33 / male Hurst, Texas, US
Whats up with every other site being filled with nothing but those damn cam girls? I'm trying to talk to actual people but everyone is a fake. Hopefully I have some luck on this site. Hit me up to chat.
August 23, 2010, 19:12 |
55 / male white creek, New York, US
Re: Wtf?
I have been on this site for a while now and as far as I have seen there is none of that fake shit on here.They all seem to be honest people all looking for differnt things.I have not had a hook up as of yet,But the people are real,,so good luck and have lots of fun..I know I have
August 23, 2010, 19:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Wtf?
We don't like the scammers camgirls, we have a very strong dislike for them.
If you are solicited on this site, click on the profile of the scamming skank ass lying moronic bitch (ie...camgirl)
scroll down, and use the red link to "report this profile"
A text box will pop up, just type in "camgirl"
It's quick and anonymous.
If a camgirl is in the chatrooms, and there is a moderator listed underneath "online moderators" write them a quick note with the name of the camgirl, we can pop right in there and ban them out.
August 23, 2010, 20:39 |