62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Aussie Abbreviations
Aussie Abbreviations
Our mates downunder are particularly fond of abbreviations. While Australia claims to be an English speaking country, after looking at this list you may begin to wonder. For help translating the translations, we suggest you take a squiz at this true blue Aussie Slang Dictionary. Good luck learning to "speak Straylien." And when you think you're ready, give our very own Fair Dinkum, Ridgy Didge, Dinky die, True Blue, Dyed-in-the-wool, Let's Talk Strine SAO Quiz a try!
ABL: Abso-Bloody-Lutely
ASA: Aussie Smart Arse
BAG: Big Aussie Grin
BAS: Big Aussie Smile
BOAW: Bit Of A Wanker
BOM: Bloody Oath Mate
BSB: Bloody Silly Buggar
BSWOT: Bloody Stupid Waste Of Time
CASA: Certified Aussie Smart Arse
COC: Come On Cobber
DAAS: Dumb Arse Aussie Smile
DD: Dinkey Dy
FD: Fair Dinkum
FDA: Fair Dinkum Action
FDC: Fair Dinkum Cobber
FSOTSB: Fair Suck Of The Sauce Bottle
GM: Grouse Mate
GOYM: Good On Ya Mate
HLV: Happy Little Vegemites
LLABOGIAT: Laughing Like A Bunch Of Galahs In A Tree
LMAAO: Laughing My Aussie Arse Off
NOYN: Not On Your Nellie
RD: Ridgy Didge
RR: Ripper Rita
SAAG: Smart Arse Aussie Grin
SR: Strewth Ruth
STFC: Stone The Flamin' Crows
TBA: True Blue Aussie
TBB: True Blue Bloke
TBRM: Too Bloody Right Mate or 2BRM
TBS: True Blue Shiela
TITB: This Is True Blue
TR: Too Right
TTFN: Ta Ta For Now
VB: Victoria Bitter, a popular Aussie drink
WEAMS: Wicked Evil Aussie Male Smile
WEASS: Wicked Evil Aussie Shiela Smile
WG: Whatta Galah
WGAS: Who Gives A Shit
YBB: You Bloody Bewdy
YBM: You Bewdy Mate
YBN: You Bloody Nong
YBR: You Bloody Ripper
YBSW: You Bloody Silly Wombat
YGBAN: You've Got Buckley's And None
YW: You Wanker
April 16, 2011, 02:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Aussie Abbreviations
(laughing) Where did you find all this stuff?
April 16, 2011, 17:03 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Aussie Abbreviations
QUOTE (freensleazy @ April 16, 2011, 17:03)(laughing) Where did you find all this stuff?
Don't ask. Just enjoy. You wanker.
April 16, 2011, 17:38 |
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