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Freensleazy's Forum
What else are you for or against Free....I could just argue with you all day, I even find it fun and kinda relaxing...
July 14, 2010, 22:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
And you my friend are always a joy! And I truly mean that. As sarcastic as I can be, I could never be that way with you!
But if you're suggesting that I mention things in this forum that grind my gears (yes, that from Family Guy), you may have bitten off more than the bandwidth for this site can accommodate! LOL!
But just to fuel the fire that you lit, I'll repeat something that I said in a previous post about 3 or 4 months ago. My GF and I were walking out of the supermarket on a Saturday afternoon. As I was pushing the cart, I noticed one of the local finest checking for handicapped permits for cars in handicapped parking spots. I turned to her and said, "Must be a slow day for murderers, rapists and drug dealers". Now, this guy had to be at least 50 yards away. We walked toward my truck and the cop pulled up behind us and said "you got something to say to me?". I just looked at him and said "What?"
He repeated himself and I said "No, I dont even know you". He had some kinda amplification thing on the outside of his car that he could hear me from THAT far away.
Now. Again, I will defend my self. I never have, nor am I an advocate ot parking in handicapped spots. I think its reprehensible for people who dont need them to use them. However, with all the other crap that goes on in certain areas of town, the Police presence would be better served by being there to either deal with it, or to prevent things from happening. As well as to not PISS ME OFF! LMAO!
How'd I do so far?
July 14, 2010, 23:22 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
I always wanted to jump on a handicapped person for parking in one of our spots. Hey they have their own.
July 15, 2010, 00:38 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Since I was asked, here's some more things fry my onions:
People who wait in long lines at fast food restaurants and when its finally their turn to order, they say "Hmmm, what do I want?" What the hell were they doing while they were in line?!
Cashiers that cant make change without the register telling them how much to give
Paying highway tolls in New York State. As soon as you cross the border from Erie's free, well paved highway, you hit NY's crappy thruway, see the Welcome To New York and right after that, a toll booth.
Chronic texting. Dont people know how to converse any more? I was at a restaurant recently and saw 2 20something girls sitting across the table from eachother texting away the whole time. I swear, they were talking to each other.
Anyone who is a racist or a homophobe.
Men who hit women. Any man that raises a hand to a woman in a domestic situation with the exception of self defense, is not a man. He is not even an animal. He is lower than whale shit.
People who dont clean the snow off of their cars before driving.
Kids that wear their pants down around their knees. I dont want to see your ass crack or your underwear.
People who burp or fart out loud in social settings and think its funny. Its not. Its rude and they only make idiots out of them selves.
Cars with the bass up so high that it makes my car shake inside.
Kids who think that they should be given everything, rather than getting a job to earn the money and buy it for themselves.
Parents who give kids everything that they want.
Evil people.
People with bad hygiene. Shower, shampoo, brush your teeth and shave once in a while damn it!
People who dont dress appropriately. For example, a 300 lb woman shouldnt be wearing a tube top. For that matter any over weight person should not be wearing skin tight clothing of any kind. Nor should 30 year olds and older dress like teenagers!
Rude people.
People who think the world owes them everything. Get a friggin job.
Politicians and Lawyers
Terrorists and murderers. Although, they would fall under evil people as stated above.
Any celebrity who uses their star status to promote their individual political beliefs. I'm sorry, I may like to hear your music, hear your comedy routine or watch you act. I dont want you to tell me how you think I should think. Shut the F up and perform!
The mindless drones who listen to the idiots listed above.
Anyone who argues against something that someone else believes in, but has no factual basis to back up their argument, they only know what someone else told them, rather than researching it.
Illegal aliens. With the exception of ET, Mork, My Favorite Martian and the Great Gazoo.
Laugh tracks on sitcoms. Sorry Hollywood, youre turning out pure crap and by putting phony laughter on after lines that just arent funny are not going to make me think that I didnt get the joke.
