane, I'm a smoker. Smoking is banned in most public places, ok, I undestand, respect, and comply. But try coming into my home, that I own out-right, (put 100% down on it), tell me I can't smoke in it, then we have a problem. Would be me opening a can of whoop-ass on them. Pajamas, or pyjamas, pa....leese. And what's the world coming to? Simple, it's becoming insane. I try not to participate.
May 25, 2011, 11:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pyjamas
but...the teachers here aren't asking the parents to change what they do at home. Simply asking to raise standards when they come to the school which is their premises of work.
I hate to disagree again, but this to me isn't an attack on the individuals right to express themselves. Over here we do have school regulations regarding hair colour and uniform etc and I went to a very strict school where appearance was concerned and I never once felt persecuted or denied my rights of expression. I did all of that at a more appropriate time. My time within school was spent studying an education and that was what it was for surely
May 25, 2011, 12:15 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Pyjamas
I have no issue with that Josie but it should be MY choice what standard to live by and as for my child it should be me to instil those things in them or not.It is very popular here to see kids go to school or shopping at the mall in PJ's. More like a fashion trend in a way. I think it started on college campuses. I remember when my oldest went to school and I took him to the dorms, I asked him if Abercrombie and Finch were the uniform at universities and he said pretty much. He said the girls will wear Victoria Secret as well.I can't bring myself to do it to be honest. But,Kam got me to go out one night with no make-up.lol That is a rare moment. My daughter thinks I'm insane if I wont go to the store to get milk in my PJ's. I will always take a shower get dressed and put my make up on.lol Again IT'S MY CHOICE.
I just feel schools and in many cases the government steps into our business where they don't belong. They always use the excuse that these days parents don't or won't do this or that.Or in general we have become to irresponsible so they will step in. They have now decided to tell us what to eat or not eat and how much, who we can marry or not,What type of sex we can have or not. You wouldn't believe how many laws we are breaking .lol I just think that that is not the function of our government or schools. They are abusing their power. If a gay couple wants to get married for instance why they hell should it be against the law. They should have the right to be as stupid as I was and marry a lunatic if they want to and then divorce him or her.
Where does it stop? What if they decide its illegal to be fat or have black hair? This is leading down a bad path of abuse of power. Put the people who are supposed to be responsible back in the position of taking responsibility. My kid my responsibility as is what I do myself.
May 25, 2011, 12:22 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pyjamas
I only wear my pajamas to Wal Mart
May 25, 2011, 12:35 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (Josie34 @ May 25, 2011, 12:15)but...the teachers aren't asking the parents to change what they do at home. Simply asking to raise standards when they come to the school which is their premises of work.
I have to concede to that Josie. True, and agree. Was more refering to newbies post, and yes I went off, as well as off topic. Just my personal reaction to loss of rights here in the states are getting. And like the hair thing. If a lady, even school age, was blonde one day, showed up next day, red-headed, that's none of anyone's business. Sure, appearence of other's can be a distraction, even offensive to other's, but I've had teacher's, in the day, (truth) who's appearence could be perceived as one or the other, but no one demanded/ordered them change clothes, or to have plastic surgery. lol Totally agree there are certain standard's that should be the norm.
May 25, 2011, 12:38 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (freensleazy @ May 25, 2011, 12:35)I only wear my pajamas to Wal Mart That's appropriate. Btw, I was there Saturday. What that tell you? I rest my case.
May 25, 2011, 12:42 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Pyjamas
If pyjamas were meant to be worn outdoors, they would go with shoes. And they don't! They go with slippers, which are also not designed to be worn outdoors.
Dropping kids off in the morning while still emotionally in bed is one thing but arriving at the end of the school day, still jammed up to the nines, that is the sign of a person who's given up on the world. And even if that's true, you should fake it.
May 25, 2011, 12:45 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pyjamas
I will say maybe this issue is another one where the cultural differences between countries is quite dominant. I certainly don't really any pressure from our schools system or government for a lot of the issues you guys seem to.
I had a spirited "discussion" just the other night trying to explain that our National Health Service was not really totally controlled by our government who had a say in every way about how people get treated in the UK. It was almost said as if we were under some kind of mind control here by our evil Prime Minister. I found myself getting quite defensive lol
With regards to other things, for example the UK does allow Civil Partnerships currently for same sex "marriages", but legally the Church does not allow them to confirm this is a place of Worship. This has nothing to do with current government policy, but rather the Church. I believe currently our government is looking at allowing full same sex marriages - another step forward which would allow partners to be declared as Wives or Husbands and enjoy the full legal benefits of marriage.
