62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
When is a musician not a musician?
My daughter and I were discussing music and she said she was born in the wrong decade. She feels that most "Music" that is put out today is really not music or at least not done by a musician. Most is either created using a gadget that creates perfect pitch no mater how bad someone "sings" and many can't play an instrument or read music. So how can they claim to be "Musicians"? Most don't write their own stuff either. I agree. I have always said Rap isn't music . It might be poetry to a beat at best but not music. And she is correct about all the other stuff that is done to make a song.So where is the line? How can anyone call themselves a musician if they can't write or read music, can't play an instrument and can't sing? But hell they put out a song ,even if it is a remake and it hits the top ten on the billboard charts.
February 9, 2011, 05:46 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Considering a person to be a musician, a lot of times, is a matter of opinion, and/or personal taste. Example: A concert violenist, may not consider Clapton a musician. I've never seen Michael Bolton play an instrument, but damn what a voice. Both Clapton and Bolton are musicians in my book. I was in 3 rock bands. Lead guitarist, lead singer, all by ear, self taught. People loved seeing my shows, very popular, and audiences were not aware I could'nt read a lick of music. Musician? Again, personal preference, and taste. Thank you!
February 9, 2011, 14:08 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
OK But it was YOU playing the instrument and or singing. I am talking about people who can't sing but a machine will fix that, can't play , read , or write music but again someone or something will take of that. So exactly what would make that person a musician or artist in any sense of the word? So you understand, I know many musicians that can't read music but they can still play an instrument or sing or write music like the music came from inside them somewhere.
February 9, 2011, 14:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Your daughter is wise beyond her years. I know MANY teenagers who would prefer to listen to music from the 60's, 70's and 80's than any of the crap that's on the airwaves today. When I first heard rap / hip hop, I thought it was going to last about as long as a piece of wet bread. The vile lyrics and predictable, droning beats make my ears bleed. Another one that is beyond me is Boy Bands and that whole "style" of singing - the holding of a note and adding all of those falsetto inflections. A good example of that was David Archuletta singing Imagine on American Idol. And everyone raved about his interpretation. It made my skin crawl, it was so creepy sounding. I never really dug Heavy Metal, Grunge or Punk either. Some have their good points, but by and large, most of it is crap. JMO.
And whats worse is music as an industry. There is so much talent out in the world, with millions and millions of great songs that will never be heard, at least not in the main stream. The business is controlled by music "executives" who decide what will and wont sell. The Beatles were turned down by countless record companies, including one genius who told Brian Epstein "Guitar bands are on the way out". Wonder how long he kept his job. One of the best success stories in modern music history was a very young hopeful guy who walked into a new radio station in New York City with his demo tape. He had no formal band and no record deal. Because the station was so new and had no real format, the DJ played it and the telephone boards lit up. To my knowledge, that was the only song ever to hit number 1 without the backing of a Record Company. That young kid was Jon Bon Jovi. And yes, he and that song had been turned down by every Record Company he took it to.
The hypocrisy and the travesty of this is, these fat cats are complaining because they're not making the money that they used to and blaming it on the Internet and people downloading music for free. The truth of the matter is that The Music Industry is responsible for the demise of The Music Industry. They dictate what gets recorded, promoted, sold, and played on the radio. And forget music video stations, all they promote anymore is things like being 16 and pregnant. Talent should be rewarded by airplay. Give it to the people who listen and let them decide rather than waiting for the next winner of a Realty TV Talent Contest.
The one thing that has impressed me in the last couple of years is the surge in modern country music. No, not old time Country Western. I'm talking about some of the new breed. There are so many great lyrics that tell so many great stories all with an infusion of old rock and roll. And call it whatever genre you want, but listening to guitar riffs by such great players as Brad Paisley or Kieth Urban - they're more Rock than Country. I don't know the statistics, nor do I profess to, but I have heard that the majority of radio formats in the US are now Country.
When MTV was launched in 1980, one of the first videos shown was Video Killed The Radio Star. That may have been a precursor, but in reality, the all omnipotent record companies killed the radio star by deciding what they want the public to hear.
