62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
How Old is Too Old ? ? ?
A topic of discussion for a few years now. And, some towns are limiting the age of Trick or Treaters. It seems teenagers and adults have been out ..and now outted.
The City of Belleville passed a law that sets an age limit on trick-or-treaters. Belleville police will be out Halloween weekend to make sure only ghouls and goblins twelve and under are trick or treating. "The judge could issue a fine from anywhere from $100 to $1000," said the Mayor.
Some residents got unwelcome surprises on Halloween, "Especially seniors and some single moms who said, 'What can be done about the 6-foot-tall trick-or-treaters who come 10, 10:30 at night banging on our door."
I remember years ago, when I was married, I answered the door, and the T/T was as tall as my husband. He was wearing camouflage and a bag over his head. I let him take care of it, and the first words out of his mouth were, "You're kinda old aren't ya?" I think he said he was sixteen. What would you do?
October 30, 2010, 03:15 |
User no longer registered.
Re: How Old is Too Old ? ? ?
i've given out leftover Easter candy to the older smart-assed kids that showed up.
October 30, 2010, 03:33 |
47 / female East, Texas, US
Re: How Old is Too Old ? ? ?
Wow that sure limits the cute single dads knocking on your door on halloween, doesnt it? My stepson used to beg to take the littler ones out trick or treating. He'd come home with a bag full of phone numbers.
October 30, 2010, 03:33 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: How Old is Too Old ? ? ?
QUOTE (MnJTX @ October 30, 2010, 03:33)Wow that sure limits the cute single dads knocking on your door on halloween, doesnt it? My stepson used to beg to take the littler ones out trick or treating. He'd come home with a bag full of phone numbers.
Well, just keep the light on and there is always hope!
October 30, 2010, 03:48 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: How Old is Too Old ? ? ?
I have mixed feelings on this. Being Halloween is so HUGE here. As I've said we have the biggest parade in the Nation some say the world.Everyone gets into it, adults and kids from really small to the older teenagers.Even my 21 year old still dresses up every year. My 24 year old is always busy building a float or playing some character.My 15 year old still trick or treats. My rule has always been if no costume no candy and no trick or treating.
Like with most things the bad people ruin it for the rest of the people . The bad also stand out much more. I get so mad when the idiots ring the bell at 10 pm even though the town has a 8:30 curfew. Most go by the no light you don't go to the door rule but.....I have also come across those who also like to intimidate the seniors or women (I just don't get intimidated that easy).I guess they have to put limits on it because of (Once again) the bad ones have made it necessary.
We have also had many years where it was common for every house in a neighborhood and cars get hit with eggs, or paint balls. That just pisses me off and never understood what they get out of doing that.My 97 year old neighbor was harassed for years till my kids and their friends started to guard her house to stop it.(Finally they did!)To bad the idiots of the world get so much control.
October 30, 2010, 05:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: How Old is Too Old ? ? ?
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ October 30, 2010, 05:21)I have mixed feelings on this. Being Halloween is so HUGE here. As I've said we have the biggest parade in the Nation some say the world.Everyone gets into it, adults and kids from really small to the older teenagers.Even my 21 year old still dresses up every year. My 24 year old is always busy building a float or playing some character.My 15 year old still trick or treats. My rule has always been if no costume no candy and no trick or treating.
Like with most things the bad people ruin it for the rest of the people . The bad also stand out much more. I get so mad when the idiots ring the bell at 10 pm even though the town has a 8:30 curfew. Most go by the no light you don't go to the door rule but.....I have also come across those who also like to intimidate the seniors or women (I just don't get intimidated that easy).I guess they have to put limits on it because of (Once again) the bad ones have made it necessary.
We have also had many years where it was common for every house in a neighborhood and cars get hit with eggs, or paint balls. That just pisses me off and never understood what they get out of doing that.My 97 year old neighbor was harassed for years till my kids and their friends started to guard her house to stop it.(Finally they did!)To bad the idiots of the world get so much control.
Balloons filled with coke, viniger, bleach, or most anything other than water usually helps keep "pranksters" away the following year.
October 30, 2010, 23:44 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: How Old is Too Old ? ? ?
i go with them not dresses up no candy rule..... but i just found out that most towns up here have done away with it all together. the kids all meet at the school for a party, grill out and hay rides, hot dogs and burgers and a cake walk! we were even invited for the festivities, we declinded since we no longer have kids around. we even got to baby sit a cute little kitten for two days and some kid came a knocking looking for his lost kitten....we gave it back and babe cat was having a hissy fit anyway lol...
happy holloween now i get to eat 8 bags of candy
October 31, 2010, 04:21 |
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How Old is Too Old ? ? ?