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Music, Food and Nightmares
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Music, Food and Nightmares


 User no longer registered.
Music, Food and Nightmares
This may seem a bit long and weird. The only reason for that is because it is, but trust me, there's a point to it. When I was younger, I always only had 1 guitar and it was always and acoustic and never a really decent one. I quit playing when I was around 18 it wasn't until my early 30's that I started playing again, mostly because my ex got me a Fender Newporter one Christmas, which was also acoustic. I had always wanted an electric, but with 4 young kids, mortgage payments, car payments, tuition payments etc, I could never justify spending the money for it. So one day, I stumbled across a store that rented them, and figured for $25, what the hell? I brought this thing home and started discovering all of the new sounds I could make with it and came across this one setting on the amp that made an odd, eerie sound. Before I knew it, I was writing this song about the weird things that we all experience in bad dreams or nightmares. Pretty soon, I had all of these strange, subconsciously inspired thoughts transposed into lyrics and I combined it with my newly found haunting and eerie sounds from the amp, and I had a song. What I didn't have was a title. I thought about it and decided to call it "Burritos B4 Bed".
Now, fast forward to yesterday. Since Saturday night lasted till 4AM on Sunday morning, lets just say I was a bit tired yesterday. So around 8ish, I'm flipping around the channels looking for something to watch and there was nothing that interested me and I landed on America's Next Great Restaurant. I'm not big on Reality TV, but since I like to cook, I thought I'd check it out. One segment required the contestants to handle the lunch rush at a Chipotle's Mexican Restaurant. Watching them making the food, I thought "Damn, those burritos look good". (Now can ya see where I'm heading with this?) So I paused the TV, hopped in the car and headed to the local taco joint and got a couple of bean and cheese burritos with jalapenos and extra hot sauce. And of course, the food hit bottom and I got tired and fell asleep watching TV.
So my point is? Let's just say that there's a reason that I'm up this early telling you guys this ridiculous story. Lets just say..
 March 21, 2011, 10:47

 111 / male
 Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
Is'nt it funny how much other have in common. Learned to play on an acuostic, 1st, was a Lyle (made by Gibson), double cut-away, semi hollow body, double pick-up, red sunbust finish. And a 300 watt peek Univox amp. Wa-wa, fuzz tone, echo. Could make some wild sounds. Last band, 3, 6ft Fender Showman amps, 2, 6/10's column p.a., Shure mikes, Farfisa organ. I'm always cooking and baking. Mexican food, I'm in Tucson, HELLO! It's chorizo and egg this morning.
 March 21, 2011, 11:26

 111 / male
 Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
  QUOTE (perveman @ March 21, 2011, 11:26)
Is'nt it funny how much other have in common. Learned to play on an old acuostic. 1st, was a Lyle (made by Gibson), double cut-away, semi hollow body, double pick-up, red sunbust finish. And a 300 watt peak power, Univox amp. Wa-wa, fuzz tone, echo. Could make some wild sounds. Last band, 3, 6ft Fender Showman amps, 2, 6/10's column p.a., Shure mikes, Farfisa organ. I'm always cooking and baking. Mexican food, I'm in Tucson, HELLO! It's chorizo and egg this morning.

 March 21, 2011, 11:39

 111 / male
 Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
And no nightmares here, just a long wild life. An aside, last band, lead guitarist, "Imperials of Soul". Yes 3 brother's, and me, at the time, me, long sun-bleache blonde. Really developed my rythym there. (re-set the contrast, lol). Had to happen, Pasco, Wa. 1/3 black. My first real groupie, was a cutie, last name Guajardo. Looking back all those year's ago, I suppose that explains why ladies of all "backgrounds" are fair game. With men especially,"Variety is the spice of life". I've always loved crossing the cultural/color barrier. Now that's SPIICE! Sorry, what was the topic again? JUST KIDDING!. Shame on me. I'm done.
 March 21, 2011, 12:06

 User no longer registered.
Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
Oh you..."Burritos B4 Bed".

You found enough inspiration in a burrito to write a song about them, but have yet to write a single verse about the evil bossypants hillbilly bitch?