Clearly, I have some pretty strong opinions about this, and I could go on and on to the point that people would think I'm crazier than they already do. The bottom line is that Artists want to be heard, people love to hear new and fresh sounds and will pay to hear it. Better stuff will sell better than mediocre, that's true of anything that's sold. But I believe that the consumer should decide how they want to spend their money, not on the pablum being fed to them by the conglomerates. Your daughter's generation just doesn't have the access to the great artists that are out there the way previous generations did.
February 9, 2011, 15:02 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: When is a musician not a musician?
QUOTE (freensleazy @ February 9, 2011, 15:02)Your daughter is wise beyond her years. I know MANY teenagers who would prefer to listen to music from the 60's, 70's and 80's than any of the crap that's on the airwaves today. When I first heard rap / hip hop, I thought it was going to last about as long as a piece of wet bread. The vile lyrics and predictable, droning beats make my ears bleed. Another one that is beyond me is Boy Bands and that whole "style" of singing - the holding of a note and adding all of those falsetto inflections. A good example of that was David Archuletta singing Imagine on American Idol. And everyone raved about his interpretation. It made my skin crawl, it was so creepy sounding. I never really dug Heavy Metal, Grunge or Punk either. Some have their good points, but by and large, most of it is crap. JMO.
And whats worse is music as an industry. There is so much talent out in the world, with millions and millions of great songs that will never be heard, at least not in the main streyou seem to have some insight on this free. Guess I'm old school. Take the Beatles. Of course they wrote thier own, but they had raw talent. Those were musicians. And yes, electronics, mixing, etc., do wonders, musicians or not, still entertainig to me.
February 9, 2011, 15:33 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
February 9, 2011, 16:10 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
WOW I got Free to post something that is as long as some of my posts. lmao
You really weren't off topic at all. You really got to a point I was hoping to get to.I think most would agree that a musician wouldn't need to do it all. They don't have to read, write, sing and play music. But I would think they should have to do something in that list. Not to sound like a total geek but today it reminds me of the Brady Bunch episode were Greg gets a record deal based on the fact that the costume they had fit him.I think that most record companies today got what I call the Disney syndrome. They will create a star out of a lump of clay if they have too. They will tell you what to wear and how to act and where to be and who to be seen with. Don't worry if you can't sing we can fix that. We have all the other stuff covered.
As for what genre you find is your taste and what you consider music, I will give kids this much. I know most generations didn't like what the next generation called music , but at least up until now it had some music to it. I don't particularly enjoy most opera but I can appreciate it as music without liking it. I also believe that musician and artist are interchangeable.
Most industries are run by the bean counters so I don't see things getting better anytime soon. I could go into reality shows and how unreal they are but that's another thread.I am happy that our kids have things like FB and UT to see the people that play real music sometimes for the love of it. My kids (all three) listen to a lot of music that are never played on the radio and may never be. They also have very eclectic taste and I hope that never changes.
February 9, 2011, 21:06 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
In regards to Free's rant, I watched the Runaways the other night and looked up Joan Jett, because the end credits said she spent 2 years with the band after Cheri Curry left. She was turned down by 23 labels and cut a self titled album on her own Blackhearts label. After a European and US tour Casablanca re-released it as 'Bad Reputation.' Last I heard it was #29 on VH1 greatest hard rock songs of all time.
February 9, 2011, 22:42 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Yes, Joan Jett was the first to come to my mind. The were turned down by everyone!!!! You can hear speaking of it in a few interviews.
As Free stated, the 60's, 70's, 80's, was an era of great music. Everyone was original. None of these cookie cutter, cloned performers. And, that is basically what they are, like a trained bear or monkey.
I really feel for the kids of today regarding their music. I see the Jonas Brothers, and just don't get it. Justin Beiber?!?! I can hear those lyrics, "Baby, Baby, Baby, Oh Baby" over and over, and I'm ready to take a gun to my head.
The BOY BANDS, will be in their 60's... and still singing that shit.
And, as Free also stated, there are some exceptional artist. Kids will just have to look hard, and not settle for being spooned fed all this crap.
