62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Beware of post-coital dysphoria !
I swear ever-time I turn on the TV or read any thing that is supposed to be news there is a new "disease or syndrome" normally followed by some amazing drug or cure of course. This is the newest. Post-coital dysphoria. (NO I DID NOT MAKE THIS UP)This is supposed to effect mostly women but men can have it as well and up to 10% of the people having sex are apparently showing symptoms. It's basically after sex blues or after sex depression. It can be mild or sever and be things like regret after sex. Keep watching for the drug that will be the next quick fix!
April 5, 2011, 01:01 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: Beware of post-coital dysphoria !
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ April 5, 2011, 01:01)I swear ever-time I turn on the TV or read any thing that is supposed to be news there is a new "disease or syndrome" normally followed by some amazing drug or cure of course. This is the newest. Post-coital dysphoria. (NO I DID NOT MAKE THIS UP)This is supposed to effect mostly women but men can have it as well and up to 10% of the people having sex are apparently showing symptoms. It's basically after sex blues or after sex depression. It can be mild or sever and be things like regret after sex. Keep watching for the drug that will be the next quick fix!
So it's the sexual equivalent of a hangover?
Easy then - the cure is the hair of the dog that bit you!!
April 5, 2011, 08:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Beware of post-coital dysphoria !
The only time I'm sad about sex is when I'm not getting any on a regular basis. Other than that.. if I get some it's a good day!
April 5, 2011, 16:07 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Beware of post-coital dysphoria !
I guess it depends on how the questions are worded as to how I would answer them in that survey.
Am I sad when sex is over? Hell yes! It's over and I want more! But if they ask if the sex makes me sad then it's hell no!
I am very depressed at the moment I was at Kam's for a while and I had to come home today. But I would think that's a normal response to having to leave someone you love. I certainly don't feel it's a syndrome or any other dysfunctional thing you want to call it. I swear they come up with this stuff to work for some pill that some company stands to make millions on.
It's like Viagra. I wonder if its a miracle drug for men that have a real dysfunction or dysfunctional partner that wont take the time to give her man head to get him hard.I can just picture it "Hey, I feel like having sex. Well damn she wont give me a blow job so I'll take a short cut and take that little blue pill."
Yes I'm sure it helps many men with real issues but I do think its way over prescribed as most drugs are.
April 6, 2011, 06:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Beware of post-coital dysphoria !
I have to agree with you there.. when sex is over I'm sad because I want more but no, it doesn't make me sad. I'm sorry you're missing Kam. I know it sucks being away from him..hopefully you'll get to go back soon!
I used to have a boyfriend who had a brain tumor in his early twenties and because of the tumor he had hormone problems. He had to take a lot of steroids and hormones because his brain could no longer stimulate his body to produce them. The doctors also told him he could never get an erection without viagra. So, for years if he wanted to masturbate he would pop a pill, get hard, and take care of business. Then, one day I was kissing and massaging him and he got an erection with no meds...just good old fashion stimulation. So no more viagra after that! So I agree that it's way over prescribed.
The guy I'm dating now was married for 25 years and his wife never gave him a blow job because she said it was gross. So now I give him bjs all the time and he just can't believe I love doing it. Sometimes he has a little trouble getting hard but I put it in my mouth and he gets good and hard.
April 6, 2011, 21:06 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Beware of post-coital dysphoria !
I had to laugh at your post and think about these types of situations. I hope he doesn't get upset that I tell this story. But I think it will be good for some people to read this.
We had been out and really tired and Kam had also been working and with me being there not getting as much sleep as usual. So between being tired from a lot of running around and work and little sleep we had been having a lot of sex that day. (OK Every day.lol) Well anyway,he was laying next to me and I started playing with him and rubbing him. He looked at me and said " I serious doubt your going to get the response you are hoping for" Or something along those lines. He had cum not that long ago.I decided to give him a blow job. It's one of my favorite things to do. I don't think guys realize how it makes some of us feel to know we can get you that excited and have that kind of control over your body as well as the feel of you getting hard while we do it. OK,Back to the story. I was determined and he was obviously enjoying it so I kept going. Needless to say I was so NOT disappointed! He got as hard as rock and came again. He seemed so surprised that I was able to get his body to respond that way when he was that tired. I keep telling him he underestimates what he is capable of.lol
He has said to me that many women in his past have complained that their jaw or mouth hurts after a while and is surprised that I never seem to have that issue. I sometimes wish they gave classes to both men and women in these types of things. I have explained on several occasions of how I was taught and why I don't have that issue so I wont go into it here but I will say IT DOESN'T NEED TO BE UNCOMFORTABLE FOR EITHER PARTNER.
Take the time to teach each other and find what works for you both. It's a win win. If she can do it with out neck cramps, gaging and jaw pain then you guys would get longer and more frequent blow jobs.There are many of us women that have learned the techniques that make it enjoyable for both of us and I bet if you ask my partner he would say that's a good thing.Neither of us walked away sad.lol
April 7, 2011, 04:39 |
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Beware of post-coital dysphoria !