111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Important F.Y.I
The powers that be, are going to intrude in our very personal information. All our internet private communictations, are no longer going to be confidential. I am not a fear monger, or conspirity theorist, just privy to whats really going on in our country. Believe me or not, is not my concern. What is, is others intruding in on my private buisness. Because this is such a serious issue to me, am strongly considering, shutting down all my internet, email accounts, etc. except google, as it's very useful, and still be discreet as well. Don't take my word for it, check it out yoursele. Curious, what all think, what would YOU do?
January 11, 2011, 12:18 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Important F.Y.I
Plz hope all know, it is not my intent to cause problems, I'm not doing that at all, only infrorming everyone, of the grossly expanding information superhiway that will be getting into our personal lives. Losing more privacy. It's really sad. If wn would like to delete this topic, I totally underrtand. No harm.
January 11, 2011, 12:37 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Important F.Y.I
They've been doing this for years.
Cell phone, gps, internet, car ECM, etc. Very long list.
The new 4G and cell phones have SIM cards which have personally identifiable info in them. They could already track you by cell phone and your computer anyway. Just have to do more work.
January 11, 2011, 15:48 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Important F.Y.I
It hard for me to believe that anyone would even think that their information is private these days. It hasn't been for years. Every time you use your ATM, credit card, store discount card, coupon you received in the mail etc.. you are being put into the system. That's how they trace your buying habits. Every key stroke on any of your electronic devices that go over the Internet, cable system or any phone system is also recorded and used in some way.You should always assume that nothing you do in those situations are private or confidential.I used to be in advertising. We could tell you what each household was watching through their cable converters. The issue was that the courts were deciding if we were allowed to use the information just because we were capable of getting it.Days of privacy are long gone . You always leave a trail. If you have a GPS (Even in your phone)it is constantly sending and receiving signals so your insurance companies are now trying too and some already do track them and want to charge you based on not only how much you drive but what kind of areas you drive too and store your car in but also if you obey traffic laws like speeding and stop signs.Some states are putting trackers in the license plates from what I understand so police can basically just scan your plate to check your record, insurance, license etc...If you have EZpass(An electronic device that pays tolls electronically and bills your credit card) then you are being tracked . They know if you went though the first toll and the speed limit between that and the next one is 65 MPH and you get there to soon you were speeding. They were ticketing for it but people took them to court and they stopped that for now.We also have cameras in our streets that watch us do our day to day things as well as security cameras in every public place these days.
January 11, 2011, 16:42 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Important F.Y.I
So true oomg and newbie. I totally concur. Plz let me just add, some info shared with me, was by an extremley reliable source, a Federal Agent, with Homeland Security, who I'm very close to. As well as a number other source. The Agent let me know, that google, is the big daddy, that has records of all activity. Additionally, he told me, technology, is many years advanced from what we know, or can imagine. That's scarey. But on the other hand, we here, are just talking sex, and posting naked pics , and not posing a threat to anything. But still, I'm personally not comfortable, the new "legal" way my email communications, may be intercepted, and read. If anyone is going to violate me, it will be me. . Thx for the input both of you.
January 11, 2011, 21:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Important F.Y.I
QUOTE (perveman @ January 11, 2011, 21:24)So true oomg and newbie. I totally concur. Plz let me just add, some info shared with me, was by an extremley reliable source, a Federal Agent, with Homeland Security, who I'm very close to. As well as a number other source. The Agent let me know, that google, is the big daddy, that has records of all activity. Additionally, he told me, technology, is many years advanced from what we know, or can imagine. That's scarey. But on the other hand, we here, are just talking sex, and posting naked pics , and not posing a threat to anything. But still, I'm personally not comfortable, the new "legal" way my email communications, may be intercepted, and read. If anyone is going to violate me, it will be me.  . Thx for the input both of you. you're not leavin us are ya buddy?
January 11, 2011, 22:43 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Important F.Y.I
Has crossed my mind KK. But after a little thought, I have't decided if I've been annoying enough yet. lol But do appreciate you asking.
January 12, 2011, 00:18 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Important F.Y.I
None of this is really news. I think if your in the communications fields you know all this. Google has been through the courts so many times for and against the gathering and using of information due to the fact that they have so much info on so many people. Most people don't know that even when you print something from your home computer there is an coded imprint I guess is the best way to explain it so even that can be traced if need be. I have seen technology years before it is introduced and sometimes not introduced to the public. Most people really don't like to think about it. Ignorance truly is bliss.Just think about google earth and google maps alone and it will make some people uncomfortable. I had a friend who was dating a guy and he dumped her after he googled her name. He was uncomfortable with the fact that she had so much more money than he did. She now doesn't even give out her last name until they have been dating a while and sees how it goes.I had a client tell me my life story at our first meeting so he can prove what a good Financial aid guy he was,because he could get so much info with just my name and occupation.Personally I thought it was inappropriate and uncomfortable.I found someone I hadn't seen in over thirty five years in less than 5 minutes on line plus every family member , her husbands name as well as her ex husband, their address, married name and all previous known addresses.What's privacy?
January 12, 2011, 02:18 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Important F.Y.I
Right you are newbie. The disturbing thing that made me want to post this, was all internet user's, will be required to have a special I.D. I suspect it will be an r.f.i.d chip, from all I can gather. I'm not o.k. with that leading to the scanning devices, that who knows who, will scan people, from a distance. As far as "traffic and city" cams, for safey/security. Why are they watching us, and in some states, it's illegal to use your cell, to vid a police officer, performing usual routine. Public servant, "private" citizen. Curious, and food for thought.
January 12, 2011, 10:57 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Important F.Y.I
On the bright side, the more of my info that's out there, the more audience base there is for my exhibitionism. It's all good.
January 12, 2011, 12:30 |