February 10, 2011, 00:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
two artists (and i use that term loosely) come to my mind Milli Vanilli and Ashley Simpson...both had their music "enhanced"
February 10, 2011, 00:58 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
I wont pick on the lyrics because we all had our music that people said "Those aren't lyrics!". Example:"She loves you yeah yeah yeah...."lol Again I think every generation looks at the next in total confusion and says "Really? You call that music?" But at least up until this point as far as I can see it was because of a difference in taste. At least with each generation and each genre there was actually some "Music" involved whether you liked it or not.For something to be music I assume it has to have some musical notes, maybe some lyrics but not always, and possibly a singer again but not always.Again this is my argument with Rap. If the person saying the words is not capable of singing or writing or reading music then isn't he or she a poet at best but not a musician? Then there is the other "MUSIC" that has someone seemingly singing a song on some key to a melody and rhythm of some sort. However the person can't really sing. The fact that the person is singing in anything that resembles a song is all computer generated and the song is nothing that person wrote or was able to read or play so again where does the MUSICIAN come into play? My mother might have considered some of the music I listened to as screaming but at least the screaming and writing and playing was done by the person I was listening too and if I got a concert ticket it can be repeated in front of a live audience by the same person or people.Also in most cases the people I listen to can do a concert of more than one song by the way. Yes there are some one hit wonders but they certainly weren't considered huge until they had a few songs under their belt again in contrast to today's standards.Ever wonder why they have to have 10 bands on a ticket these days to sell out a venue and its only a two hour show?
February 10, 2011, 05:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
When I was a kid, I used to look forward to seeing almost anything involving music on TV. Midnight Special, Don Kirschner's Rock Concert were on every week. I can still remember, I was only 6 when I saw The Beatles on Ed Sullivan at my grandmother's house. Not because everyone was watching it, all the adults were in the kitchen playing cards. I knew it was coming on and made sure my Dad turned it on for me. One of my favorite things was The Grammy Awards. That was the coolest thing because you got to see all these cool bands and artists playing the songs on TV that you were used to hearing on the radio. Needless to say, I have had ZERO interest in the Grammys for many years because of the shit music these days.
In 2008, John Mellencamp was inducted into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame by Billy Joel. Billy's last studio album (except for his dabbling into classical music) was River Of Dreams in 1993. The last song on that album is "The Last Words" and the song was saying that it was his final record because he saw the demise of the music business coming.
Anyway, in his induction speech, he joked about the fact that Mellencamp had 2 heart attacks. "Ya scared us a few times John. But you made it. And congratulations because you out lived the Music Business". And "Keep writing the songs John. People need to hear them, even if it is on a truck commercial because they sure as hell aint gonna hear em on the radio anymore"
February 10, 2011, 13:35 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
i used to watch the Grammy awards, until Jethro Tull beat Metallica for the first ever "Heavy Metal" award. i know that a lot of people don't really care for heavy metal or "hair bands" or what ever....but seriously? to even put Jethro Tull in the same category as Metallica is ridiculous.
February 10, 2011, 17:07 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Yeah, I remember that. That was friggin ridiculous
February 10, 2011, 17:42 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
I think everyone sees the changes in the arts of all kinds these days. Its sometimes difficult to determine precisely what makes somethings art and some things nothing but junk. I am watching as we speak an interpretation of Romeo and Juliette with Leo DiCaprio. Some might argue "How they hell can they do that to a classic?" Others might say "it was a a genius new interpretation." These things are difficult to define some times. Free I so appreciate your feelings about what you see as the music world failing as others might see it as changing. Again It's not really the taste thing that bothers me. If I was hearing a singer or listening to someone actually play notes I would at least say "OK I can see why someone calls this person a musician." Even if I don't like the sound of it. Lets face it not everyone looks at Picasso and says "That's great art!"
I still don't get how someone labels them-self a "MUSICIAN" when they don't do anything related to music. Or maybe I am seeing this wrong. Is that fact that someone is able to computer generate something to death into some semblance of a "SONG" now make the person performing be able to be labeled as a musician? Even if that voice is not really what he or she sounds like at all? Even if that person can't sing or play or write or read a note of music?
