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Moderator Q & A
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Moderator Q & A


 User no longer registered.
Moderator Q & A
I'm going to take a little time to go over a few things we sometimes get questions about.

Locked threads.
Well, a long time ago, I was the only moderator. As we added more mods it became important for each to know what the others are doing.
If one moderator locks a thread, it's one of our rules that we "tag it".
Tagging means that we first post that we are locking the thread and why. It's just something very practical to do. Tagging means everyone can read and know the reason why, and if they have any questions or comments, they know which moderator to ask.
We post then lock not because we just have to have the last word. It's just a necessary rule we follow.

How we decide to lock a thread.
Ya'all are the freakin' best, you are. But we all don't always get along share similar opinions. If we see a little tension in a thread, we just keep a check on it, as long as those involved are dealing with it without loss of temper or flaming, we won't interfere. We don't like locking a thread, it's another one of the mods rules not to lock a thread unless we have to. A forum with to many locked threads looks and feels too heavy handed. So as long as ya'all are interacting with each other in a calm and civil manner, we do not see the need to butt in.

How moderators share information and communicate.
We have our own section for that. There we can do things like post the latest camgirl names so all mods know who to watch for while online. We can discuss and decide together how to handle whatever pops up, we post who edited or deleted what so if a member questions an action, all mods have access to the information and will be able to quickly answer their questions. We will also post a note if we notice any tension in a thread, this way the next mod to log in will know right away to also keep a check on that topic. This section is also open to unf and absix and they can track all of our actions too. It's a good thing, makes the moderators very accountable for everything we do. We work as a team even when we don't all agree with each other.

What is the "nice rule"

Primarily it's this forum rule.

"Be courteous to other members. While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Our decision is final in these matters"

These rules have been here since the site went online.There are rules on the "enter chat" page, there are rules for photo uploads. If you look them over, you'll notice that some of them are more about etiquette and rudeness.
Absix made these rules and they are a reflection of what he wants and expects from all of us.

The last sentence in the forum rules ".... as access to our forums are a privilege and not a right" and he has the right to say this, he has the right to decide no politics, no religion, no flaming. It's what he wants.

The last rule absix added to the forum is the "No politics, No religion" one. I clearly remember the day he added that one. I remember the thread that caused him to add it. He was upset that a thread about an election had turned ugly, he locked it and immediately added the new rule. Looking around the site, you can see what absix wanted for us all here, to have courteous fun. Lots of fun.
His rules and guidelines of etiquette are evidence of that.

The only other thing I can add right now I think...is to say we have no velvet rope here, pretty much, anyone who is over the age of 18 and isn't a spammer or solicitor can join this site. There is no velvet rope.
There are going to be people here that you do not like, and people that do not like you, people that you dislike but others love. People you love but others dislike. We do not discriminate.

We rarely have any major problems here, that is a reflection on all of you, ya'all handle yourselves splendidly. I truly mean that and thank you so much.

If you have any other questions you'd like to ask, you can post it here, or write a moderator by private message.

 March 17, 2011, 12:00

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
A quick timeline history of moderators.

Pepper was the first, she was one of the first members here, but shortly after accepting the job, some serious family business came about and she gave it up.

KB and I were then both offered to give it a shot. KB, an extremely talented and intelligent woman, went to editing user submitted stories. Her talents would have been wasted just editing emails from forum posts.

A couple of other mods were added a bit later, but they didn't work out.

Pepper was again added on, she's fantastic! She's here whenever she gets a chance, but she, like KB have had a growing and busy personal life and are not always able to be here.

Funlovingpair was added, and they have been nothing less than a blessing to me. They were also the very first members to join absix's new site ZOIG.

Lonelyandhorny is the newest, he's been doing great. He's anxious to learn, anxious to do. He's had allot to learn, and he has learned very quickly. We're happy to have him.
 March 17, 2011, 13:04

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
I certainly remember KB, as well as her alter ego but didn't realize that she had been a moderator.
 March 17, 2011, 13:28

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
i have learned a thing or two since i was asked to join this elite group of people. a lot of people think that i'm this Mr. Nice Guy , and a push over, and that if they ignore a warning from me (if i spot a rule breaker, you WILL get warned), and generally, the assumption of me being a nice guy would be correct, but when push comes to shove? let's put it this way...if it comes down to it, i can hold my own, and get things taken care of.
 March 17, 2011, 20:00

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
KB was asked to be a moderator, but wasn't interested. KB is the most informed person on all matters of English, spelling, punctuation and grammar. Being that, she was our "Grammar Bitch" as she called herself. With a huge talent for creative writing and her education background in English, her talent better served as editor for the erotic story section.

