65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
just spent 3 days with no power , heat or water...
it has taught me to stock up on a winter survival kit thanks to the first winter storm anyone east its on its way .
water so i don't have to take it from my fish tanks again to flush the toilet with and some to make coffee with.
gas for the generator for about a week it burns 3 gal. aday and oil..
lots of firewood for the fireplace i didn't have enough in.
and lot of ice for the freezer, you would think ya need ice in winter,we did.
and cash on hand for air time card for cell phones and gas and other things like battery's for the emergency radio and stock pile water to drink and make coffee and tea and a pot for the stove top too
now to get warm again ....
October 28, 2010, 01:50 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: just spent 3 days with no power , heat or water...
and ya wouldn't think ya miss the TV, radio or computer too I'm glad my son got me that little survival radio with the crank on it
October 28, 2010, 02:26 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: just spent 3 days with no power , heat or water...
I think a generator would be in order. If nothing else for the heat and keeping food from spoiling.
October 28, 2010, 13:18 |
User no longer registered.
Re: just spent 3 days with no power , heat or water...
We don't have a generator, once in awhile the power goes off in a winter ice storm.
We still get water, just not hot water, we have a fireplace so we can heat the downstairs, oil lamps and candles, the NOAH emergency radio, a few decks of cards to pass time.
There's something very cozy about reverting to a pioneer life for just a little while, very cozy!
October 28, 2010, 13:52 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: just spent 3 days with no power , heat or water...
yep little house days, kerosene and candles, lots of candles and ya have to watch what kind of candles ya buy too, have to have good wicks in them, they burn down and break sometimes. ya get enough of them burning they mke some heat too. and matches and lighters for the stove, ours has no pilots in it but i could still light it with a lighter . and my generator didnt like my mr coffee drip maker too. the storm that went though they are saying was odd and they are calling it a inland huricane lol. still a lot of folks up in eagle river and rhinelander with out power yet from all the trees that blew over.we still got some wind but not like it was and snow from time to time the last two days and lots of rain and i cant drive on the grass again to get wood. might have to visit the amish for some slabs but i cant get to my trailer yet
October 28, 2010, 23:39 |
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just spent 3 days with no power , heat or water...