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Re: JCSOS Thread
Oh man, sorry I missed that! It's cable, they'll re-run it.
I did see that it was on (thought of you) didn't know anything about the show and ended up on a History channel.
July 31, 2011, 11:51 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
I lilke that show because the host goes into a lot of history on whatever subject he's covering. Also much about things that are related to his current project.
The same show also had on about 4 1951 Peterbilts that NASA has. They are still in service. The have V-12 detroit engines and are used to pull service trailers for the space missions. Starting with Apollo thru the last shuttle mission.
July 31, 2011, 20:45 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
So, I got to get to Miami. I took the turnpike all the way this time. something I've never done.
It was nice to see a very small part of FL in a more natural state. 
Much easier drive than the alternatives. Plus, when the windsheild got bugs on it, it'd rain enough to get rid of 'em. :D
August 12, 2011, 18:02 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
Do you usually turn and burn, or do you ever get to just hang out in a area?
I did catch some of that trucker/Joplin show a few days ago, the part where they were touring that massive dispatch HG of that large trucking company,
August 12, 2011, 18:06 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
Sometimes I get time,like now---- I told these guys that the money was important but so is rest. I'm not doing the 800 miles overnight again. They seem to agree since that's one of the reasons I left before. 
That was a good show.
They also did one about Donner Pass in CA. I learned a lot about what they have for equipment and how they handle the various situations. They have sopme trucks designed to push semis up the pass, a couple huge snowblowers and of course the plow trucks.
August 12, 2011, 18:11 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: JCSOS Thread
That would be a nuts type of job. They get a LOT of snow. So if they push the truck over the top can they stop it from sliding down the other side?
August 14, 2011, 01:37 |
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Re: Re: JCSOS Thread
QUOTE (kamarel @ August 14, 2011, 01:37)That would be a nuts type of job. They get a LOT of snow. So if they push the truck over the top can they stop it from sliding down the other side?
That episode that I mentioned ended with a multi vehicle crash with fatalities. It was on the west side going down the hill.
I've told people for years. It's not going up the slippery hill that bothers me. If ya slip going up, the worst that'll happen is ya spin out and stop. Not the case going down. They slide a long time.
August 14, 2011, 17:02 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
I should add that 27 in Fl is another main road to see more of a "natural" FL. The big surprize was people were driving more under the 70 mph speed limit than I've ever seen. I mostly run the truck at 66. I found from GPS that the elevation at MIA was 38 feet. On the west side of Lake Ocochobee, it was 27 feet. Not sure about that one.---
The load i had came over to Opelousas,LA. Interesting drive seeing much water and swampy stuff. made me with I had the boat along.
August 14, 2011, 17:06 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: JCSOS Thread
Oh, isn't Hwy 27 fun!!!! This is where I grew up in Lake Placid, Florida. I do my absolute best to stay off HWY 27. This is where I had my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd accident.
Go 66 M.P.H?!?!..... Those towns are full of retiree's who drive slow and will pull out in front of you at the drop of a hat.
August 14, 2011, 17:17 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
It wasn't all that bad. Seems the state has been doin' some reeducation of it's drivers.---hehe I drove 61 on 27 'cause I wasn't in any rush. Just laughed at those that felt they was in a hurry. Caught most in the next towns stop light.----
27 isn't a good road ot go fast on anyway. State patrol, country and every local is out 99% of the time.
Oh, did I mention the guy with the dodge pickup pulling a 40 foot boat? Seems he had lots of explaining to do to FHP.
August 14, 2011, 17:24 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
Chazzy inquired of things I've seen.
There's the Huge Picinic basket in Newark, Oh. It's the headquaters for Longaberger basket company.
I've been to the beginniing and end of every interstate highway in this country.
I've seen buildings get run into by airplanes.
I've seen into a huge gravel pit that runs under I-80 in the south Chicago area. [I still wonder how many gallons of water it would take to fill it]
I've seen the damage from Andrew a year after it went thru. I've seen the result of nutsoism in OKC after it happened. [I stopped to look]
I've also seen many wonderful and beautiful things that cann't be seen from a car. Rivers from a bridge. Sometimes a small damn close to that same bridge.