People who drive in the left lane on thruways and freeways. The left lane is for passing. If youre not passing, get over!
People who carry on mindless conversations on cell phones in public places. We dont want to hear it!
Women at check out registers in convenience stores who, after theyre given their change still stand there putting coins and bills in separate areas of their wallet, fish around for their car keys, put on sunglasses, put on gloves, grab a piece of gum and God knows what else instead of getting the hell out of the way and letting the next person in line get cashed out!
People who dont discipline their kids, or just as bad, discipline them too much in a public place.
Ok, that just kinda scratches the surface. I'm sure I could come up with more if I put a little thought into it.
July 15, 2010, 15:21 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Applause, applause !!... I feel so much better this morning after reading your post. Also, thank you for writing in proper sentence form with correct spelling, it makes it so much easier.
Thank you for this one, " Anyone who argues against something that someone else believes in, but has no factual basis to back up their argument, they only know what someone else told them, rather than researching it." This describes my mom and many small minded people.
Have a great day!!
July 15, 2010, 15:52 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
People that eat regularly at fast food restaurants are just plain stupid, hence the 'What do I want?' people...
You work for minimum wage and have a desire to think.
The New York roadways are almost always under constant construction to fix the crappy roads, because everyone and their brother drives through these roads to make them crappy. Local New Yorkers usually avoid those roads to avoid the tolls, hence the tolls are mainly to get money from the people that use the roads the most but don't pay taxes to repair them.
Texting is a phase of humanity that will pass. At some point people prefer the sound of another human voice.
Hate in general is something you learn from your parents. Sometimes there is so much hate from them, that you learn to love instead.
I'm sorry, but if a woman is coming at me with a knife or is pointing a gun at more or endangering my life in any other way, you better bet they're gonna get clocked.
In general people are lazy, doing the least work for the most reward. Once they get in trouble for all the snow on their car they will start clearing them off a bit more.
Even kids today make fun of the pants sagging kids, its a 'gang' thing now and is a demonstration of the lack of intelligence and wealth.
Burping and farting is funny to some groups of people and sometimes people forget where they are. Also laughter is often a cover up for embarrassment.
That's the point of a really good sound system in a car. Why buy something that good and never use it?
Life will teach these children a good lesson someday. They're usually the people that when they get a job, forget to pay their bills.
These are usually the parents that grew up with their parents giving them nothing, and don't want to raise their kids the same way.
No person is entirely good or entirely evil. Everyone does the best that they can do with what they've been given. Also keep in mind that an evil person sees a good person as evil from their point of view. Kim Jong-Il doesn't view himself as evil, but rather views America as evil.
Bad Hygiene = Lazy People are inherently lazy. Would you be keeping good hygiene if your parents didn't hound you as a kid to do it?
When you're a 300 Lb woman, you try finding clothes that fit you appropriately. At that point, the only way to do so is to buy custom made clothes, which is money better spent on resolving the weight issue. Fat people make less money than fit people. Woman make less money than men. Therefore fat woman must make less money than everyone! FAT WOMAN UNITE! Threaten to sit on your bosses if you don't get a raise!
Usually a person is rude when they feel justified to be so, sometimes before you judge a person as so, its best to take stock of your own actions first just to make sure you didn't wrong them in any way.
My life has been fairly crappy for long enough. The world does owe me something!
I agree completely. Politicians and Lawyers just ruin everything.
Again, from the Terrorist/Murderer's point of view, they're just doing/did what is/was necessary to complete their lifestyle. The United States of America was founded by terrorists, and had we lost the war every single one of them would have been treated the same way we intend to treat all of Al Qaeda.
Sometimes a celebrity just gets that involved in an issue that they need to say something.
Sometimes people can be really, really stupid.
Again, people can be really, really stupid.
Why do these 'aliens' become illegal to begin with? This is the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are the haven of freedom and the haven to all those that need protection. Why is it so difficult to cross the border legally?
