65 / male Independence, Missouri, US
Back Door Fun.....and Why
Ok, this is something I have always been curious about and never really done. Why do some women love anal sex ? I mean, why do it? You must enjoy it but I don't understand how you can achieve a really good orgasm that way. And please don't go off topic. I want to share and learn about this, including the does and donts. I'm just a dumb edumacated hick from West Texas durnit. 
So those with experience come forth!
November 23, 2010, 16:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Back Door Fun.....and Why
Orgasms arent always reached from clitoral or vaginal stimulation. Just as some women can go off from nipple stimulation, having their neck kissed or sucked on, anal sex can produce the same results. Look in the Fetish Section for the thread on tit fucking. The anal opening has many more sensitive nerve endings than many other areas of the human body. And it must be done properly - slowly and with ample lubrication. Some women say its an "Exit Only" area, while others have stronger, more explosive orgasms from anal sex . And its something that the mood has to be right for. An ex of mine loved it when she was in the mood. And when she was in the mood, she would always cum harder than anything else I would be doing to her. Im sure you'll appreciate what the ladies have to say about your question though.
November 23, 2010, 16:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Back Door Fun.....and Why
Yeah, it's something you have to really want, and be in the mood for. Mr. Sphincter the Gatekeeper has to be approached in the right way.
November 23, 2010, 17:08 |
65 / male Independence, Missouri, US
Re: Back Door Fun.....and Why
Well. I'm sure some preparation must take place...otherwise it would be painfull. You know I learned long ago a woman's sex drive is strongly affected by emotion and what's the word? Ah yes, spiritual well being...a phrase not a word yes. I understand this topic may be delicate to discuss. I'd really hate to dissapoint or worse hurt a woman who asked for this service. And what is it that is so pleasureable? Is it possible to describe?
November 23, 2010, 17:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Back Door Fun.....and Why
Have had some experience, both good and bad. When done badly there is nothing quite as painful!, but when done properly it is very hard to describe so can't be of much help.
I have to admit it has been very pleasurable, but I will given it up now as I orgasm much more intensely from other means.
November 23, 2010, 21:13 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Back Door Fun.....and Why
As it has already been said...It so depends on mood, size, situation,technique, etc. I have found times I don't like it at all and other times LOVE it. I do know for me I have to be very relaxed before I can have anal sex and It normally helps If I have cum a couple of times before I do it.I have been surprised that I enjoyed it as much as I do. I remember thinking I wouldn't like it but always believe in trying things at least once before making up my mind. I again was lucky and had someone who knew what he was doing so it turned out to be a great experience for me. It's not for everyone. It doesn't bother me if a partner isn't into it but it doesn't bother me if he is either. Like all the other things we do during sex its one more thing in our long list of things we can do and enjoy.I do find as good as it feels I still don't cum from anal sex alone there does need to be another type of stimulation as well for me.
December 6, 2010, 12:57 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Back Door Fun.....and Why
I read somewhere where there is no link to stimuli in a women's sphincter as oppose to the clitoris, but there is the equivalent in a man's anus...
December 7, 2010, 14:32 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Back Door Fun.....and Why
We have nothing like a clitoris in our throats either, but doesn't stop us from totally enjoying giving BJs...
Yeah,men can have the prostrate stimulated via the back door, some like it....and some don't.
December 7, 2010, 15:28 |