65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
are you stocked up on your potassium iodine pills
just was reading they are sold out of them in 3 days and nukepills too , not that they block all the radiation that they say isn't coming. even read Germany is going to shut down all its reactors i think i read yesterday.
March 16, 2011, 04:12 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: are you stocked up on your potassium iodine pills
The news crews have been here since all this started interviewing all the residents. There have been so many issues with the plant over the past few years that now people are nervous seeing whats happening in Japan.
The iodine pills slow the radiation that goes into the thyroid. They supply all of us and the schools with them.I was supposed to pick mine up and didn't but I figure if it goes we all die anyway. I guess maybe I will pick them up if I am near there this week when I'm out. geeezz What a pain the ass.If nothing else it will make my mother stop bugging me to pick them up.
I laughed when we first got all the forms we had to sign for the schools about giving the iodine pills to our kids. We had to check off one of three boxes. 1.Yes give my child the iodine pill in case of emergency.
2.Don't give my child the iodine pill
3.Don't give my child the iodine pill because he/she is allergic to iodine or has some other medical reason.
I thought about that . How the hell would you know if you are allergic to iodine pills? It's not like they give them out for colds. I have never heard them given out for anything except for radiation poisoning. So unless you make it a habit of getting nuked then how would you know about the allergy? Also why would anyone say no to the iodine for their kid if they had no reason as in answer number two?
March 16, 2011, 04:29 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: are you stocked up on your potassium iodine pills
even the table salt has iodine in it , a necessary nutrient it says on the box. but is it the same? i don't know have to read up on it. but now they are saying its not as bad as the one was in Russia... but if your a survivalist type well you been stockpiling these for years like food and water
March 16, 2011, 15:58 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: are you stocked up on your potassium iodine pills
The local paper here put out a story about how the city of Newburyport (MA) is stockpiling up on the nuke pills in anticipation of the Japanese crisis. What the city of Newburyport needs more, is a map...of the world! I think we are safe from nuclear fallout here...on the east coast!...
March 16, 2011, 23:27 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: are you stocked up on your potassium iodine pills
GG I live a few miles from a power plant and we always have iodine pills stocked in the schools and for residents. There was a big deal here because the power plant doesn't meet the safety guidelines but so many were going to lose their jobs that people begged for them to keep it open. Some begged for them not too. The plant claims it doesn't pay for them to update the plant. The state renewed the license.Now people are flipping out.They just said that we fall into the problem that some others do with being on the shore so having a risk oh hurricanes and tornadoes . We are also not far from a fault line it turns out. The Indian Head power plant is directly on a fault line. The one by us is also one of the oldest. It's the one the commonly refer to as being in Toms River it is actually in Forked River (Near Toms River) its called Oyster Creek Nuclear Power plant.There are a lot of questions now that people are seeing what can happen.
March 17, 2011, 00:49 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: are you stocked up on your potassium iodine pills
they were saying on the low level cloud heading to the us and Europe, and no one noticed when the Chinese were testing bombs anyways they say...
March 17, 2011, 19:18 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: are you stocked up on your potassium iodine pills
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ March 17, 2011, 00:49)GG I live a few miles from a power plant and we always have iodine pills stocked in the schools and for residents. There was a big deal here because the power plant doesn't meet the safety guidelines but so many were going to lose their jobs that people begged for them to keep it open. Some begged for them not too. The plant claims it doesn't pay for them to update the plant. The state renewed the license.Now people are flipping out.They just said that we fall into the problem that some others do with being on the shore so having a risk oh hurricanes and tornadoes . We are also not far from a fault line it turns out. The Indian Head power plant is directly on a fault line. The one by us is also one of the oldest. It's the one the commonly refer to as being in Toms River it is actually in Forked River (Near Toms River) its called Oyster Creek Nuclear Power plant.There are a lot of questions now that people are seeing what can happen.
Must have misunderstood me. They think that there might be fallout from the meltdown in JAPAN... I had to read the article twice, when I read that the first time...
March 17, 2011, 22:04 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: are you stocked up on your potassium iodine pills
wewas reading it today on breaking news site , they are picking up radiation in the burbs of chicago too , its low level thouigh.... make me wonder on whats way up here north of the 45th....
March 30, 2011, 18:46 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: are you stocked up on your potassium iodine pills
This should not be surprising. Air and water travel. It will travel as did the other Nuke fall out several years ago. It will be much lower levels than the immediate area but there will be traces..
The fact that this happens is why there should be strict regulations and consequences to companies that don't follow them. The Nuclear plant by my house turns out is the oldest in the country. It does not meet today's standards and the license should not have been renewed unless the company updated the plant but they wouldn't do it and the state gave them a pass. That is INSANE!
March 30, 2011, 19:01 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: are you stocked up on your potassium iodine pills
yep, my mom live by zion benton, it closed down now, next to a state park yet and they might be storing waste there yet , dont know . the did build a new coal fire plant on the river by kenosha to the south , i think to take over the need for power.
March 30, 2011, 20:10 |
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are you stocked up on your potassium iodine pills