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American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Anyone following? I am, not sure why...but I am.
I think they're both tools, and neither one of them is giving credit to who really built the name and company...Discover Channel. Without the series, where would they be?
But..just to choose between the two (for funsies) I'm going with Jr the underdog. Just like his designs better.
September 25, 2010, 12:38 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Haven't seen any of this. I'm sure I will though. Reruns are norm.
I wonder how jr. is gonna get the credit for his business in this climate.---OH, that's right. Discovery is payin for it all anyways.---
I'd like to see Mickey have his own show building custom scooters.
September 25, 2010, 13:47 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
i don't know i couldn't get into it, it seemed like they have bad attitudes to me anytime i watched them
September 25, 2010, 16:42 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Yeah, Sr. has a unsettling attitude towards the sons.
September 25, 2010, 17:02 |
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Re: Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
QUOTE (JCSOS @ September 25, 2010, 13:47)I'd like to see Mickey have his own show building custom scooters.
Now that would be just ca-razy cool, I'd watch that...
September 26, 2010, 00:38 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Paul Sr. is immature at times. but they both have egos the size of Texas!
September 26, 2010, 04:46 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Yeah, but Sr. has such good "ideers"...
It's just too cute the way he says that...
September 29, 2010, 21:18 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
i'd hate to see how much his car insurance rates are...have you ever seen the things they do with their vehicles?
September 30, 2010, 04:09 |
46 / male Springfield, Massachusetts, US
Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
You know I was a big fan of the original show. But for some reason i haven't tuned in to the new ones. The family is all messed us but i can kinda agree with Sr when it comes to Jr. Jr is a primadonna and Sr wants him to step up and do things right. What was messed up was what he did to Mikey. that was wrong.
September 30, 2010, 15:02 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
the previews for next week revealed that Jr wins the lawsuit...i knew he would.
May 6, 2011, 07:12 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
So the network starts off with a little show that does pretty well.They see family members with huge egos and feed into that train wreck. The network Then offers the family members competing shows to add fuel to the fire and top it all off with a lovely law suit.
I have no problem with the occasional no brainer show and guilty pleasure. My problem is That besides the fact that these family members will probably never speak again because the greedy fucks behind the seens fed into this but it's beyound that. Because the networks have had some success withe these shows they will no longer produce quality programing. These cost so little to produce that it takes very little to make their money back. Even if the "star" gets a big head and a huge raise its still cheaper than getting talent, writters and other professionals.
I can't bring myself to watch 99% of these shows because of some of these practices. In a few years all these people that got famous from these shows will be broke and forgotten. Its sad.
May 8, 2011, 09:44 |
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Re: Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
QUOTE (BigDaddyJ @ September 30, 2010, 15:02)You know I was a big fan of the original show. But for some reason i haven't tuned in to the new ones. The family is all messed us but i can kinda agree with Sr when it comes to Jr. Jr is a primadonna and Sr wants him to step up and do things right. What was messed up was what he did to Mikey. that was wrong.
Yeah, Jr. is spoiled, Sr. is unreasonable, and Mikey is just adorable. I'm an optimist full of hope, I watch hoping to see things resolved and some sort of happy ending.
I'm way behind in episodes though, some things I don't watch until hubs is home too, not many things we have enough of an interest in to watch together.
May 8, 2011, 12:24 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Seen a few of these. Wouldn't be surprized if the entire jr. vs sr is nothing more than scripted. Could be that the family gets along just fine.
After all, if you could make millions per hour, wouldn't you do it?
May 9, 2011, 17:17 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
There is a special episode, that goes over everything about the decision of continuing on with the series, a kind of behind the scenes thing. goes over the history of the show, how the family dealt with and made the major decision to continue after the pilot aired.
It's a good episode if you follow the series at all, it'll clear up a few truths and fictions for ya.
May 9, 2011, 23:04 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Even if the network didnt tell them to fight(although there could be some whispering in people's ears)they could be doing it to spice things up to make more money get the second show etc...