No I don't think that constraining peoples rights is the way to go, however some order must be maintained and as much as we all love to think of ourselves as individuals (which we are) society itself will only function if there is some structure to live by. Where you draw the line between structure and intereference isn't a distinction I am qualified to make.
For example, you and I differ in opinions of this so already anyone trying to set in place a set of laws or structure for all of us here to live by will upset at one of us without even trying.
The thing is where you draw the line on freedom is a tricky one. I imagine most people would agree that there are some laws that should be in place? However that depends on your own moral code and there are some who don't think there should be any laws at all. Are we still denying them their rights by having laws? Not being funny about all this, but just saying that there is no answer as we all think differently.
May 25, 2011, 12:52 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Pyjamas
Ah but there again is a problem. I personally sleep days most of the time so that would be my sleeping time, therefore appropriate that I be in PJ's. (Actually I sleep naked most times so they should be greatfull I put something on if I were to show up in PJ's lol)
Besides parents don't normally go in to the school to pick up the kids. The kids are picked up outside and in most cases you don't even get out of the car. As for sslippers I have three pairs of "indoor outdoor"slippers. That seems to be the trend as well. I just got a pair and was surprised that more slippers than not were labelled "indoor outdoor".I believe this is because of the trend of wearing PJ's out in public. (And airport security lines). Funny thing is our high school has PJ's day and my daughter wore her PJ's to school yesterday.lol
I couldn't even do casual Friday when I was at work. It wasn't appropriate in my job but the other positions in our office did it.My bother is a high level executive at a major network and when he started it was suits everyday . Then they added Casual Friday. He started working very long hours so started coming in in jeans and polo shirts or khaki's and polo shirts on more and more days. Now many years later no one in his office wears suits unless there is a special event or meeting. They credit him for changing the dress code. But productivity and moral is way up.
May 25, 2011, 13:06 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Pyjamas
Well stated Josie. Law's are good. Just a question: Do you think law's pertaining to morallity, should superceed those of the Church, or to work together? And no, I'm not getting political, nor on religion, just asking a general question. Thank you. (see what you started 5star? Don't you feel bad making the ole perve go so far off topic? lol) .
May 25, 2011, 13:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pyjamas
Star? See what you started?
May 25, 2011, 13:15 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Pyjamas
If these parents can't be bothered to get up and ready in the morning, then they shouldn't have kids in the first place.
(I say this, because I happen to know the town in question very well!!).
May 25, 2011, 13:19 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Pyjamas
Josie you and I can disagree and still be friends. I never understood those who can't. And yes culture issues can be the big difference in a subject like this.
I absolutely think we need laws to maintain peace and order. I also understand that we have some laws to protect us. But you can't put laws in place to make people have common sense it just doesn't work.When they passed laws saying that saturated fats had to be labelled and in many cases be removed from food where they aren't necessary I totally got that because it was a deceiving and dangerous practice to the public. However, when they said that bakeries had to do the same I thought it was stupid! Do people go to a bakery thinking Oh that is healthy or good for me! Hell no!For those who don't know what the law was it basically said they could not use shortening in backed goods any more. Well that's just stupid if you know about baking. That's what I mean about going to far. It is my responsibility to know baked good are not health foods.The issue with the other foods were that it was deceiving and only done for cost saving and shelf life issues. We can't regulate stupidity.
The laws of our government and the religious groups should never be mixed. Churches,temples whatever should have no say in laws of or government and the government should have no say in religious groups.(the only exception is if the religion is somehow interfering with the rights, safety and well being of the people.)
May 25, 2011, 13:22 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (freensleazy @ May 25, 2011, 13:15)Star? See what you started? Did'nt mean to step on you free. Must have just posted the same thought, at the same time.
May 25, 2011, 13:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ May 25, 2011, 13:22)Josie you and I can disagree and still be friends. I never understood those who can't. And yes culture issues can be the big difference in a subject like this.
I absolutely think we need laws to maintain peace and order. I also understand that we have some laws to protect us. But you can't put laws in place to make people have common sense it just doesn't work.When they passed laws saying that saturated fats had to be labelled and in many cases be removed from food where they aren't necessary I totally got that because it was a deceiving and dangerous practice to the public. However, when they said that bakeries had to do the same I thought it was stupid! Do people go to a bakery thinking Oh that is healthy or good for me! Hell no!For those who don't know what the law was it basically said they could not use shortening in backed goods any more. Well that's just stupid if you know about baking. That's what I mean about going to far. It is my responsibility to know baked good are not health foods.The issue with the other foods were that it was deceiving and only done for cost saving and shelf life issues. We can't regulate stupidity.