Hell , I played classical guitar and I read music and I don't call myself a musician.(Trust me you would understand if you ever heard me play)
So without debating what is "GOOD MUSIC OR BAD MUSIC". What is your definition of a musician? Have we stretched the definition so far that no music has to apply to the definition? I'm sure most would agree that a Opera singer is a musician even if you don't like the style of music, or a concert pianist.Where is the line we draw for that title? Certainly not every person that ever stepped on to a dance floor is a "dancer". Doesn't a title usually define that person as having some expertise in that art or profession? If we go by the way I see musicians labeled in today's world them everyone that has picked up a brush is an artist, and everyone ever in a courtroom and argued a case before a judge a lawyer etc....
February 10, 2011, 19:02 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: When is a musician not a musician?
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ February 10, 2011, 19:02) Free I so appreciate your feelings about what you see as the music world failing as others might see it as changing.
Me? Have feelings about something? Have opinions? Perish the thought!
February 10, 2011, 19:45 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
I think that before you can define what a musician is, you have to define what music is. Whether we like it or not, Rap is a genre of music, making anyone who creates it a Rap Musician. People who can sing, but cant play an instrument still create music, even if they're singing acapella. Theyre first and foremost singers, but because they create a musical sound, theyre Musicians. Basically, people who create musical sounds, even if theyre created by non conventional instruments, can be considered musicians. I think a major defining point of a musician is a person who performs music that they create, for others to hear, because of a talent that they possess.
I should really shut my pie hole now.
February 10, 2011, 20:02 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Please DON'T shut your pie hole.lol
OK I differ in your definition because I know several people that are masters with an instrument even when they are playing a song someone else wrote.OK, so we go to the point of what is a musical instrument? Is a computer a musical instrument.
I remember when people claimed a synthesizer was the worst thing ever introduced to music. lol I have heard people make beautiful music on things that would not traditionally be called "Musical instruments."I would consider them musicians. Just as if a true painter that is an artist can use mud to paint and still make it art in some way. There are so many mediums.
Again we go back to if the person performing is not the one putting any "MUSIC" into the final product how can that person be a musician. In many cases I feel the people that are mixing and editing are more a musician than the so called artist who performed.Is there really an answer to my original question? Maybe its to blurry a line and to subjective to really define. I will have to be content that in my head my opinion has to be the one I am satisfied with until someone can give me a better argument to prove me wrong. In My head if you don't do anything to create the actual sound that is referred to as music then you are not a musician. I include Rap in that. Again I feel my original argument applies here. Just because someone decided that they put a beat to the thing so it there for makes it music is just not enough in my book. So I am not saying Rap is not an art. I just say it is not music and unless they are SINGING it in a specific intended key coming from their actual vocal cords then I will never consider it music or the performer musicians although they are artists known as poets (In some cases anyway. Some just suck!). I can through paint on a wall it doesn't make it art just because I said so or put a frame around it.Yeah I'm not to opinionated. lol
February 10, 2011, 20:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Ok, I just got sick to my stomach. There was just a commercial on local television for a show coming to town. The name of the show is NKOTBBSB. New Kids On The Block / BackStreet Boys. I'll be back in a little while. I have to run downtown to buy tickets for me & Kiss.
I suppose it could have been worse - It could have been New Kids On The Back Street Boys
February 11, 2011, 14:30 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
OK I will say the following as a devotee of many types of music, but in particular Rock and Metal. Sorry Free lol
Some sounds people make are just noise with no purpose and leaves me cold, some sounds some people make are astonishingly beautiful, but still leave me cold and there are those songs, riffs, beats, melodies etc that are just perfect for me. All of the above is music to someone on some level.
I actually disagree that singers are musicians, they are singers or vocalists. To me a musician has to play an instrument, be that something mainstream like a guitar or something they have knocked up themselves with bins, paint and string. I know the standard definition includes singers, but I am contrary.
and shocking as you will all find this with me being English, Free try to still love me afterwards, whilst I can appreciate they were talented etc I think The Beatles are Highly overated....sorry
Let the argument begin......
