62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
"Gasland" Fracking?
I just watched something about "Fracking". I never heard of it and I understand there is a documentary called Gasland that talks about it. I plan to watch it.
It has something to do with a newer process used by natural gas companies to help "find" for lack of a better way of explaining it, natural gas. The problem is, in the process it releases all kinds of toxic gasses including natural gas into the water tables and does this apparently everywhere it is done. There is a temporary moratorium until July in NY state that once expired there is no telling what can happen. This can effect NY, PA and NJ water supplies. This is happening all over the country and I will assume other places in the world as well. The gas companies are trying to keep this quiet and have gone to extremes to block the movie and people involved in getting the word out about this. The movie is actually up for an academy award and I think he said is playing on HBO and On Demand as well as Netfiix I think.
Many people are being approached by these gas companies with a huge check to use their land and given some story of how they are going to help the country find natural gas and save the environment blah... blah...blah....If you have been approached please do your homework. You will not have drinkable water at best and you could be dead at worst by the time they are done.
Has anyone else heard of this before? Do you know anyone effected by this?
February 21, 2011, 14:57 |
55 / male white creek, New York, US
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
I have heard of it before but know no more than you do.Like said they are fighting because it will damage all water supplies.
The world needs to get off of crude and onto the sustanible ,things like wind,solar,geothermal,ect.
They have come up with so many ways to get power and make things that do not contain oil,but seems to go know where.
February 22, 2011, 10:22 |
46 / male Springfield, Massachusetts, US
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
while it is certainly true that many alternative means of producing energy have been and are in the middle of being developed. The cost related to these "alternative" energy sources is still dramatically higher then our current system.
The problem lay in the cost of the vast amounts of infer structure needed to be constructed in order to produce energy level anywhere near in line with current energy demands. The simple fact of the matter is according to UN and top environmental activist like Green peace even if we made every switch recommended made ever cut asked for the total amount of this type of equipment on the planet would only be able to produce approximately 15% of this nation total energy demands. That's for this country alone it would leave the rest of the world no choice but to use what we use now. The coast involved would completely bankrupt our country and only cut global carbon emission back to 1998 standards.
With all that said i believe it to be crucially important to stay informed on issues like these and thank Newbie from bring it to my attention I look forward on studying the subject and finding out more. It is important to remember that, as always, there are two sides to every story. With to days media climate it is more important than ever to trust but verify. The days of taking people at there words are, sadly behind us now.
February 22, 2011, 11:40 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
This is natural gas not oil. And what was said about the infrastructure and cost it partially true. I have some knowledge (That can be scary too. A little knowledge is sometimes worse than none.)in regard to environmental issues. There is much more to the story and many conflicting views but way to complex to get into here. I do hope that people do open their mind and educate themselves. That's all we can do on a forum such as this. Thank you for being open to that at least.This fracking thing is scary from everything I am reading.
February 22, 2011, 14:30 |
User no longer registered.
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
I think all the points that have been made are valid. However the one phrase that you here a lot of "....to meet the energy damands of today", always strikes a chord.
There is a lot that can be done to reduce energy comsumption around the globe, but it needs every person to sign onto the idea and for the population to start requiring less, less electronics, less use of cars etc etc. Which when the average family now runs three cars, multiple computers and so on is looking less and less likely.
There is also the total amount of useable water that is available in the world, added to amount of land required to grow the amount of food required to support the growong population. Energy is just one part of the massive overuse of all resources.
February 22, 2011, 14:51 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
Lets face it we all want to bitch about "everyone" but if we look in the mirror we are all guilty of being selfish to some extent about this stuff. Sure we will cut back and turn our thermostats down a degree or two. We might walk to the corner store instead of driving but that's where it ends. We are not going to do anything that really inconveniences us to much. We aren't giving up our computers, cell phones, cars and air conditioning anytime soon. We are not going back to only being able to get corn or cantaloupe during the local growing season and not get things at all if its not local to our area. We are a society of convenience. We are all guilty of it , just that some are more guilty than others.
The facts are clear . We are using our natural resources up and at some point they will be gone and there is nothing we can do about that. Maybe the only answer is space travel. We might have to strip another planet when we are finished with this one. Or maybe we will have to have synthetic everything. Most don't worry to much about it because it wont be in our time or most likely in our children's lifetime. But it will come to be if we don't change things.
The thing is Power , Money, Selfishness and Greed will always dictate things in this world unless something catastrophic enough changes that. I don't see that happening.We are our own worst enemy.
February 22, 2011, 15:36 |
55 / male white creek, New York, US
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
They are doing the same thing with oil as they are with the natural gas,flushing it with water and chemicals to drive it out of the oil shale.That is why I mentioned oil.