People will go to extraordinary lengths to get a show.Anyone remember the boy in the balloon stunt? Or how about the couple that supposed to had crashed the white house dinner? I wouldn't put it past someone to do anything if they want the 15 seconds of fame.(It used to be 15 minutes but those people actually had talent)
May 10, 2011, 11:20 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
I did get to watch some of last night's episodes with hubs, I'm still behind.
I saw Cody working with Jr. ?
Mikey's gallery was actually pretty nice, I kinda like some of his art.
The money bike, it sure was nice, but a little over the top, I seem to favor Jr.s design work.
May 10, 2011, 11:35 |
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Re: Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
QUOTE (BigDaddyJ @ September 30, 2010, 15:02)... What was messed up was what he did to Mikey. that was wrong.
I'm behind in this season, who did what to Mikey?
May 10, 2011, 12:25 |
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Re: Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ May 10, 2011, 11:20)Even if the network didnt tell them to fight(although there could be some whispering in people's ears)they could be doing it to spice things up to make more money get the second show etc...
People will go to extraordinary lengths to get a show.Anyone remember the boy in the balloon stunt? Or how about the couple that supposed to had crashed the white house dinner? I wouldn't put it past someone to do anything if they want the 15 seconds of fame.(It used to be 15 minutes but those people actually had talent)
I think the balloon analogy is approprite.
May 13, 2011, 23:38 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
I don't think so, there is true talent in American Chopper, I love watching them build the bikes from sketch to trial ride. There are some talented people doing amazing work. The personal squabbles are a bit uncomfortable to me, and can't help but to find myself just praying for a resolution for the family.
The behind the scenes show is a must see if anyone isn't familiar with the history of the series and it's also cool to see what goes into shooting a show of this type.
I put American Chopper in the same class of "reality TV" as Ice Road Truckers, Ax Men, and a few others.
You have to give people credit for one, of course we know the difference between a hoax, fake reality TV, and reality TV. We're not idiots, we all know when a show is based on re-enactments, when a final count is thrown in to have a winner and a loser.
"Real World"....I know if I where producing that show, I wouldn't do it any different than it's been done, you need to select people who are diverse enough to guarantee clashes, and one or two in a committed long term relationship is a must, that's the drama, gotta have the drama.
"Cops" is probably the only true and original "Reality TV"
TV follows trends...there have been trends of Doctor/Medical shows, private eye shows, cop shows, Variety shows, talk shows, family/personal life of celebs with 24 hour camera coverage (I believe Sharon Osborne can be credited with the first of this type with "The Osbornes" and now we have the trend of talent shows and what we've come to know as Reality TV. The Reality TV trend covers a huge range.
Competition cooking/baking shows, tons of talent shows like "America's got Talent, American Idol, The Voice, The X factor, Shear Genius, America's Next Top Model, and so many more.
Then the Fake Reality shows, shows that often come with the clear disclaimer that "...the show you are about to see are re-enactments of actual events"
Of course, we can tell when something is structured, arranged, re-enacted and all that. TV shows are cast, directed, produced, and edited. Of freakin' course they are.
Balloon Boy was a media hoax, media hoaxes for publicity are a huge part of Hollywood history, going way back to the silent movie picture day.
I don't want to diss anyone's choices of entertainment, if you're interested in it, then I'll be interested in it. I watched cooking shows because LandH mentioned them, I've watched Top Model because our Liz liked the show, I've watched Ice Road Truckers because OOMG talked about it.
I'm open minded, can find value in most anything, but no, I'm not gullible or dumb, I know a whole lot about what I'm watching. It's TV for crying out loud....it's TV.
May 14, 2011, 14:21 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Junior's whole premise on the show was dad did most of the yelling, but contributed nothing to the building of the bikes. To see an example of this, watch any episode now. Senior dictates to his staff, based on the paper design, how the bike is to be built. Then he disappears and only emerges if one of three things is happening;
1. The bike is not getting build by specs, his vision, or in a timely manner to the schedule.
2. There's an outing planned. (eg., hockey, racing, or testing of something)
3. At the time of the unveil.
Junior's way of building bikes annoys his father as he thinks it evolves laziness in its form. Building a bike without a plan is shear stupidity in Senior's eyes. After any bike is built, Senior takes credit for his role in the building, but truth be told, if Senior had to build a bike from start to finish, without help, it would never see the light of day. In hind sight, Junior is the perfect middle of the road guy in this dysfunctional family. His restraint on a bike build comes from his father's view and the frame of the bike he is building. While his creativity stems from his brother Mikey. but only taking a piece from each of them. The two driving forces that make up Junior keep his vision clear in bike building...