The laws of our government and the religious groups should never be mixed. Churches,temples whatever should have no say in laws of or government and the government should have no say in religious groups.(the only exception is if the religion is somehow interfering with the rights, safety and well being of the people.)
Of course we are still friends, I very rarely agree with my friends lol
Now you are in the realms of health and safety though with health warnings and that is an interesting point just in itself. I agree we should know that cakes are bad for us, but what if you didn't? Has been done before, smokers suing tobacco companies ( I smoked I knew it was bad for me and it was my choice to do it - my responsibility), will we sue chickens for making eggs - the debate is endless
As I am married to someone who sadly has to spend part of their day in a hospital theatre removing objects from peoples cavities that were never designed to be there, he would say that glass litre bottles should carry a warning that they are not to be used for anal insertion....yet I could have worked that one out for myself lol
May 25, 2011, 13:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (perveman @ May 25, 2011, 13:14)Well stated Josie. Law's are good. Just a question: Do you think law's pertaining to morallity, should superceed those of the Church, or to work together? And no, I'm not getting political, nor on religion, just asking a general question. Thank you. (see what you started 5star? Don't you feel bad making the ole perve go so far off topic? lol)  .
Without going into religion too much, no I don't think laws should not be influenced by religion. My own personal view is that religion is a choice of faith that the individual makes which should have no impact on how others around you should live their lives. Laws are designed for the greater good as a society and should apply to all.
Of course you will always have cases where religious doctrine and a law may be at odds and whilst I believe your own personal religious views must be taken into account and respected at all times - to me the legal system of the country you choose to live in comes first.
I will clearly state here that these are my own personal opinions and I always respect others
May 25, 2011, 13:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (freensleazy @ May 25, 2011, 13:15)Star? See what you started?
Light the touch paper and retreat to a safe distance.....
May 25, 2011, 13:50 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: Pyjamas
Wow - all this over some Smoggies who have no self respect! Apologies for the tautology...
To pick up the more serious arguments developing here...
The problem with common sense is that it is very rare and changes with time. Common sense tells us that the Earth is flat. 400 years ago people threw their sewage out into the streets and we had rampant disease. People were slowly educated and now even most Smoggies have a toilet, even if it is in a hut at the bottom of the garden.
50 years ago people didn't know smoking was bad for them (or at least not as bad as it appears to be). Now they do know and CHOOSE to do it.
The second problem is that individual's choices overflow into the rest of society. The waste smoke from your cigarettes pollutes my clothes and can give me cancer - hence we ban smoking in public places. Furthermore the costs of treating your smoking-related illnesses increase my taxes (UK) or insurance premiums (US).
The interplay between individual and society is complex and ever-changing...
May 25, 2011, 13:56 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Pyjamas
Respect is key in so much and that's a whole different subject that can go on for ever.Respect and common sense seem to be lost in many people. We all know Common sense is the most used oxymoron.
As for the rest of these things stated as the saying goes "You can't fix dumb." no matter how many laws you pass. I will leave it at that.
I missed you guys.Licks and kisses!
May 25, 2011, 14:05 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (wandering5tar @ May 25, 2011, 13:56)Wow - all this over some Smoggies who have no self respect! Apologies for the tautology...
To pick up the more serious arguments developing here...
The problem with common sense is that it is very rare and changes with time. Common sense tells us that the Earth is flat. 400 years ago people threw their sewage out into the streets and we had rampant disease. People were slowly educated and now even most Smoggies have a toilet, even if it is in a hut at the bottom of the garden.
50 years ago people didn't know smoking was bad for them (or at least not as bad as it appears to be). Now they do know and CHOOSE to do it.
The second problem is that individual's choices overflow into the rest of society. The waste smoke from your cigarettes pollutes my clothes and can give me cancer - hence we ban smoking in public places. Furthermore the costs of treating your smoking-related illnesses increase my taxes (UK) or insurance premiums (US).
The interplay between
May 25, 2011, 14:15 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Pyjamas
Damn mobile anyway. My quote to 5star, got screwed up. Anyhow, suppose, now that I know, I need to clean my street now. Hey, how was I to know? And I, as a smoker, but have a brain (maybe), totally agree with what you said. What can I say, you're right.
May 25, 2011, 14:24 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Pyjamas
Ok then, got that cleared up, now, just a general question regarding laws (age old question). Anyone think laws should be in place to control/punish any moral behavior by any church, or individual standardards? Granted and agree, law's are neccasary, or there'd be chaos. No right or wrong answer. And yes, this could be a loaded question.
