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Just because it's funny
Ran across this, thought it was adorably funny.
November 14, 2010
Hudson -- A Sullivan Road resident called police to report a "suspicious package" on his front porch Nov. 2 at 3:20 p.m.
The resident said he observed an unknown person leave the package and called police, according to the police report.
The officer said he could see the package was clearly labeled with the Amazon logo and asked the man if he had ordered anything from the firm recently.
The man reportedly said "Why yes, I did."
The officer told the resident his order had arrived. The resident then said he was comfortable opening the box. The officer then left the scene, according to the report.
November 17, 2010, 13:01 |
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Re: Just because it's funny
Makes ya wonder. don't it.
November 17, 2010, 13:57 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Just because it's funny
Yeah, it really makes me wonder what was going on in this guy's head that he was that paranoid about someone targeting him with the "suspicious" package.
November 17, 2010, 14:04 |
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Re: Just because it's funny
slow news day in Hudson?
November 17, 2010, 16:13 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Just because it's funny
There are crazy things like this all the time. This story I'm about to tell actually happened in our local high school and I'm sorry I never saved this article.
One day the school gets evacuated and they send all the kids home on the buses due to a "suspicious" smell. Claiming kids and staff were complaining of everything from feeling ill to dizziness.Saying some were sent to the hospital to get checked but no cause was found and the people were all released to go home.
They call in the police,fire company and the hazmat team. Further investigation continues and they have the DEP(Department of Environmental Protection)come in. After an extensive search of the school they found the problem. Seems there was a rotting BANANA in a locker. But get this! The article said it was turned over to the DEP for further testing.
November 17, 2010, 16:37 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Just because it's funny
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ November 17, 2010, 16:37) After an extensive search of the school they found the problem. Seems there was a rotting BANANA in a locker. But get this! The article said it was turned over to the DEP for further testing.
LOL..it was funny when it got to the banana..but turned hilarious when it was taken for further testing.
Not only a slow news day there. But some people (DEP) have way too much time on their hands!
November 17, 2010, 16:41 |
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Re: Just because it's funny
I remember something like that in my high school, a teacher walked into the school library, smelled something, and insisted it was weed, really going off about she had some law enforcement training, she knew what she was talking about, and it was definitly weed. Local cop came in only to discover that the smell....was the libraian's Ben Gay .
(Ben Gay is a brand of a topical over the couter cream for sore muscles.)
November 17, 2010, 17:31 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Just because it's funny
we had a day like that in grade school too , from a kid who's dad took him smelt fishing and his coat was in a locker stinking up the place and no one called off school or the fire dept over a stinky fish coat at all, justshows ya how far down the drain things have gone....
November 18, 2010, 17:08 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Just because it's funny
something funny hapened to a friend of mine he was called to the post ofice conserning a package he had recieved and when he went ther tey had calld in peole from hazmat and poision controle even cops were there what the fuss was over is he had recieved a pacage at the pstofice that had whitepowder on the outside and wa leaking the substance but after closely checking it and testing it they found out it was some kinda cake baking suplies he had baught and there were a bag of flower spilt inside or something lol i dn know why he was ordering flour but it happened lol
November 19, 2010, 05:07 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Just because it's funny
FYI don't try going through security at the airport with powered cocoa.(The kind you use for baking). I had done some shopping while visiting my Mom at a specialty spice shop and bought two types of cocoa each in one pound bags. (I know its a lot but I bake a lot). Anyway I go through the security check point at the airport and they rip my bag apart and keep feeling the the bags of cocoa, which were clearly marked and you could smell.They called over the supervisor and start whispering to each other. My stuff was all over and unfolded so I was getting annoyed and asked if I could at least start putting my stuff back in the bag being that I had a flight to catch. I was told I would be arrested if I touched anything. Finally the supervisor says to me "Whats in these two bags?" (THAT WERE AGAIN CLEARLY MARKED!) I told her Cocoa powder. I asked what the problem was and I was told with a major attitude. "If your going to go through with cocoa you should take it out and report it to us" I asked why I would need to do that. Apparently cocoa appears as liquids in the scanners. I can only assume because of the high cocoa butter content. They were quit annoyed that I didn't tell them about it first as if I should have known that it looks like liquids to them. I said its not liquid so I saw no reason to report it or take it out to show them because last I checked cocoa was not listed on the hazardous or restricted list.So for all my fellow chocolate lovers be prepared to be searched if you try to travel with cocoa.
November 19, 2010, 16:43 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Just because it's funny
been seeing a lot of stuff on tv latly about the air ports , aout getting cancer from the scanners and the pat downs and the 4th amendment, glad i drive or take trains. i have never flowen and never will.....
November 20, 2010, 04:58 |
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