February 11, 2011, 15:00 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Ok, the gloves are OFF!!!!!!!!
February 11, 2011, 15:10 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Hmmm the chance of a spanking eh???
In that case can I just say that the Beatles were basically just a soppy boy band.........
February 11, 2011, 15:12 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
I think I'm having a heart attack!
February 11, 2011, 15:22 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Mouth to mouth??????
I will be honest though, there is one song of their's that is sooooo moving, the senitiment so gloriously rich in sub text and meaning that I nearly stop breathing everytime it plays!!! You must agree "We all live in a Yellow Submarine" when sung ar full volume after several pints is a beautiful thing....still love me now? xxxxx
February 11, 2011, 15:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
You really know how to hit a guy where it hurts!!!!!!!!!
Now I have to go put on my Anthology DVDs.
February 11, 2011, 15:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Laying down in a darkened room with some Metallica playing always cures me xxx
February 11, 2011, 15:59 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: Re: When is a musician not a musician?
QUOTE (Josie34 @ February 11, 2011, 15:59)Laying down in a darkened room with some Metallica playing always cures me xxx
But it's the laying down rather than the Metallica...
February 11, 2011, 16:12 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
OH It took longer than I expected to get here! ROTFLMAO
I will start with the singers not being musicians. I understand why you and many others say that. I happen to feel that there voice is their instrument so we will just have to agree to disagree on that point.
You comment regarding The Beatles. I would like to say that its a good thing I am trained in CPR and AED. I was getting the car warmed up to rush to Frees side. I figured either that or I would have to bail him out of jail for losing his mind and doing something stupid when he read that and his mind just snapped!
At the risk of losing Free forever I will say there are many people that agree with you. I think some people have a fair argument when they say its just not their taste. But what I don't get are the people that say this. "They never did anything really outrageous or unbelievably complicated when they played or sang. Why do people say they are so good?" I have actually heard several people make this type of statement through the years. I have a good friend of mine who like many of my friends happens to be a musician. He explained it the best I ever heard to someone one night. He said it isn't the musician that does a twenty minute solo doing every difficult or complicated thing that can be done on that instrument that he sees as the real musician. It's the guy that gets out there and keeps it simple but it comes from a place inside them and makes people feel the music. Music creates emotions in people like nothing else.He feels that way about the Beatles and some other musicians as well. I get the feeling Free feels that. (If not I am sure he will let me know.lol)
Free don't get mad or say anything negative to what I am about to say or I will hurt you. lol My daughter who normally is quiet intelligent and level headed "Thought" she hated the Beatles for a long time. (She also hates Snoopy and didn't like chocolate to much until recently but she is coming around slowly. lol)She's young. OK anyway . There is a movie that came out with all Beatles songs but obviously it wasn't the Beatles singing the songs.I think it's a year or two old . I can't remember the name. She watched it and came home with the CD of the music. She said she loved their songs she just decided she didn't like their sound. I understand that.I have had that happen with other songs made by different artists for me.(Remember she is my daughter Free so tread lightly if you rant about her taste. lol)
Regarding the so called Boy bands (That are not a "Band" because they can't play a single instrument)Yes you still have to have more than a voice to call your self a band but not a musician.
I knew they were doing a show and they made a big deal about it when it was announced. I feel like I stepped through something into the twilight zone because I never liked them and don't understand how they got so big to begin with never mind a second time around. Is this how crazy people like Hitler get into power? They somehow convince millions of people to follow them even though its absolute insanity? Are there really that many mindless people in this world?(That is rhetorical no need to actually answer that as I think we already know the answer.) Oh fine maybe that's taking it to far but I will give them this. They were cute in a 15 year old kind of way back when they were 15. At best maybe they should have had a song or giving them the benefit of the doubt a couple of manufactured hit songs. But NO WAY in hell should they have millions of fans even today. Oprah had them on her show and you would think it was the biggest thing in the world that day because it was all over the news.
To steal a line from Susan Powers (I think that is her name) . STOP THE INSANITY!