I've gotten to see rivers rapidly running in winter in UT, AZ and other places.
The elk, moose and other wildlife in West Yellowstone, Montana, and Idaho. The lava fields in Idaho.
The Salton Sea in CA [[inland below sea level]
The Great Salt lake in UT.
I really like the Seattle area with the marina downtown and many historic boats there.
I'll add more if'n i think of 'em.
August 19, 2011, 00:33 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: JCSOS Thread
I always thought of a truck driver job as one of the worst jobs ever for me.Mostly because I hate to drive. But I never really thought of the great parts of it.That was an interesting post. I bet you have some amazing stories from your travels.Both good and bad. I do still think it is one of the most difficult jobs to have. Especially these days where you are expected to do so much for so little by some fucked of people that don't give a shit that you need to live, sleep, eat and have a life outside of driving the truck for them.I give you credit for being able to do it so long. I would love it if you posted some of your most interesting stories from your travels.
August 19, 2011, 04:03 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
Thanks for that newbie.
Most don't realize how stessful it is. Many people in cars don't realize how long it takes to stop one of these, that they accelerate slow because of the weight don't [usually] corner fast so they don't tip over.
Drivers are subject to dispatchers who are trained by thier company to only look for the highest rate for any load. Not taking into concideration the driver at all. Most compannies tell a driver they want the driver to run legal logs but what they mean is make it look legal.
The new CSA2010 is taking care of many of these problems. That's if the company takes it seriously. [google CSA2010]
Then of course, we get to deal with people who are only concerned about themselves. The ones on thier phone or otherwise distracted. The guy driving his pickup pulling a trailer he fails to look at so he;'s constantly over the center line and on the shoulder.
I really like the people with thier families in the vehicle swerving in and out of traffic and tailgating because they thinnk thier in a hurry to get to that campground.
Contrary to what many drivers have experienced, I've had good luck with the state scale people. Most are serious about thier jobs and want you to have a safe truck. Havn't had any of them try to make me fix something that didn't need it.
The fed mandated that the brakes on trucks be improved for shorter stopping distance. Which, makes me happy. They have improved the standard drum brakes byt making them larger with better materials and PACCAR [peterbilt and Kenworth] will have standard disc brakes on both the steer and drive axle as standard equipment.
I found on mine that if I pressure wash out the drums at least once per month, they work much better. 
August 19, 2011, 11:56 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: JCSOS Thread
Like with any profession there are good and bad. There will always be the ones who try to cut corners. It is nice to know there are the guys out there who are concerned about the safety and well being of all not just themselves.Most people that do the right thing don't have an issue with the laws and law enforcement. Of course even in that profession you will find some that aren't exactly in it for the right reasons.
I know that places like Arizona has a lot of issues with the trucks from Mexico because they don't have to or at least they don't bother to follow the safety standards our trucks have too. I watched a whole federal hearing on the issue and it really needs to be brought under control. If trucks are going to be on our roads they should have the same standards. Sorry but I think brakes are important and they have many of these trucks with almost no braking ability. I have been on the mountain roads of Arizona and don't want to be on them with a truck that has no brakes.
I also feel that people forget how important our truck drivers are to this country.I have known of many occasions where people play games with truck drivers on the road thinking they are fucking with them because they don't like them on "our road". I think its stupid and dangerous. I have taught all my children to drive and now working on my last. I have always told them to give truckers and motorcycles room.Trucks can't always see you and they need more room than a car to do everything. Motorcycles are always challenged on the road by people and if you hit one the driver will most likely die. Give them space!
Courteous drivers are rare these days unfortunately. It's not just that it's rude but that it's dangerous.Just know that some of us do appreciate the job you do.
August 19, 2011, 18:18 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
The Mexican trucks are now held to US standards. I cann't address what those people were seeing, but the ones I've seen,[back to 1988] appeared to be in better shape than most of the container haulers.
There is also a push for more education of motorists in general. Over half of car/truck crashes are caused by cars, or like vehicles. I think that'd be a good thing. I educated a couple of other motorists today. Seems they don';t like it when I drive like they do---imagine that.
August 20, 2011, 21:38 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: JCSOS Thread
QUOTE (OOMG @ August 20, 2011, 21:38)There is also a push for more education of motorists in general.