 March 21, 2011, 19:03

 User no longer registered.
Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
I could if I had any clue as to who that might be!
 March 21, 2011, 19:12

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
"Now, fast forward to yesterday. Since Saturday night lasted till 4AM on Sunday morning, lets just say I was a bit tired yesterday."

ME TOO! Only no burritos....
 March 21, 2011, 20:11

 111 / male
 Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
  QUOTE (freensleazy @ March 21, 2011, 19:12)
I could if I had any clue as to who that might be!

Great reply to the Chazz lady.
 March 21, 2011, 20:31

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
  QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ March 21, 2011, 20:11)
"Now, fast forward to yesterday. Since Saturday night lasted till 4AM on Sunday morning, lets just say I was a bit tired yesterday."

ME TOO! Only no burritos....

Smart girl. I should have been as smart!
 March 21, 2011, 20:58

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
  QUOTE (perveman @ March 21, 2011, 20:31)
  QUOTE (freensleazy @ March 21, 2011, 19:12)
I could if I had any clue as to who that might be!

Great reply to the Chazz lady.

I would say that Chazzy is the best, but with so many great people here, it wouldnt be fair or proper to single out any one person as being the best. Especially if I want to be elected as Mayor of WN. Are there any babies I can kiss?
 March 21, 2011, 21:46

 User no longer registered.
Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
I make killer burritos, now am I the best? Your ass kissing has gone from specific to generic.

Juilanna would be giving you major eye rollin' right now, ya know.

 March 21, 2011, 23:06

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ March 21, 2011, 23:06)
I make killer burritos, now am I the best? Your ass kissing has gone from specific to generic.

Juilanna would be giving you major eye rollin' right now, ya know.

I need an invitation! I just need to make sure I'm not out till 4AM! Damn! Thats a killer!
 March 22, 2011, 01:52

 User no longer registered.
Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
try being up 'til 4am, then getting up for work at 7:30, working 7 hours at one job, then going straight to the next job with less than an hour between, with a 20 minute drive from one to the next. and then working 8+ hours there, only to repeat it the next day...welcome to my normal work weekend. lol
 March 22, 2011, 02:42

 65 / male
 Northern, Michigan, US
Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
Music, I was SO lucky to have access to my grandfathers 1922 Gibson L-4 acoustic...it was just laying there so at about age 12 I grabbed it.
Food? ~ Yes! ( Love mexican food, but I love all food for the most part, even yogurt and it has "Active Cultures"..I refused for years to eat it, because I was taught active means moving...and well if I have to chase anything around with a spoon to eat it, I'd pass. But I have gotten over that )
Nightmares....rarely, but I've been having for some time now a constant barrage of what I call "conversation dreams"...they are when I am sleeping lightly usually because they begin very real, as if I am having a normal conversation about all maner of things, often that are going on in life, like my son, things I could change in the past...reality. I only realize they are dreams because as I become more and more awake, the more ridiculous, and unrealistic they become. Sometimes that's a relief as the topic might be one that is about guilt....or a frustration. So odd though as I never had them before and I am having them a LOT as of the past many months.
 March 22, 2011, 05:45

 111 / male
 Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
Re: Grandelf. 1922 Gibson L-4? SUH...WEET! And burrito's? Good gosh! Year's ago, a guy brought to work breakfast burrito's he made, old Mexico style. I'm talking 60 miles south of me, across the boader style. Will put it this way: You'd gain 20 lbs, but would'nt care delicious.
 March 22, 2011, 10:42

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
I don't think any food ever triggered a weird dream for me. Only medication does that to me.
 March 23, 2011, 02:27

 60 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
You can rent guitars for 25$ and there's a taco joint open at 4am?!...Huh. Go figure....
 March 25, 2011, 02:54

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Music, Food and Nightmares
music just fine even slep to it sometimes and sometimes we need a snack just to sleep and no more nightmare pilles too ... i didnt like nightmares in the morning
 March 26, 2011, 05:41

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Music, Food and Nightmares

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