May 25, 2011, 14:35 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (perveman @ May 25, 2011, 14:35)Ok then, got that cleared up, now, just a general question regarding laws (age old question). Anyone think laws should be in place to control/punish any moral behavior by any church, or individual standardards? Granted and agree, law's are neccasary, or there'd be chaos. No right or wrong answer. And yes, this could be a loaded question.
Not about to go any further down a punishment route or a religious route. I am out of that discussion
May 25, 2011, 14:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (Josie34 @ May 25, 2011, 14:44) QUOTE (perveman @ May 25, 2011, 14:35)Ok then, got that cleared up, now, just a general question regarding laws (age old question). Anyone think laws should be in place to control/punish any moral behavior by any church, or individual standardards? Granted and agree, law's are neccasary, or there'd be chaos. No right or wrong answer. And yes, this could be a loaded question.
Not about to go any further down a punishment route or a religious route. I am out of that discussion
Watching all of the various thoughts and opinions is exactly why I've pretty much stayed out of this whole thing.
May 25, 2011, 14:54 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (Josie34 @ May 25, 2011, 14:44) QUOTE (perveman @ May 25, 2011, 14:35)Ok then, got that cleared up, now, just a general question regarding laws (age old question). Anyone think laws should be in place to control/punish any moral behavior by any church, or individual standardards? Granted and agree, law's are neccasary, or there'd be chaos. No right or wrong answer. And yes, this could be a loaded question.
Not about to go any further down a punishment route or a religious route. I am out of that discussion Respected.
May 25, 2011, 14:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (freensleazy @ May 25, 2011, 14:54) QUOTE (Josie34 @ May 25, 2011, 14:44) QUOTE (perveman @ May 25, 2011, 14:35)Ok then, got that cleared up, now, just a general question regarding laws (age old question). Anyone think laws should be in place to control/punish any moral behavior by any church, or individual standardards? Granted and agree, law's are neccasary, or there'd be chaos. No right or wrong answer. And yes, this could be a loaded question.
Not about to go any further down a punishment route or a religious route. I am out of that discussion
Watching all of the various thoughts and opinions is exactly why I've pretty much stayed out of this whole thing.
I thought I was well behaved on the whole lol are you proud of me?
May 25, 2011, 15:02 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (Josie34 @ May 25, 2011, 14:44)
Not about to go any further down a punishment route or a religious route. I am out of that discussion
I can't believe you're turning down punishment Jo. Surely you just turn the other cheek...
May 25, 2011, 15:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (Josie34 @ May 25, 2011, 15:02) QUOTE (freensleazy @ May 25, 2011, 14:54) QUOTE (Josie34 @ May 25, 2011, 14:44) QUOTE (perveman @ May 25, 2011, 14:35)Ok then, got that cleared up, now, just a general question regarding laws (age old question). Anyone think laws should be in place to control/punish any moral behavior by any church, or individual standardards? Granted and agree, law's are neccasary, or there'd be chaos. No right or wrong answer. And yes, this could be a loaded question.
Not about to go any further down a punishment route or a religious route. I am out of that discussion
Watching all of the various thoughts and opinions is exactly why I've pretty much stayed out of this whole thing.
I thought I was well behaved on the whole lol are you proud of me?
Always. However, I have occasionally been known to have an opinion or 2 and sometimes my barbs can be misconstrued as being toxic, particularly regarding the given subject content. Therefore, I have opted to invoke my Fifth Amendment Right.
May 25, 2011, 15:21 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (perveman @ May 25, 2011, 14:35)Ok then, got that cleared up, now, just a general question regarding laws (age old question). Anyone think laws should be in place to control/punish any moral behavior by any church, or individual standardards? Granted and agree, law's are neccasary, or there'd be chaos. No right or wrong answer. And yes, this could be a loaded question.
Not sure what you mean. Obviously, religious groups must be held to account against the laws of the country they are in. Look at all the child abuse cases by priests that have come to light now and how many have been swept under the carpet because it was all "investigated" internally by the churches (in these cases - I'm sure there are similar things in other institutions).
As for "moral behaviour", this has very much become an individual choice and is less and less a legal issue unless your moral behaviour affects others. An interesting case in a London pub recently when the landlord asked two gay men to stop kissing and when they refused he threw them out - not because they were gay men, but because he didn't approve of "public displays of affection" by anyone in his pub. I think the phrase "get a room" might have been employed.