Hollywood doesn't care, just give them your money and shut up!
The public in my area drives 75 mph, I drive 80 mph. I'm always passing.
Its a public place, they're free to talk all they want. You're free to leave anytime you want.
After they put their money away and take their time doing other stuff, SAY SOMETHING to get their asses moving!
When you have a kid, do you want some other parent coming up to you telling you how to raise their kid? Always stop a parent from hurting their child unnecessarily, but other than that stay out of their business.
Thank you for all the fish! (points for getting that reference)
July 15, 2010, 15:57 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Bit of a grumpy git ain't ya Free?
July 15, 2010, 16:12 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (Liberalwife @ July 15, 2010, 16:12)Bit of a grumpy git ain't ya Free?
Nah, those were just a few random thoughts! Hey? Chazzy asked, I merely obliged!
July 15, 2010, 16:15 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (freensleazy @ July 15, 2010, 16:15) QUOTE (Liberalwife @ July 15, 2010, 16:12)Bit of a grumpy git ain't ya Free?
Nah, those were just a few random thoughts! Hey? Chazzy asked, I merely obliged!
And that one looks Jewish
And that one's a
Who let all this riff raff
Into the room?
There's one smoking a joint
And another with spots
If I had my way...
I'd have all of you shot
Oooops, I seem to have mixed this thread up with the Pink Floyd one...
(Sorry dear, as much as I do love Pink Floyd and understand what their lyrics are saying, I gotta edit out that derogatory word....not acceptable in any context. I'm sure you can understand - Chazzy)
July 15, 2010, 18:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ July 15, 2010, 15:52)Applause, applause !!... I feel so much better this morning after reading your post. Also, thank you for writing in proper sentence form with correct spelling, it makes it so much easier.
Thank you for this one, " Anyone who argues against something that someone else believes in, but has no factual basis to back up their argument, they only know what someone else told them, rather than researching it." This describes my mom and many small minded people.
Have a great day!!
Any time I get into a debate with someone like that, I always tell them, "Dont bring a knife to a gunfight"
July 15, 2010, 19:35 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Wow. At the risk of you thinking I'm lazy. You have already typed up most of my pet peeves so I'll just say refer to your post.Freensleazy I would swear you have been listening to me bitch about many of the same things.However you left off a few I would like to add.
People who go into a chat room and don't like to chat.
Parents who seem to think its OK for their child to be in charge of not just their homes and family but the rest of us as well.
People who wait to check out at the store and don't have a form of payment out (check, cash, charge card, etc..)as if they are surprised they have to pay then can't find the form of payment (Mostly women and the gigantic purses they carry). Or the people that search for the exact change for twenty minutes because they don't want to break a bill.
There is one thing I don't agree with you on. The handicapped spot situation. I have a handicapped plate. I have a seriously screwed up back and can't carry things or walk long distances on many occasions. I don't think police should stop investigating serious crimes but I do think if they are on patrol they should check handicapped id's etc.. It is highly abused by people who use other peoples cars or placards or places where people know they don't check people park there all the time that shouldn't. Also someone else mentioned that they get annoyed when they see a handicapped plate car in a regular spot. We don't have to park in the handicapped spots and if I am feeling well enough I will park in a regular spot and leave the handicapped spot for someone who may need it badly that day. The spots are much less available than you might think, especially around busy areas. Also if my kids have my car they wont AND CAN NOT BY LAW park in the handicapped spot. I hate when someone sees me park in the handicapped spot and says things like "You don't look handicapped". Not everyone that has a handicap is in a wheel chair. I can't stand when someone parks in handicapped parking and when you tell them to move they say. "I'm just waiting for someone" I always tell them its not a waiting area and unless they have a handicapped id they have to move or I will have them ticketed. It is a HIGHLY ABUSED AND UNDER ENFORCED SITUATION.
July 16, 2010, 05:54 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Awwww hell....
Release the Kracken
July 16, 2010, 15:41 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 16, 2010, 15:41)Awwww hell....