That said....another FAQ is "I reported a profile (minutes, hours, days ago) but it hasn't been edited/ deleted yet"

Some may be under the impression that the mods also edit profiles. No we don't, someone else takes care of that. We do not have that kind of access to anyones profile and account, that wouldn't be right for us as mods and fellow members to have that access and we certaintly don't want it either.

Once in awhile some one gets a little pissed because they used the report link while a mod was online and thought we were just being lazy ass.
 March 18, 2011, 00:46

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
Another commonly asked question.

Why was one thread locked/deleted but another thread of a similiar topic was not?

Mods don't have regular shifts here, we log in whenever we can.

When a mod logs in and is the first to see a thread that may not appropriate, it's entirely up to them, if they delete it, they will copy and paste it for the other mods in the mods section as to keeps us totally informed of what they deleted and why. If they decide to lock it, they will tag it with a post first then lock it. If they decide to go ahead and allow it, they will post in the mods section they made this decision Once a mod calls it, we (other mods) respect that decision.

So, it depends on who logs in, first sees the new thread and what call they decide to make.

 March 18, 2011, 01:13

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
Here's a question: The other day in The Lobby, there were a few regulars, maybe 5 of us, and the one guy, who was probably speaking less than the rest was suddenly warned by the system for flooding. Unless there was PMing going on that no one else knew about, none of us could figure out why the warning was issued. I'm not going to mention his name, but he's a regular and was a bit embarrassed by it and got pretty quiet afterward. In fact, he asked the rest of us what flooding was. Like I said, he was speaking less than anyone else. I told him it had to have been an error. Any clues?
 March 18, 2011, 11:43

 111 / male
 Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Moderator Q & A
Although the Red Room and Lobbies are not available on my mobile, just curious as well. The term "flooding", is it like hogging, as I'm guilty of running my mouth in the forums? me.
 March 18, 2011, 12:06

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
This has come up once quite some time ago....lemme see what I can remember.

Flooding is when someone tries to interupt the chat session by filling the chat page rapidly with emoticons, it's rare we ever get anyone so juvenile that would do that.

The software is suppose to sense that someone is flooding and give the warning.

Doesn't always work that smooth though, and once in awhile the software will give the flooding warning when there is no flooding.

If it happens again, try to get the "server time" that is in the grey box, right side just above the forums where it says "The time now is 11:11am" then send me a note that includes the (server)time that the flooding warning occurred and unf can check into it.

 March 18, 2011, 12:33

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
Right, and this guy didnt do anything even remotely close to that. I didnt know that it had to do with emoticons, I actually thought that it was from talking too much or repeating the same thing rapidly. Ive seen people get warned for doing that. In some cases, the person was just being funny, in others, it was more than well deserved. Thanks for the clarification!
 March 18, 2011, 13:01

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
Yeah, we use to have this really jealous childish woman here that would flood the chat everytime any of the men attempted to talk to another woman. Sad isn't it?

And that is when the software was adjusted to watch for flooding.

You're right, it can be text, maybe he just hit a kind of limit that flagged the software, or it can be the emoticons like in the case of the jealous woman.
 March 18, 2011, 13:05

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Moderator Q & A
We have not been chat for awhile. and have seen it done both ways. and yes some got a warning and not sure why. it could have mistaken a typed word and put it as a warning.

 March 18, 2011, 13:12

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
I'm pretty sure there's a topic in the support forum, but haven't had a chance yet to search for that.

 March 18, 2011, 13:17

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
Another question I get...

"Can I be a forum and or chatroom moderator?"

Surprisingly, I most often get this from fairly new members, when they've only been on the site a few weeks, or a few months.

It's rare that we ever need to add one, when we do it's something we discuss in depth, the current mods will talk it over and make a decision then present that to unf and abs, we know we need someone that is able to work with us regardless of conflicting opinions, we feel it should be someone who has been a long time member and knows the site and the members, someone who has a great temperament but isn't intimidated easily, someone that isn't easily angered, someone that knows that the health of the site is priority and really cares about the site, someone we know gets along well with others and has nearly an unlimited supply of patience.

We don't need a moderator specifically for the chatrooms, we feel that ya'all should have the fullest amount of privacy there, and we don't want to monitor it full time.
That was tried in the past by a moderator, and it was a miserable mistake.

If you need help in the chatroom, just write us and we'll help you work out any problems.
 March 19, 2011, 00:59

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
Q How can I be a featured member of the day?

A Mods don't choose them, but we can tell you that to be a featured profile you need to have good clear photos, naked nudies or fully clothed, just good photos and a decent paragraph for your text ad too.