May 15, 2011, 20:54 |
User no longer registered.
Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Now that was a good read, GG. every show has a format, template or formula they follow, this one is no exception for sure.
Hubs was home and off work last night, so caught up on a few episodes with him. I still like Jr.s desgin style best.
They don't do "Biker buidoff" anymore do they? That was a pretty cool one ot watch.
May 15, 2011, 22:22 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Junior fired Odie for not showing up on time, when ever he wanted, and back talking him. hmmm, any one else see the irony in that?
May 16, 2011, 04:57 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Oh yeah! But that's what Junior needed to learn now that it's his own shop, his own name, his own deadlines...and Sr. has to learn not to treat others like hid did his sons.
Hoping this kind of thing is what will get through to both sides, and I do think the family will re-unite.
I saw the episode where Sr. did re-unite with his other son.
May 16, 2011, 14:26 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
yep, he apparently spent New Year's Eve with his son Dan (Dan took over the Iron Works shop that Sr. originally started). Sr. also took some time to visit Mikey's art studio.
May 16, 2011, 23:21 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
I think they will all make up, I think a new episode is on tonight...but like I said, I probably won't watch it till hubs is home cuz it's one of the few shows we can agree on to watch together. But I don't mind spoilers if someone comments after toight's episode airs.
May 17, 2011, 00:45 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Sr. made an offer, Jr. rejected it. Sr's dog Gus was put down due to cancer. the episode ended with Sr. listening to a voice mail from Jr. giving his condolences.
May 17, 2011, 05:04 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
I missed it last night, they'll re-run it.
I'm sure the family will get together sooner or later, but they probably shouldn't or won't work together anymore, but that would be a good thing.
I haven't had the chance to see much of the series of three bikes Sr. is building, one's a GTO, and
a Trans Am one I think, and one other?
OH hell, I'll get caught up
May 17, 2011, 12:23 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
One's a GTO and I think two Firebirds. the place he's doing those for converts new cameros into Firebirds. It's a matter of changing logos, front and rear treatments. [headlight/grill and taillights]
May 17, 2011, 14:22 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
GTO Judge, Firebird, and Trans-Am.
May 17, 2011, 18:32 |
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Re: Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
QUOTE (lonelyandhorny @ May 17, 2011, 18:32)GTO Judge, Firebird, and Trans-Am.
Ok, so a GTO and two Firebirds.
May 17, 2011, 23:28 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
QUOTE (lonelyandhorny @ May 16, 2011, 04:57)Junior fired Odie for not showing up on time, when ever he wanted, and back talking him. hmmm, any one else see the irony in that?
What ever happened to Odie? I know he applied for a job with Senior, but since that episode he's never been seen again...
May 18, 2011, 02:29 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Sr. had a person like that. He has his own shop now.
I will say that I like how Jr. comes up with the designs in his head over the puter. I think that is more creative.
May 18, 2011, 02:33 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Good question about Odie, GG...I figured I had just missed something there since I'm behind in episodes.
I'm with OOMG, I do like the way that Jr. desigins his bikes, Sr. seems to just let Jason do everything on computer.
Love Nubb's paint work too. He's got allot of skill and talent.
May 18, 2011, 12:26 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
So, OCC is in forcloseure.
Seems they decided to not make mortage payments in an attempt to get the thing refinanced.
July 4, 2011, 21:34 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
QUOTE (OOMG @ July 4, 2011, 21:34)So, OCC is in forcloseure.
Seems they decided to not make mortage payments in an attempt to get the thing refinanced.
