65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
bad enough to have to have my eye hacked on ,they did a sleep study seems i go a few days once in a while with out it, and i dodnt have sleep apnia so the doc started me on mirtazapine i chop 15mg in half and take half for 10 days then take the whole pill, the wife has alreadt had a bad time with this sleeping pill so i was kinda up on it. im on the 3rd day of the pill and i started having bad dreams in the morning almost every morning ...i have since stop them and like the anti depressent that keept me up a week i think i should call in again
March 3, 2011, 04:37 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: sleeplessness
Good luck. I have to take sleeping pills and HATE them. The weird dreams and memory loss creeps me out. Please let me know if you have any luck with something different. I know I would love to find a better alternative than those damn pills. I know for some people the side effects are even more bizarre. It's amazes me that they say people take this crap as a recreational drug. I can't see anything recreational about them. The other night I apparently walked around my house , had a snack, put my reading glasses in another room as well as put several remotes in places they didn't belong. I didn't remember any of it but it was interesting when I found things and couldn't figure out how they got there. I STRONGLY recommend you never take them unless someone you trust knows you take it so they can keep a safe eye on you. Some people have been known to even go out and drive with no memory of it.Be very careful.
March 3, 2011, 07:49 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: sleeplessness
i called they told me to stop taking them ... and they will be in touch in a few days
and the best thing so far is Tylenol pm even fixes a head ache
or evan some herb tea sleepytime or something
March 5, 2011, 02:46 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: sleeplessness
oh newbie i was going to send a email the other night about the locked topic but i cant
March 5, 2011, 02:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: sleeplessness
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ March 3, 2011, 07:49)Good luck. I have to take sleeping pills and HATE them. The weird dreams and memory loss creeps me out. Please let me know if you have any luck with something different. I know I would love to find a better alternative than those damn pills. I know for some people the side effects are even more bizarre. It's amazes me that they say people take this crap as a recreational drug. I can't see anything recreational about them. The other night I apparently walked around my house , had a snack, put my reading glasses in another room as well as put several remotes in places they didn't belong. I didn't remember any of it but it was interesting when I found things and couldn't figure out how they got there. I STRONGLY recommend you never take them unless someone you trust knows you take it so they can keep a safe eye on you. Some people have been known to even go out and drive with no memory of it.Be very careful.
That's one big reason I don't go to docs. They all pill pushers. Nothin; more-----
March 5, 2011, 14:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: sleeplessness
Awww man...remember when we were really young, teen, preteen....we could sleep in till afternoon time.
With each passing decade, we don't sleep as well and as long as then. I really don't know many people that get a healthy 6 to 8 hours of sleep on a regular basis.
"They" say we don't require as much sleep as we get older.
I do things like freshen the room with lavender scent, find a nice narrated documentary on TV and keep the volume low so I have to lay very still and focus to hear it (a form of self hypnosis) When I do take something, I take something herbal like melontonin, Valerian, or Sleep Max, which is a nice blend of about 4 herbs.
If I have a few bad nights, I figure, and figure right, that when I'm finally tired enough, I will sleep.
I've used sound machines, usually a nice water sound with night birds and crickets....I can listen and visualize a night out camping.
I do avoid prescriptions drugs, but I do understand that sometimes they are a necessary thing.
March 5, 2011, 16:59 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: sleeplessness
yep indeed , i have my nights about every other week , SO i get up and do something , sometime its just hunger so i have a snack, that can make maters worse , it ups the blood sugar and caffeine too, not that i drink much coffee . will be nice when we can open the windows again and new problems come, the peepers and cheepers and getting use to the sounds of nature again and a cool breezes, i still think I'm camped out yet from last year,and don't sleep so good , have to be on guard of the wildlife that might come to visit and steal your picnic basket and bait
March 5, 2011, 22:41 |
User no longer registered.
Re: sleeplessness
That's ok Chazzy. The fed governments tell me I have to sleep 8 hours per day with a total of 10 hours off. STill not allowed to work [drive] the 10-11 hours 7 days per week as I should be able to. No, I am limited to 70 hours in 8 days.
So, now what they think I should do is take [waste] another hour off after driving for 7 hours.
March 6, 2011, 00:10 |
User no longer registered.
Re: sleeplessness
We just got a nice thick mattress topper, like a feather mattress....it made a difference, cost about 50 bucks but worth it.
Maybe write Deb, (female half of hardandwild07 ) she has some medical training and is very knowledgable about alternative herbs and such.