I don't know if it is a matter of education, it is just they don't care. Anyone taking on a semi for any reason, in a hurry, riding their tail, or whatever, shouldn't even have a license. With the size and weight of a semi, I would think a single accidents are rare. I believe multiple vehicles are involved.
I've been in a few accidents. The sound of screeching tires, a crash and metal tearing really stays with you. If that is not graphic enough, my cousin sent me an email of a male texting to the phone who ran head on into a semi.
They took him out in 2 pieces. The email showed every detail, blood, guts, bones, insides.. all of it.
August 20, 2011, 22:40 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: JCSOS Thread
Ithink the problem the hearing was adddressing is that even the rules that are in place are over looked on the short hauls from Mexico to AZ because the inspecters at the check point were taking money to turn their backs. The fines also wernt enough to convince the companies to fix the trucks even if the got ticketed. This was not even a year ago.They also hve some strange exceptions if they will be within a certain distance of the border. The companies had a real scam. But the bigest issues were the trucks were not safe. It was scary for all involed.
August 20, 2011, 22:50 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
That's kind of a surprize newbie. Moost of those trucks spend hours getting thru customs and DOT inspection.
Iwant---- I know those sounds all too well. Kind of. No screeching tires on snow, but the result still wasn't nice. That was a car I owned when I was 18. Most truck car crashes do only involve one of each. The multiple vehicle crashes get much more new coverage because of the carnage.
The stats can be looked up on FMCSA.
August 20, 2011, 23:51 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: JCSOS Thread
I had heard about it from my mother. It isn't in the news that much here but she lives in AZ. Then I saw the hearings It is a much bigger issue than I think most people know. I think they have some exclusions for a certain radius of the border. I bet if you look it up on CSPAN you can find the hearing. But the Federal Highway Safety people were under the gun and had to release the incident reports. They were bad and plenty full. When the panel started questioning them it turned out many of these trucks do not have to go through the same safety inspections you have to or other American owned and operated trucks. There were even people that worked for the agency under fire that said it is bad and some things needed to be changed. They would not go as far as saying the should have the same standards because they said it would cause delays and some companies to even pull out of delivering here completely. When the panel said that safety should be the real concern the answer kept going back to "Well they are only allowed to come within so miles into our country." Buy the way they admitted that they are not tracked to see if these companies stick by that restriction either. It was more complicated than that but It was on for a few days. I never realized how complicated the trucking industry is.
I know they have all those run offs with gravel on the mountain roads out there for when you guys do have brake issues. I gather that is a big issue because they are all over the place. It must be a scary thing if that happens on the side of a mountain especially. I know just looking over the edge sometimes scares the crap out of me when my mother is driving 65 -70 miles an hour. Yep that is the speed limit on some of those roads. I could never be a truck driver.I don't even like driving a car. I only drive to get me from point A to point B, never for enjoyment.I am waiting to hit the lottery so I can get a driver. I don't even care what kind of car just as long as I don't have to drive.
August 21, 2011, 00:16 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
No, they aren't tracked but the FED is trying to mandate on-board recorders and logging that works entirely off what the truck does. The onboard recorder is simply a device that records what the truck does. Same as what the puter in your car does in case of a crash.
I think the Fed highway safety people got it right.--If they mandate Mexican trucks meet our standards, many would quit comming here.
Those runoffs you mention are a very good thing. Most drivers are smart enough to go slow down those hills. The ramps seldom get used. It would be nice however if peopkle would obey the signs about NOT parking on that ramp.
August 21, 2011, 12:15 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
At exit 82 on I-85 in SC there's a very large orange. Least I think that's what it is. I also got to see where Hyundais, KIAs and BMWs come from
August 23, 2011, 23:07 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
Ooops, that should be exit 92-----If ya go west of there, you'll find Cowpens battle field.
August 24, 2011, 12:33 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: JCSOS Thread
August 26, 2011, 01:17 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
that's cool how ya did that!!
August 26, 2011, 01:19 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: JCSOS Thread
That is nice Kiss. And nice to see something original.I might have to steal that.lol
I think I have made it clear that I know how important they are and that I appreciate them.