February 11, 2011, 16:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
I've taken my Valium and an extra blood pressure pill and my mind is in a much better place now, the redness has left my face and I am breathing more regularly. Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.
I will say this: Negative comments about the Beatles are blasphemous, musically un-patriotic and those harboring those feelings should be tried and jailed for musical treason.
I mean, whats next? Is someone going to try to tell me that Bugs Bunny is just another animated cartoon? He is one of the finest actors that the entertainment business has ever known.
February 11, 2011, 17:00 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Ok then. We can make the same comparison to what makes a mother, a mother. A lady who has a baby? A father, a father. A sperm doner? A carpet layer, or someone who layed carpet? A house painter, or someone who painted a house? A liar, or one who lied? A nudist, or someone who has been naked? I like that one. There you go!
February 11, 2011, 17:26 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Take slow deep breaths Free....It will be OK I promise. Your world will continue basically unchanged.
Perv don't fuck with him right now he is just to fragile. Besides I haven;t slept much in days stop posting things that make my head hurt . LOL
(I'm just messing with you. Of course you can post anything you want as far as I'm concerned. OK I'm not kidding about Free being fragile at the moment, poor guy. But other than that your fine.lol)
February 11, 2011, 17:46 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
The Monkeys were much better...
February 11, 2011, 17:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
So were The Archies and the Partridge Family. Hell, for that matter, so were the Brady Kids and the whole Scooby Doo Gang!
February 11, 2011, 17:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
ok, so i saw a commercial for Verizon wireless last night, and it scared the bejeezus out of me...Ozzy Osbourne was pitching the "NEW 5-G technology", only to be pushed out of the way by (GULP) Justin Bieber who was promoting "NEW 6-G"...PLEASE TELL ME THAT OZZY is NOT being replaced with the BIEBER???? (please send your condolences and sympathies my 10 year old daughter likes the Beiber... )
February 11, 2011, 17:58 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
You poor guys. They apparently didn't give you guys enough drugs in the sixties and seventies to sustain you through this.lol
LNH I got Lucky on this one. My daughter HATES that Bieber kid. Thank God because I don't think she or any of her electronics would survive if she tried to play that crap in our house.lol
Hey Free sorry and I know you will never understand this. My only defense is I apparently did do enough drugs back in the 70's at least to get me to like The Beatles, The Partridge family and the Monkeys.
I had my my kids at quit a few concerts around here when they were growing up and I believe that The Monkeys was my daughters first concert at 4 days old. Followed by the Beach Boys at about a week old.John Stamos was touring with them at the time. lol They didn't get to go to the Foreigner an Journey concert with me but I I had to go to a few concerts by myself. My kids were starting to get a contact high from all the people that still thought they were living in the 60's and 70's.
If it makes you feel any better I have done my part to make music AND I DO MEAN REAL MUSIC a part of my kids life so it doesn't die. We happen to have grown up having a house in a little town right near White Lake NY and I got to experience a bit of the original concert to beat all concerts.Now my kids have gotten a feel for it as well at the reunion they had. My daughter wasn't born yet at the reunion but she still has been to the site many times as has my entire family.Not that we could avoid it we had to go there to get to some friends houses as well as our old house. (Although you wouldn't like what it has become now.)
All we can do is introduce good music and for that matter art , writing etc.. to the next generation and hope they carry it on and don't forget about or dismiss the old stuff but instead think of it as classic. Hopefully they will continue to create real art in all forms as well. I don't believe that MUSIC is really dead. It's just in a slump at the moment.
February 11, 2011, 18:49 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
just remember, the Monkees actually toured with the Beatles, AND Jimi hendrix, and they were HEADLINERS for both tours. lol
February 11, 2011, 18:54 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
I remember when I was a kid I used to think Davy Jones was HOT! lmao
February 11, 2011, 18:59 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
you and just about every other teenage girl in the world...
February 11, 2011, 19:00 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Yep, this is turning out to be a pretty good thread!