March 7, 2011, 14:49 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: sleeplessness
My son has had trouble with his schedule changing all the time. I got him Melatonin (Not sure of spelling .. As if that's a shock for me. lol)He says it helps but its not like a sleeping pill. HOWEVER!!!! Check with your Pharmacy and doctor. Many of these things can react badly with certain medical conditions as well as medications.
March 7, 2011, 22:54 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: sleeplessness
ya melitonin is a cem produced in the brain and i think it ads sleep from what i have read lol but u doo need to be care full what ya mix, i went though that with mrs k and her doc them frackin pill pushers ...they really burned my but
March 12, 2011, 03:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: sleeplessness
The Sleep Max capsules I've mentioned contain Meletonin along with Valerian Root, Chamomile, and another one or two herbs.
I've read that anything, if taken for sleep for two weeks or more will decrease in effectiness.
So, I do try to keep sleep aids to a minimum. I don't take anything nightly.
March 12, 2011, 18:22 |
User no longer registered.
Re: sleeplessness
What happened to excess amouts of alcohol?
March 12, 2011, 19:27 |
User no longer registered.
Re: sleeplessness
I don't think that works, Perve never seems to sleep!
(Luv ya perve! )
March 12, 2011, 19:28 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: sleeplessness
Everything you put in your body has some effect. All things can be an issue especially if you take other things. Don't think just because it has words like "Natural" or "organic" that it makes it safe. Also being sold without a prescription doesn't make it any safer either. Some so called herbs and vitamins can kill you if taken with the wrong food or drink or mixed with a medication. It can even be something as simple as taking to much of something and your body reacts badly.I unfortunately take a lot of medication and sleeping pills are a must for me. I do not recommend them to anyone!
Yoga actually works very well with many people that have sleep problems and much safer than taking something if it works for you.
March 12, 2011, 20:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: sleeplessness
Very true, herbs and foods can interact with medications, and a person can fatally overdose on anything, even water.
Sleep Max is about like the tea blends you find in a super market, same herbs, just in convenient capsule form, I never take more than one, every so often. Along with some relaxation techniques, I can catch some mellow sleep.
It's the prescription stuff I try to stay away from, prescriptions of any kind. I don't even like taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
March 12, 2011, 20:44 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: sleeplessness
QUOTE (Chazzy @ March 12, 2011, 20:44)Very true, herbs and foods can interact with medications, and a person can fatally overdose on anything, even water.
Sleep Max is about like the tea blends you find in a super market, same herbs, just in convenient capsule form, I never take more than one, every so often. Along with some relaxation techniques, I can catch some mellow sleep.
It's the prescription stuff I try to stay away from, prescriptions of any kind. I don't even like taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Right you are. There is a radio talk show host, with prostrate cancer, that is in remission with nothing more than all natural cures. Most all pharmicutical chemical's (is that redundant?), are icky. Icky is a technical term.
March 12, 2011, 21:10 |
User no longer registered.
Re: sleeplessness
I do understand prescriptions are very necessary, but geez, the side effects! Painkillers like Vicoden and Percocet can create strong personality changes in a person who uses them habitually for chronic conditions.
Some of the newer sleep meds have people wandering about all night with no memory of the events or their actions.
Acetaminophen can wreck a liver, Ibuprofen doesn't mix well with other meds.
March 12, 2011, 21:26 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: sleeplessness
I take all of the above with no end in site and unfortunately no other alternative either. I went for several years of trying every alternative prior to prescriptions. Unfortunately none worked and even all the medication I take only has a certain amount of effectiveness. There is no such thing as completely pain free unless unconscious or dead.
The no memory is only one of the side effects and I happen to get when I take sleeping pills. The other side effects get much more troublesome and dangerous if you can believe it. I NEVER take a sleeping pill without someone being home and being around someone I trust. It's very un-nerving not knowing anything you do yet there are a list of things that your told. I know personality change isn't really quit the right word for the effects on personality. Its more like enhancements. If your angry about something you get more angry, if you silly you get sillier, if you are protective you get more so. Example: One night I had taken a AmbienCR and wandered into my daughters room. She happened to be video conferencing with her best friend(something they do all the time.)Her friend I guess mentioned something about someone bothering her or my daughter at school. I apparently went into a very defensive "No one messes with my babies!I will kick their ass! Tell me who it is!!" Fortunately my daughter and her friend knew it was the ambien and basically blew it off and yessed me to death until I eventually went to sleep. I have no memory of any of this but my daughter did tape the last time I took one to show me whats its like. I could not bring myself to watch it. It's very un-nerving as I said.The crazy dreams can be even worse. The thing is for the most part unless you really know the person they seem to be acting perfect normal.