May 25, 2011, 15:22 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (freensleazy @ May 25, 2011, 15:21) QUOTE (Josie34 @ May 25, 2011, 15:02) QUOTE (freensleazy @ May 25, 2011, 14:54) QUOTE (Josie34 @ May 25, 2011, 14:44) QUOTE (perveman @ May 25, 2011, 14:35)Ok then, got that cleared up, now, just a general question regarding laws (age old question). Anyone think laws should be in place to control/punish any moral behavior by any church, or individual standardards? Granted and agree, law's are neccasary, or there'd be chaos. No right or wrong answer. And yes, this could be a loaded question.
Not about to go any further down a punishment route or a religious route. I am out of that discussion
Watching all of the various thoughts and opinions is exactly why I've pretty much stayed out of this whole thing.
I thought I was well behaved on the whole lol are you proud of me?
Always. However, I have occasionally been known to have an opinion or 2 and sometimes my barbs can be misconstrued as being toxic, particularly regarding the given subject content. Therefore, I have opted to invoke my Fifth Amendment Right.
Taking the Fifth again? You are doing that a lot lately lol xxxx See things were easier when we just used to talk sex
May 25, 2011, 16:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (wandering5tar @ May 25, 2011, 15:14) QUOTE (Josie34 @ May 25, 2011, 14:44)
Not about to go any further down a punishment route or a religious route. I am out of that discussion
I can't believe you're turning down punishment Jo. Surely you just turn the other cheek...
Lately my cheeks are already sore enough......
May 25, 2011, 16:48 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (wandering5tar @ May 25, 2011, 15:22) QUOTE (perveman @ May 25, 2011, 14:35)Ok then, got that cleared up, now, just a general question regarding laws (age old question). Anyone think laws should be in place to control/punish any moral behavior by any church, or individual standardards? Granted and agree, law's are neccasary, or there'd be chaos. No right or wrong answer. And yes, this could be a loaded question.
Not sure what you mean. Obviously, religious groups must be held to account against the laws of the country they are in. Look at all the child abuse cases by priests that have come to light now and how many have been swept under the carpet because it was all "investigated" internally by the churches (in these cases - I'm sure there are similar things in other institutions).
As for "moral behaviour", this has very much become an individual choice and is less and less a legal issue unless your moral behaviour affects others. An interesting case in a London pub recently wh And we all know how the police investigate themselves as well. The amazing thing is, no grounds found to investigate further. Go figure? On the other hand, just a few quick questions by police of a private citizen, arrest, jail, and maybe, sort out details later. And what do you know, all charges are levied against you, and prosecution goe's on. How about a citizen investigate themselve's, and determining their innocese. Only half joking. Guess I'm in a cynical mood, huh?
May 25, 2011, 17:39 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Pyjamas
You beat me to it Star. I was going to say that Josie turning down punishment was a shock. I was surprised there wasn't a surge in the system and WN didn't go off line for s few hours.lol
May 25, 2011, 20:43 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Pyjamas
*Rolls my eyes and pulls the blanket over my head*
May 26, 2011, 01:02 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (kamarel @ May 26, 2011, 01:02)*Rolls my eyes and pulls the blanket over my head*
You love us even when we rant. (He really does roll his eyes and pull a blanket over his head thou.)
He knows its better to just let me get it out of my system.lol
May 26, 2011, 04:08 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ May 25, 2011, 20:43)You beat me to it Star. I was going to say that Josie turning down punishment was a shock. I was surprised there wasn't a surge in the system and WN didn't go off line for s few hours.lol
Truly I don't know what got into me last night.. (well sadly nothing was in me *sigh*), someone please punish me for my bad behaviour........
May 26, 2011, 12:03 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Pyjamas
Now that's the Josie we all know and love!!!
May 26, 2011, 13:42 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (Josie34 @ May 26, 2011, 12:03) QUOTE (newbie1011 @ May 25, 2011, 20:43)You beat me to it Star. I was going to say that Josie turning down punishment was a shock. I was surprised there wasn't a surge in the system and WN didn't go off line for s few hours.lol
Truly I don't know what got into me last night.. (well sadly nothing was in me *sigh*), someone please punish me for my bad behaviour........
*steps up with a cricket mallet*
May 26, 2011, 22:08 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Pyjamas
QUOTE (Liberalwife @ May 25, 2011, 12:45)If pyjamas were meant to be worn outdoors, they would go with shoes. And they don't! They go with slippers, which are also not designed to be worn outdoors.
Dropping kids off in the morning while still emotionally in bed is one thing but arriving at the end of the school day, still jammed up to the nines, that is the sign of a person who's given up on the world. And even if that's true, you should fake it.
I gotta go with Lib on this, I tend to believe that people don't wear undergarments under their PJ's, seriously, who are these people....in a world of sweat pants and hoodies, ya gotta show up in public in the pajamas ya slept in?
May 27, 2011, 12:58 |
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