February 11, 2011, 20:26 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
My plan worked well then, cause outrage and run for the hills laughing hahahahaha
Anyway......it is true I am not a big fan of the Beatles, however I did say that they were talented. Just not to my tastes I am afraid. I am a big fan of rock music and metal music up to a certain degree. That includes all sorts from Aerosmith to Metallica, Whitesnake to Judas Priest. All of those bands are also "retro". I don't have a great liking for the new metal bands out there as just like other modern music I feel they lack heart.. However my niece loves the old ones and the new ones and hates pop and I love that.
However amongst my other all time favs are, Louis Armstrong, Nina Simone, Cat Stevens (or whatever he goes by now), Nat King Cole, many Blues bands, Jazz singers, The Shadows (but not Cliff Richard) as well as modern bands such as ...Interpol, Snow Patrol, I am Kloot and Sigur Ros.
I am eclectic and proud to be so! A trip through my I-Pod is like a "Magical Mystery Tour"
Also am always happy to agree to disagree, the things that make sure that we don't all have to love The Beatles is peoples right to expression and the ever changing arts and tastes of humanity
February 11, 2011, 21:11 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Amen. Very well said by The English Rose!
February 11, 2011, 21:27 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
So we are still in love then? Yay xoxoxoxoxoxo
I do love the Monkees by the way
February 11, 2011, 21:35 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
(Dont tell anyone, but I do too!)
February 11, 2011, 21:43 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
(does that actually count as a fetish on here....lol)
February 11, 2011, 21:47 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
I vote.................YES!!!!!!!!!!!
February 11, 2011, 21:55 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Mmmmmmmmmmm......in that case throw me over a banana and let's get this party started
February 11, 2011, 21:56 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
Imagine.. We sometimes get passionate about things but yet we manage to still get along , laugh and maybe even learn something. Well except for the minor heart attack that Free had there were no injuries or casualties in the process.
I don't remember what the thread was but I seem to remember I got to know Free through a thread that caused similar types of reactions.
I also love the type of hit and run approach Josie had with this. Just through out the one thing you know will reek havoc and sit back and watch all hell break lose (In a good way of course) I just love that! Is there any doubt as to why I love doing these things with you guys.Although I noticed you did try to make Free feel better by saying you will agree that the Beatles were talented however they just aren't your taste. It's like I said about Opera. You can definitely appreciate the talent without enjoying the sounds.
I am a bit sad though. Josie you named the music that would be considered from our generation and said its "retro". My heart almost stopped one day when the so called "Oldies" station was playing the music we listen to. My kids thought that was perfectly acceptable and said "Your old, deal with it". lol I said no no no!The oldies stations play music from the 50's and older. When the hell did my music go from "classic rock" to "oldies" and how the hell did I miss that?
February 11, 2011, 22:02 |
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Re: When is a musician not a musician?
But....since retro is soooooo cool as I keep being told by those "young things" out there it must mean you are too!
I am what, 37 this year, but grew up with a older brother and sister so my love of music was theirs and my parents and what I listed was played there. I actually grew up in the "New Kids on The Block" years so NO WAY was I getting into that tat.
I am already old and retro hon sorry, but that's ok. Give me a vintage Rolls Royce compared to a brand new sportscar anyday.
February 11, 2011, 22:10 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
call me crazy, but i can go from listening to Janis Joplin
belting out "Me and Bobby McGhee" to listening to "Mother" by Danzig to "Rio" by Duran Duran, to "Hells Bells" by AC/DC to Don Williams "It Must Be Love", and not miss a beat....
February 12, 2011, 03:23 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When is a musician not a musician?
There is nothing wrong with that LNH. I think the one thing that everyone can agree on that has posted here so far is that we all seem to have eclectic taste. I happen to think that's good. I find it rare to come across people that are strictly into one genre. I think people will favor one over others but I believe most are open to different types and enjoy things based on their mood at the time.
Although music can definitely trigger a mood as well or even memories. "The Boys are back" always reminds me of a place in the town we had that house upstate NY called "The Nutshell" lol It was a bar that had bands upstairs and had a huge room.The room was painted flat black with Neon paintings and black lights everywhere. I think every band that ever played there also played that song at some point during the night. lol It always makes me smile.
February 12, 2011, 03:51 |
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