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Love what ya do, Do what ya love
So many people are trapped in jobs or careers that they really dont care for. Others are fortunate enough to be able to turn their passions into not only careers, but lucrative ones at that.
Whats your favorite thing to do that you would love to do for a living? And if you're really bold, how would you go about doing it, and why havent you done it?
August 24, 2010, 13:41 |
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Re: Love what ya do, Do what ya love
I would love to work in a major museum...but I don't like city living, and the commute is way to far.
I'd be pretty happy working in a small museum,
August 24, 2010, 15:11 |
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Re: Love what ya do, Do what ya love
I am lucky enough to do a job I enjoy, must do have been at it ten years now...
but, the ideal would be to be a photographer. Have done some work for a few weddings as gifts for friends and such like as well as more arty based things.
Things holding me back I suppose have been the old lack of money whilst you get off the ground and also I love it as a hobby, but not sure if I turned it into a career I would get as much enjoyment out of it anymore
August 24, 2010, 15:38 |
35 / male elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: Love what ya do, Do what ya love
i woulkd luv to write a story for a video game and also make it. i haven't done it yet cuz i can't afford college but i got a few plans up my sleeve to make a name for my self.
August 24, 2010, 15:43 |
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Re: Love what ya do, Do what ya love
Hey Josie....your job is to show up here more often dammit!!!
August 24, 2010, 16:22 |
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Re: Love what ya do, Do what ya love
Hey Chazzy...I feel suitably chastised now
Been a rough few months over the pond here, but getting back to normal now I think so yep hopefully I am back to make sure everyone is behaving (or not hopefully)
August 24, 2010, 16:33 |
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Re: Love what ya do, Do what ya love
I would make millions admiring breasts
August 26, 2010, 22:14 |
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Re: Love what ya do, Do what ya love
I like the truck driving job i have. Always liked going different places.
However, it wasn't my first choice in occupations. I wanted to be a porn star, but missed the window of oppourtunity by a quater century and half a foot.
August 26, 2010, 23:43 |
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Re: Love what ya do, Do what ya love
When I grow up, I wanna be Regis Philbin. "Work" for an hour a day next to Kelly Ripa, doing nothing other than talking to celebrities, be escorted in limos and private jets, comped in restaurants, free wardrobe and have bizillions of dollars thrown at you for doing it. I want that job!
August 27, 2010, 12:22 |
47 / female East, Texas, US
Re: Love what ya do, Do what ya love
I write and I love it. Maybe one day I will even get paid to do it.
If I had the capital, I would love to open a resturant. One that actually creates an experience with great food too. Of course, me being me, I would get it up and running (and successful) and sell it to go on to my next idea.
August 29, 2010, 04:12 |
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Love what ya do, Do what ya love