"Health food, Natural and Organic" don't have to meet any guide lines and can basically say anything they want as they are not regulated by the FDA or anything else, so be careful.
March 13, 2011, 00:01 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: sleeplessness
QUOTE (Chazzy @ March 12, 2011, 19:28)I don't think that works, Perve never seems to sleep!
(Luv ya perve!  )
March 13, 2011, 01:04 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Re: sleeplessness
QUOTE (OOMG @ March 13, 2011, 01:04) QUOTE (Chazzy @ March 12, 2011, 19:28)I don't think that works, Perve never seems to sleep!
(Luv ya perve!  )
If ya really loved me, you'd give me what I want, need, and gotta have, money! JUST KIDDING! Love you all here. (never turn down a llttle cash though, more savings. lol)
March 13, 2011, 02:33 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: sleeplessness
Ibuprofen really smucked me up and started my leg to swell and it turned puple , i thought i was going to loose it like dad did. i cant even have it in the house , the mrs bp goes riight though the roof from it.they took her off the bp med when they found out it was the advil, so shes got a warning no ansaids.
then ya have to watch your caffeen , it takes awhile to get it out of ya, and so much stuff has caffene init.
by now i got them there sleeping pills out of my system, no more night mares and bad dreams , did wake up to having one about camping out in the woods some wares and i was takeing a leak behind a big tree and all most pissed the bed, i hate when that happens
March 13, 2011, 07:59 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: sleeplessness
Caffeine is bad for women anyway. Excedrin migraine has caffeine in it. I didn't understand that because it is one of the triggers for migraines. It didn't work for my daughter anyway. I am still hunting for something that will help her with the migraines.
March 13, 2011, 08:09 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: sleeplessness
Karen was taking topamax for her migraines , side effects were bad lost a lot of memory, forgetting stuff, and losing things still didn't find her keys yet. they finally took her off she now takes depakote, says it works, no more head aches , but all the adds on TV with the ambulance chasers over women taking it while pregnant birth defects, i don't see us having any more even though i would like too ,them days are done
oh i think that one of the side effects of caffene withdraw headaches ....
March 14, 2011, 04:20 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: sleeplessness
That's very interesting because one of the meds I take is topamax as well. (The list is so fucking long. You might not run out of medications if you keep naming them.) I am now wondering id some of the memory issues are being exaggerated because of the topamax? I must have missed that side effect. I don't remember that as being one of the side effects. Actually that is kind of funny if you think about it. lol But it does have one good side effect. It does kill the apatite that many of the other meds tend to give you so you might even lose weight on them. The do help with migraines. I just wish my daughter could take something for her migraines but she is so young most things aren't approved for her .
March 14, 2011, 05:43 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: sleeplessness
she was on it for a few months , the memory loss came real slow , even everyday type of stuff like hanging the wash a certain way to conserve clothespins and stuff. we were tring differnt stuff for the head aches. then she was taking hydroxine and the sleeping pill i was taking ,she told me she was having nightmares too...some dreams are just too real sometimes
March 17, 2011, 03:44 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: sleeplessness
As I said the sleeping pills and weird dreams are hard to explain and harder to deal with
March 18, 2011, 03:05 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: sleeplessness
i think a lot of it was and is bad habits working second shift had a lot to do with it sorta still on even today .
and then them dam pill the best pill is no pills
then back to caffeine it last 12 hrs so what u drink at 5 pm is still in ya ta 5 am so i cant drink too much in the evening lol
March 30, 2011, 19:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: sleeplessness
Hubs works nights, it is hard to go against your biological clock.
Pills suck, I'm trying to teach hubs some alternative techniques and habits for falling asleep. He's starting to do better after going off sleeping pills. It's just too easy for our bodies and brains to become dependant on the "helpers"
April 3, 2011, 13:59 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: sleeplessness
that it is its , my previous life i muswta lived over on the west coast, i seem to be 4 hours behind ..i spent 11 years working 8 to 4:30. i been told if i nap then set a alarm to wake up after a hour or so....and if your are doing the tose and turn thing , well get up watch the tube or do a book or have a snack ... or even the make out thing....think in getting to old for that lol
April 6, 2011, 04:22 |
65 / male stockport, Ohio, US
Re: sleeplessness
masturbation will help
April 6, 2011, 21:24 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: sleeplessness
thats the wifes job
May 23, 2011, 16:52 |