August 26, 2011, 05:02 |
User no longer registered.
Re: JCSOS Thread
Well, I found out where not to drive a truck in MO. 19 off of 63 just north of the Arkansas border. It goes thru a national or state forest.
It'd a been a nice drive if I was in a go-kart. A couple 10-15 percent grades too. The other "highways" were 27, 72 and 34. Not much better.
September 22, 2011, 15:57 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
I forgot the important part----
REmember the "Beverly Hillbillys" tv show?
WEll, if ya do, one of thier relatives was from Bug Tusle.
I know where Bug Tusle is.
September 22, 2011, 17:32 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: JCSOS Thread
QUOTE (OOMG @ September 22, 2011, 17:32)I forgot the important part----
REmember the "Beverly Hillbillys" tv show?
WEll, if ya do, one of thier relatives was from Bug Tusle.
I know where Bug Tusle is.
In the hills or the woods, or next to Petticoat Junction?
And, what is Granny's name? It is Daisy Moses, Dr. Daisy Moses.
September 22, 2011, 19:18 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
In the hills and by a lake. North west but mostly north of Birmingham,AL
September 22, 2011, 20:56 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
A while ago there was a thread about GPS. I've had mine for about a year now and it is definately helpful. I always check the route against a map though. [the gps isn't always that smart]
Lately, when checking a route on it, it sometimes shows me starting out from west Africa and today from a few miles off the west African coast. The mileage comes out from my actual starting point to mmy destination. It's the map that does this.
September 23, 2011, 14:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: JCSOS Thread
thought I'd clarify the grade thing. I looked it up since it puzzled me too.---lol
It takes the length of the hill and the height of the rise. The following explains it well.
Be aware that the term grade should not be confused with an angle. The two are very different. For example, a flat surface can be referred to as a 0 percent grade or a 180-degree angle: there is no change in height as the road continues. (In mathematical terms, there is no rise over the run.) A 100 percent grade would be equivalent to a 45-degree angle or, in other words, the rise would be equal to the run. It is also possible to have an infinite percent grade as that is defined as any amount of rise with no run at all. This would be equivalent to the road going straight up at a 90-degree angle. Thus, not a realistic measurement for a roadway.
There's places that have calculators for this.
September 26, 2011, 01:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: JCSOS Thread
i was reminded that having a bad cold and driving over mountains isn't a nice thing. Just wish my head would have exploded to make the headaches go away.
What Ilearned is that Mucinex is made in England. Good stuff 
The Halls cough drops are made by Cadbury Adams USA. If ya remember, Cadbury are the ones that do the neet ads around easter. Reently bought by Kraft.
October 22, 2011, 01:46 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: JCSOS Thread
You don't want to fly with a cold either. If you can't equalize your ears the pain can be unbearable and you can even rupture your ear drums in extreme cases.
October 22, 2011, 03:21 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
Did ya know that Kingsford charcol is owned by Clorox?
December 3, 2011, 06:44 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
Did ya also know that Subway is owned by a place called "Doctors Associates Inc? Apparently one of the owners has a PHD.
December 16, 2011, 19:43 |
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Re: Re: JCSOS Thread
QUOTE (OOMG @ December 3, 2011, 06:44)Did ya know that Kingsford charcol is owned by Clorox?
Now that I did know, use to live about thirty miles from a Kingsford plant, it's a pretty amazing site really. The front gate has all the parent and partner products displayed including Reynolds Wrap.
December 16, 2011, 21:03 |
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Re: JCSOS Thread
Did ya also know that Kingsford charcol was started by Henry Ford as a way getting rid of scrap wood? The Kingsford name comes from the person that got him the property.
December 17, 2011, 03:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: JCSOS Thread
if ya want to see something amusing, google target truck crash.
The results should show a Target trailer and semi tractor in a pond north west of Minneapolis. I found it amusing that Mn state patrol seemed to think the truck may have skidded on ice causeing the truck to go into the pond. Ice? It's been in the 40's there for over a month.---lol
The truck had been eastbound on I-90, crossed the westbound lanes, then went into the pond.
I'd sure like to hear the drivers excuse for that one.
January 8, 2012, 02:23 |