From what I understand, it's the building in foreclosure, not the business. They were looking to build a new building that was bigger, but with the law suit tying up their finances in escrow, they couldn't do anything about the new facility until the lawsuit was final. Not making payments on the old place was sort of not their fault according to senior, but not putting that money aside for payments will hurt them in the building of the new place with the banks later...
July 6, 2011, 15:05 |
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Re: Re: Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ July 6, 2011, 15:05) QUOTE (OOMG @ July 4, 2011, 21:34)So, OCC is in forcloseure.
Seems they decided to not make mortage payments in an attempt to get the thing refinanced.
From what I understand, it's the building in foreclosure, not the business. They were looking to build a new building that was bigger, but with the law suit tying up their finances in escrow, they couldn't do anything about the new facility until the lawsuit was final. Not making payments on the old place was sort of not their fault according to senior, but not putting that money aside for payments will hurt them in the building of the new place with the banks later...
Guess it ain't enough for OCC they never had to pay taxes on the current property. Sleazebags
July 6, 2011, 17:42 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
I'm just happy to see a little progress in the father-sons relationship.
They were a troubled family before the show came into being, they were chosen to do the show not only for work they did, but for the obviously volatility between father and son. It seems that both are ready to accept and agree that the problem lies with both trying to work together, and each having their own business, is what will help them rebuild their family.
July 6, 2011, 17:56 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Thing is that the stel works that the eldest son bought? That also went bankrupt. Since the eldest son hadn't talked to his dad in many years, I asume that he was "forced" into buying it.
I think this is just a pattern of Sr.s
I've read that OCC has a habit of "forcing" people and others to get thier way.
July 7, 2011, 07:28 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
With Sr., I see a strong personality with the dominating father part thrown in, then taking into account that long term alcoholism does indeed forever physically and biological changes the function of the brain.
OOooo I know, I've all kinda "text booky" lately, haven't I?
July 8, 2011, 13:05 |
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Re: Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 8, 2011, 13:05)With Sr., I see a strong personality with the dominating father part thrown in, then taking into account that long term alcoholism does indeed forever physically and biological changes the function of the brain.
OOooo I know, I've all kinda "text booky" lately, haven't I?
Someone has to do it.
July 8, 2011, 13:15 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Yeah, I probably should lighten up and start slammin' on free for awhile,
July 8, 2011, 13:19 |
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Re: Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 8, 2011, 13:19)Yeah, I probably should lighten up and start slammin' on free for awhile,
July 8, 2011, 13:35 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Monday and Tuesday night....the build off with Senior, Junior and Jesse James.
(Yes of course, we know.... that Jesse James is just thrown in as the villian factor to heat up the series and maintain ratings)
All I really care about is the cool designs.
December 5, 2011, 01:39 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
I like the episode where Sr. and Jr. show thier top ten picks out of what they built.
I really liked the trike designed to work with someone in a wheelchair can operate.
December 5, 2011, 17:31 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
So far, I'm leaning towards Jr. and Jesse's bikes for the build off.
I just didn't like Sr.'s design at all. But the second night with the finished bikes is tonight, so hard to really say yet.
December 6, 2011, 13:04 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
The thing Sr. came up with is nice.---If ya want a lay down to drive off road thing.
Jesses is nice lookin' but rather ordinary.
The work that went into PJDs design and build wins hands down. That's the one I voted for.
December 6, 2011, 13:17 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Yeah, Sr's designs come from Jason and his computer clip art. I really thought the Arabian Horse bike a week or so ago looked like a cheesy kid's carousel ride, I did not like it at all. This weeks build off bike with the silly flame thrower is definitely third place.
I do like the Jr's designs and his method of designing and I do love it.
December 6, 2011, 13:22 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
I liked the horse bike. I thought there was a lot of work put into the tank to make it look that good.
December 6, 2011, 15:05 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
At least the horse bike wasn't overdone with LED lights, I think Senior way over uses the LEDs
December 6, 2011, 15:31 |
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Re: American Chopper Sr. vs Jr.
Maybe he thinks he's a chicken hauler.---lol
I liked the trade tower bike that Jr. built. Lots of details in that one.
December 6, 2011, 15:41 |