I am doing many things to help with this issue.I have built and installed my own solar hot water heating system,It heats my water and helps to heat the house.I have also bought a solar hot air heating panel,which heats air in the sun and kicks a fan on when it is hot,which blows the hot air into the house.I love both systems and they work well.Planning on buying more panels soon.Oh and you can use it to draw the heat out of the house in summer time as well,reduce need for fans,air conditioning.
Also going around my home and replacing all the insulation with new, and capping it with tar paper to cover any drafts and further reduce heat lose.
Newbie you are correct and I agree that it is due to greed, ect.
February 22, 2011, 21:17 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
I wish I could afford to do all the things I would love to do. Unfortunately you have to have money to even do things that would save the environment and money. What a mixed up world we live in.
February 22, 2011, 22:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
It is all very true, I didn't really mean my post to sound like I do all the good things I list. We own one car and a motorbike, two computers, two phones, games machines and I leave the lights on when I shouldn't etc etc
At times I am reminded why I shouldn't do all these things, but it is true, unless the entire world takes action at the same time it wwon't cure the problem. So people do their small part and the world moves on.
One day I firmly believe mother nature will take action and then we will see
February 22, 2011, 22:25 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
musta been the same show i was watching on pbs the other night....
February 23, 2011, 03:34 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
I wasn't meaning to say any of you shouldn't be saying what you're saying. You are all correct. I think every bit does help some as well. I have seem some of the differences it has made and that's great. I just mean we are not doing enough and that we as a world will have to really change in some catastrophic ways to make the difference that is needed to stop the dist ruction of our world if can even be saved at all at this point. Lets face facts we have a population that needs a certain amount of food and water to sustain its self. Even if we don't waste ant we still don't have enough to sustain the population indefinitely. We would need a way to produce more food and water to support a growing population at the very least.
February 23, 2011, 05:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
February 23, 2011, 09:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
Living in rural area for pretty much my entire life, we're all aware of Mineral Rights.
Here it's clay mining. If you contemplate buying any acreage here, you know to check to see who if anyone owns the mineral rights on that land.
Some for the lure of a lump sum, have sold mineral rights to the mining companies, they can come in and mine at any time. The same for White Oak logging.
February 23, 2011, 14:51 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
I know we ran into Right of way rights. To the lake and things of that nature years ago when my parents were buying property. It's amazing how complicated a piece of property can be. I was involved in some of the research with the property my parent did buy and on that piece there was an issue as to who actually owned the property because there were conflicting deeds. We had to go back about 100 years. It was really interesting (and dusty) going into the old books were those things were recorded and just buried. Bottom line was someone with power paid someone to doctor a deed years earlier and hide some of the paperwork. It was like something you would see in a TV show. It all worked out but took months.
I can only imagine the issues that come up in towns that have mining and other things that are looked at as possible win-falls for some people.I think people would be shocked at how much of a story some of the old paper work tells. Its like a trip through history at times.Seams that greed shows up no matter where you look.
February 23, 2011, 15:50 |
65 / couple Harrisonburg, Virginia, US
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
They tried fracking up the groundwater about 30 miles away in my county, but it was wisely blocked by local county gov. Fracking is only the tip of the iceberg. Watch "Food inc" another great documentary about what Monsanto is doing to our food supply, and being backed by our own "government". Our "gov" is slowly selling all our rights to eat fresh natural food as nature intended. We have town water, but not a drop will touch my lips. We get our water from a local spring that is tested 2 times a week. Among other things such as prescription drugs, that have been flushed, to many other chemical compounds, they are also adding "flouride" to the water. True flouride is a natural substance that in minute quantities improve teeth,but what they are using is a by-product of a factory process,not real flouride. It destroys your liver,kidneys etc in high concentrations,same as most prescrip drugs today. We eat No processed foods, no fast food in years. What we don't grow we buy from the local farmers market. Investigate what you eat and how it is grown. Monsanto is destroying all the food on the planet, so they can make a profit. US "gov" is even pressuring Europe and others to use GMO when they reject it. Never trust Anything the "gov" says is fit for human consumption, what they really mean is , fit for Monsanto, Merck etc to make huge profits, with of course kickbacks to them. Wake up and smell the chemicals in the air, they are slowly smothering you with "gov's" complete blessing. this is my rant for today and I'm sticking to it Peace out LOL
February 23, 2011, 17:21 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: "Gasland" Fracking?
i red that too about the water and a lot of it is not good and the bottle water is no better
February 25, 2011, 02:27 |
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