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Google autocomplete what???
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Google autocomplete what???


 User no longer registered.
Google autocomplete what???
Ever start typing in a search phrase, and google's autocomplete makes you gasp, giggle, blink in disbelief as to "Who the fuck is searching/asking that???"

I have, but I was also looking over some screenshots on a site today where there were some really crazy "out there" autocompletes...

Something to ask Mooant about, how google searches determine the top autocompletes.
 March 26, 2011, 14:12

 User no longer registered.
Re: Google autocomplete what???
Okay, just for fun, I started typing in rather generic starter search phrases...one was..

Where can I find...

Top of google's autocomplete was

Where can I find Chuck Norris?
 March 26, 2011, 14:20

 User no longer registered.
Re: Google autocomplete what???
"How can I keep from..."

Google autocomplete...

How can I keep from getting wet
 March 26, 2011, 15:22

 42 / male
 New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Google autocomplete what???
How autocomplete works

As you type, Google's algorithm predicts and displays search queries based on other users' search activities. These searches are algorithmically determined based on a number of purely objective factors (including popularity of search terms) without human intervention. All of the predicted queries shown have been typed previously by Google users. The autocomplete dataset is updated frequently to offer fresh and rising search queries. In addition, if you're signed in to your Google Account and have Web History enabled, you may see search queries from relevant searches that you've done in the past.
Does Google exclude any users' searches from autocomplete?

The search queries that you see as part of autocomplete are a reflection of the search activity of all web users. Just like the web, the search queries presented may include silly or strange or surprising terms and phrases. While we always strive to neutrally and objectively reflect the diversity of content on the web (some good, some objectionable), we also apply a narrow set of removal policies for pornography, violence, hate speech, and terms that are frequently used to find content that infringes copyrights.
Why do some of the searches seem so strange?

In some cases, there may be a search term that seems surprising to you, but after doing some searching on the web, you may discover that it's a popular phrase online for some reason that you didn't anticipate. Queries in autocomplete are algorithmically determined based on a number of objective factors (including search term popularity) without manual intervention.
Why don't I see any predictions for a particular topic?

If no predicted searches appear for a particular word or topic, it's likely due to one of the following reasons:

1. The search term is not popular enough. Queries that aren't popular are less likely to be useful in autocomplete. A minimum algorithmic threshold for popularity helps us fight spam and improves the likelihood that the search queries you do see are relevant to your search. We also make regionally appropriate adjustments to autocomplete, so the predicted queries that you see on Google Australia (google.com.au) or Google France (google.fr) may be different from those you see on Google.com.

2. The search term is too fresh. It can take some time for newly popular search terms to consistently appear in autocomplete. While you'll usually be able to discover new queries within an hour, it can sometimes take a few days to a few weeks for recently popular search queries to start appearing in autocomplete.

3. The search term violates our autocomplete policies. We aim to provide you with relevant search queries, but we exclude a narrow class of search queries related to pornography, violence, hate speech, and copyright infringement.

4. The search term was mistaken for a policy violation. Our policy review process is neither perfect nor instantaneous. There might be occasions where the system aims to exclude a query in one language that would be perfectly fine in another language. For example, we might inadvertently exclude a compound word because it includes a translation of a bad word from another language.

:Source from Google.com:
 March 26, 2011, 17:12

 54 / male
 London, England, UK
Re: Google autocomplete what???
I find the autocomplete one the few irritations on Google. It takes far longer to pop up the list and you then have to stop what you are typing to select from the list.

Too clever by 0.5
 March 27, 2011, 09:47

 User no longer registered.
Re: Google autocomplete what???
I entered where do i find hookers---

Second respose---25 Google street view prostitutes.
 March 27, 2011, 15:15

 User no longer registered.
Re: Google autocomplete what???
How can I get...

google autocomplete...

How can I get fit like bruce lee

I'm a bit taken on how autocompletes seem to have a running Chuck Norris/Bruce Lee theme.
 March 29, 2011, 14:44

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Google autocomplete what???
Auto-complete has been both a help and a hindrance to me. Obviously when it works its great because I can't spell and if not wearing my glasses can't see small type.

But it can be VERY embarrassing at times. Most text phones also have auto complete as well as spell-check that automatically changes the words to what it thinks you meant to type.I am far sited so I can't see what I'm texting many times without my glasses. (The doctor says its a relatively mild prescription. Then how come I can't see a fucking thing I am texting?)I was sending a text to my daughter at school. It was important and about a teacher or counselor she needed to go see.His name was in several places in the text. OR SO I THOUGHT!The name was supposed to be "Mangold". But my daughter got a message that was telling her to go see someones MANHOOD!(Several times). She was laughing so loud because she was caught off guard. The teacher in the class asked what was so funny and she couldn't talk. She wasn't supposed to have her cell on in class so she couldn't tell the teacher that it was a text and even if she could she certainly couldn't tell her why she was laughing.Yep Auto complete and auto spell correction, they are both interesting features. Just take this as a warning Read everything those two features change or fill in or you might find yourself in an embarrassing place.
 March 29, 2011, 15:12

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Google autocomplete what???
  QUOTE (newbie1011 @ March 29, 2011, 15:12)
Auto-complete has been both a help and a hindrance to me. Obviously when it works its great because I can't spell and if not wearing my glasses can't see small type.

But it can be VERY embarrassing at times. Most text phones also have auto complete as well as spell-check that automatically changes the words to what it thinks you meant to type.I am far sited so I can't see what I'm texting many times without my glasses. (The doctor says its a relatively mild prescription. Then how come I can't see a fucking thing I am texting?)I was sending a text to my daughter at school. It was important and about a teacher or counselor she needed to go see.His name was in several places in the text. OR SO I THOUGHT!The name was supposed to be "Mangold". But my daughter got a message that was telling her to go see someones MANHOOD!(Several times). She was laughing so loud because she was caught off guard. The teacher in the class asked what was so funny and she couldn't talk. She wasn't supposed to have her cell on in class so she couldn't tell the teacher that it was a text and even if she could she certainly couldn't tell her why she was laughing.Yep Auto complete and auto spell correction, they are both interesting features. Just take this as a warning Read everything those two features change or fill in or you might find yourself in an embarrassing place.

just a little tip for you...ALWAYS proof read a text, BEFORE hitting the send button, D'OH!
 March 29, 2011, 21:03

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Google autocomplete what???
I would proof read it if I could see it! The problem is the text messaging is one of the very few things I can't enlarge the text on in my phone. So If I don't have my glasses on the best I can do is a blurry bunch of words that seem to look right and pray that they make sense and are not going to be anything to embarrassing.lol
 March 30, 2011, 16:58

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Google autocomplete what???

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