62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
The joys of traveling these days......
Remember when traveling anywhere was fun? I was coming home from Detroit to NJ yesterday.I get the the airport and immediately realized I'm an idiot ! I dressed in the WORST OUTFIT I could for TSA . I had a skirt with metal accents all over it and a top with a big metal zipper for an accent. and thigh high boots! Ok I will deal with it. No I have to explain all the stuff that will make TSA crazy in my bags. I have a machine called a TENS unit (Medical device for pain relief) that has all these wires and batteries . I am also carrying a box that says "IGNITER" A part for my broken stove that Kam got for me through his work. Now I am also carrying an extra bag because its filled with all the meds and that TENS unit as well as some other medical things I have to carry.Then I have to tell these guys my doctor doesn't want me going through the new machine they want me to go through and I show then these cards the doctor had given me. They tell me that it was the other one I shouldn't have gone through when I went to Detroit. I gave up and decided I will just go through the new machine. Even though I go through, because of my mental block while deciding what to wear, I had to get patted down anyway. And no it wasn't fun. OK I am through finally.I couldn't get a direct flight so first flight to Washington DC.All is well we get on the plane on time and taxi out. Then the Captain makes this announcement."Sorry folks we will be here for about 20 minutes to half and hour we have alot of planes in front of us." CONTINUED .....
January 11, 2011, 18:21 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: The joys of traveling these days......
..... OK We finally take off and we get to Wash. DC they open the door and I am looking at my watch its 11:30 my connecting flight is boarding in about 15-20 minutes. And the Flight attendant says we can't get off the plane until they have a gate agent. Then she says to me "we have someone to assist you to your next flight." (She left out that he didn't speak a word of English)15 minutes later the agent shows up we grab my bag and now we are running through the airport. We have to go to this kind of bus to take us to the other terminal where my next flight is, but the driver is no where to be found.The guy helping me finds him about 5 minutes later and we go. We get to the terminal and we are off and running again. I here the announcement saying they are closing the doors to my flight we were 2 gates away he yells to the the gate agent and we run and just make it.I loved it when the gate agent says "I've been paging you" I wanted to say "Yes I know but I decided to go for marathon training instead of coming to the gate." I get on buckle up and they close the doors and taxi out. Then the captain says"Sorry folks Newark airport has us on hold here in Washington. Should be no more than an hour." gggrrrr. We finally take off yeah... We get to Newark and the pilot says"Sorry folks they have us in a holding pattern shouldn't be more than about half hour" 1/2 hour later "Sorry folks, they don't know when we can land and we don't have enough fuel so we are going to Philadelphia" I am thinking ok I can go home from Philly. I am about the same distance from there as I am from Newark. We land at Philly and get to the gate but they don't attach the gate to the plane. But they open the door and put down stairs for the captain. He comes back 15 minutes later and says"Sorry folks I know some of you requested to get off here but they said that they have no gate agents and we would have to wait over and our so we can't. We are going back to Newark" GGRRR. So back to Newark and we finally land. I now am running to catch the LAST bus that goes to where I live.I go to where I usually get it and I'm told I have to go to a different place, that particular bus picks up a different place now. So I run to the new place. The bus comes about 5 minutes later I am at the stop and waving him down (Yes you have to do that here) and he drives right by me! NOW I'M PISSED!!!!! So this other driver sees this and says jump on my bus we can try to catch him at terminal C. NO we didn't! I finally called my son and he drove up to get me. He pulls up to the curb and as I'm getting in the car a cop walks over and says who's car is this and I cringe!!!"Mine(I know why)" He says "it has an expired inspection sticker with a failed inspection sticker.(As if I didn't know). I as so annoyed by then so I go into a whole rant about yes I know because when we bought the car the sticker was expired and then when we took it to get the inspection it failed because of an exhaust leak so I had the damn leak fixed but had a heart attack so didn't get back to have it reinspected yet. I must have scared him and looked like I felt because he just backs up puts his hands up and says "I am not going to bust your chops and give you the ticket. I just want you to know that you should take care of it because its a $130 ticket. Have a great evening" And he left.And I finally went Home to find out that now we are having a major snow storm 12+ inches starting this afternoon. I'm not leaving this house for weeks!!!!!
January 11, 2011, 18:22 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: The joys of traveling these days......
Thought one, boots look good, but not sure I'd want to run a marathon in them. Two, is this what your doctor meant by taking it easy??????
January 11, 2011, 18:33 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: The joys of traveling these days......
lol I wont tell the doctors if you wont. To be honest I think the stress was worse for me than the race through the airport. Today is all about staying bed and doing nothing!
January 11, 2011, 18:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: The joys of traveling these days......
um' we miss you in michigan though
January 11, 2011, 23:08 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: The joys of traveling these days......
Thanks but trust me I will be back soon.
January 11, 2011, 23:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: The joys of traveling these days......
----and now ya know one some reasons why I don't like planes and airports.
January 12, 2011, 15:38 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: The joys of traveling these days......
Oh yea that sounds like so much fun. NOT. So this is what we are going to look forward to when we fly to Maryland this spring. Good thing we have direct flights there and back. Now the worst thing I have to fear, is the traffic when getting out of Baltimore.
January 13, 2011, 00:01 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: The joys of traveling these days......
Yeah, but was it worth the effort?
January 13, 2011, 00:39 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: The joys of traveling these days......
QUOTE (kamarel @ January 13, 2011, 00:39)Yeah, but was it worth the effort?
It's always worth it when I come out to see you.
January 13, 2011, 01:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: The joys of traveling these days......
Having been in several situations like that, I read all this and laughed my ass off! Its frustrating as hell when it happens, but afterward, you just have to laugh.
And Kiss's remark about you taking it easy was the icing on the cake to that whole story!
January 13, 2011, 15:37 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: The joys of traveling these days......
i don't like flying too and never had , and driving down the road the last week been a adventure too. i think i still like trains though, i think the bill was killed on high speed rail from Milwaukee and st Paul. i found a VHS tape with train wrecks on it makes ya wonder though
January 18, 2011, 02:00 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: The joys of traveling these days......
Not to be a snob but I have to say I am lucky and get to fly in private planes on many trips. My brother owns his own plan and some friends do as well. Its much more enjoyable. Its the commercial flights and dealing with the issues at the airports , TSA, crowds etc.. that make it imposable.I keep thinking about how much fun it was years ago. I remember when people would dress up and be excited to fly and they would give kids those silly wings to wear. Those days are so gone. Now you get felt up and not in a good way and treated like your a terrorist.All to give the appearance of them making us safer.
January 18, 2011, 02:11 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: The joys of traveling these days......
I'm sure there is a big difference over a Private plane or a commercial fight, i had to go to Milwaukee airport once to put my sisterinlaw on a jet and that's the closest to flying i we ever got and then the BS i went though because i got 5lbs of keys on my side lol . the wife one time went for a job cleaning a plane and it was nice in side it.
January 18, 2011, 22:02 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: The joys of traveling these days......
Trust me my brothers plane isn't like the ones you see these guys on TV have that are basically hollowed out 747's or larger but it still beats sitting on a commercial flight and dealing with all the other crap of flying commercial. Now if I could just convince him to chauffeur me every where I want.....Oh but then there is the little issue of cost to fly your own plane .Damn!
January 19, 2011, 03:42 |
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