If you check the featured members daily for awhile, you can see what it takes.
 March 19, 2011, 14:43

 61 / male
 Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: Moderator Q & A
Q Normally I can blow off stuff that I don't believe. Or make a joke about it. But somebody posts something thats obviously bullshit, and I can't be nice or be quiet? Then what?
 March 19, 2011, 20:46

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
Forums are full of bullshit, we see boasting, bragging, embellishment, rants, all kinds of crap imaginable.

See it everyday, pages of it, paragraph after paragraph of it. See it in forums, see it in chatrooms, see it on blogs
(oh so much on blogs) see it on profiles, there's tons of it in any media form.

All I can say is we have a "nice rule" and please try to follow it. Can't always be done, I understand, I use to be a bit of a real bitch at times. I've screwed up, learned, grown, and now, not so much.

You wanna let off steam, write me and tell me all about it.
Maybe it will make you feel better to get it off your chest.

 March 19, 2011, 22:36

 61 / male
 Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Moderator Q & A
Ok. Next time it happens, You'll be first (well maybe 2nd) to know.
 March 19, 2011, 22:47

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
Okay, if anything I've said here, you feel is bullshit, it's quite fine to go ahead and tell me. I'll certaintly address it.

 March 19, 2011, 22:51

 111 / male
 Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Moderator Q & A
Could've found the answer, but too lazy to look. How do I get on a naughty list, or put others on mine? Is it a vip privelege? Thx
 March 19, 2011, 23:00

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
To add someone, go to their profile, upper right "interact" you should see "Add to my naughty list"

To be on someone's naughty list, you have to ask them to add you
 March 19, 2011, 23:17

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Moderator Q & A
  QUOTE (kamarel @ March 19, 2011, 22:47)
Ok. Next time it happens, You'll be first (well maybe 2nd) to know.

Okay! Hell, who can say they haven't seen bullshit here?
I sure don't believe everything I read. It's not like every post comes with documentation and certificates of authenticity....it's just all kinds of people in one area talking about whatever.

 March 19, 2011, 23:20

 111 / male
 Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Re: Moderator Q & A
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ March 19, 2011, 23:20)
  QUOTE (kamarel @ March 19, 2011, 22:47)
Ok. Next time it happens, You'll be first (well maybe 2nd) to know.

Okay! Hell, who can say they haven't seen bullshit here?
I sure don't believe everything I read. It's not like every post comes with documentation and certificates of authenticity....it's just all kinds of people in one area talking about whatever.

Thx for the reply. Btw, all I have are pics that others took of me, to show I can be naked. Anyone can do that. But to prove I'm the real deal, will need to send documentation, from others who can verify. Can I find them all ?
 March 20, 2011, 00:18

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
It's okay perv....we pretty sure that it's really you and no one else....yep, pretty sure!

 March 20, 2011, 00:44

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Moderator Q & A
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ March 19, 2011, 22:36)
Forums are full of bullshit, we see boasting, bragging, embellishment, rants, all kinds of crap imaginable.

See it everyday, pages of it, paragraph after paragraph of it. See it in forums, see it in chatrooms, see it on blogs
(oh so much on blogs) see it on profiles, there's tons of it in any media form.

All I can say is we have a "nice rule" and please try to follow it. Can't always be done, I understand, I use to be a bit of a real bitch at times. I've screwed up, learned, grown, and now, not so much.

You wanna let off steam, write me and tell me all about it.
Maybe it will make you feel better to get it off your chest.

They can send a message to us also if they need to.

 March 20, 2011, 04:05

 User no longer registered.
Re: Moderator Q & A
You betcha! Write any of us. We understand that sometimes ya'all might be upset or angry about something, but we don't have to take any raging abusive ranting namecalling from anyone, just as you don't have to.

I see bullshit here, I make a choice as to comment, or just pass on it. Not everyone needs to know what I think or feel about everything. I don't have a need to comment on everything.

The "nice rule" has been here since the site went online, and we'll continue to maintain it. If for whatever reason, absix and unf decided to delete that rule, then of course that would change how we moderator here.

If all the current mods were to disappear today, and were replaced with a whole new set...that rule would still be here and everyone would be still expected to follow it.

We're just members with a few extra buttons, we are expected to use them, we are expected to stick our necks out there and say "knock it off"..."Stop it now" and take edit, delete and lock actions. Everything we do is documented in the mods section, as I've said many times before, the mods have more rules than ya'all.

We (Mods) are happiest when all we have to do is move a topic, edit an email from a post, answer a question, offer a little help. All the other bullshit, makes us cringe.
 March 20, 2011, 14:12

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