Release the Kracken
Shoulda been done while Poseidon ruled the seas.
That way we wouldn't have people who text in fast food lines and act surprised when they get asked "May I help you?"
I worked for minimum wage at several times in my life and thought it's time to go.
Unfortunately texting is here to stay and will only grow. It's mobile IM'ng and its easier to hold 2 or more conversations while standing in line.
Hate comes from many places. Almost always bred from ignorance, intolerance and indoctrination. (Hmm, stupid breeds stupid?) (BTW you try alliteration w/3,4,and 5 syllables)
If you don't hit her she won't come at you with weapons. (unless she's crazy to start with)
If your to lazy to brush the snow off your car, let it warm up and melt it. It's better for the engine anyway.
I don;t honestly know enough about the gang mindset and honestly don;t care too. I DO know anyone who pants are that loose deserves then around their ankles in public.
The human digestive system acts all by itself. Excuse yourself when you burp or fart and move on.
The point of a really good sound system is sound quality. Not the ability to break the windows in my car or to make me listen to what you're listening to even though my windows are closed, my ac is on and my OWN stereo is turned up.
For those given everything, I think they have trust funds and automatic bill payment for a reason.
Evil. Ok, Did Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Ghengis Khan consider themselves evil? Likely no. Does everyone else? I fucking hope so. But again, likely no.
When you talk to people and they step back everytime you step forward its time to brush your teeth and bathe.
I buy close that fit because I don't believe my sexy ass looks good in a speedo. For those that struggle with weight losing it is easier said than done. And keeping it off is harder still.
People are rude because they are rude. Not necessarily anything you did to them. Someone earlier coulda pissed them off. Like a judge who sentenced them to 90 days jail and 90 days rehab for violating probation.
The world could care less what it think you are owed. And for those who are worried about the world it can wait our dumb asses out to extictintion, and then go happily on its merry way.
I vote for myself. I've even run for office. Vote for Mark. Just because he won't lie to you and doesn't suck. Not exactly a hoppin campaign slogan, but got my point across.
July 18, 2010, 00:24 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Our founding fathers did not use terror on the same scale. I don't recall any bombings in London, York, or Montreal in my history books. Nor do I recall the Revolutionary Army or schisms of it, assinating the royal family or high command.
Celebs have opinions, like everyone else, unfortunatly they also have a bigger forum to make their point. So for me, I wish they would make their point and shut up.
I work in retail. I know people are stupid. That's why I'm employed. So if they buy something I tell them won't fix their problem I won't refund it. EVER.
Aliens are illegal because they won;t wait out the process. Yeah its a pain and waiting sucks. But, if they weren't born here and they circumvented the system. If they get caught thats makes it criminal and they have to go.
Change the channel.
Move to the right whe your done passing, so the jackass doing 110 doesn't end up in your trunk.
Then don't be offended when I kibbitz in your phone conversation b/c I was eavesdropping.
I have told them to move.
Annoyed, but agreed. Not my biz about how you raise your child.
July 18, 2010, 01:23 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: Re: Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (wandering5tar @ July 15, 2010, 18:11) QUOTE (freensleazy @ July 15, 2010, 16:15) QUOTE (Liberalwife @ July 15, 2010, 16:12)Bit of a grumpy git ain't ya Free?
Nah, those were just a few random thoughts! Hey? Chazzy asked, I merely obliged!
And that one looks Jewish
And that one's a
Who let all this riff raff
Into the room?
There's one smoking a joint
And another with spots
If I had my way...
I'd have all of you shot
Oooops, I seem to have mixed this thread up with the Pink Floyd one...
(Sorry dear, as much as I do love Pink Floyd and understand what their lyrics are saying, I gotta edit out that derogatory word....not acceptable in any context. I'm sure you can understand - Chazzy)
I understand but I don't agree. You don't change people's opinions by avoiding the language that THEY use. This is why art and humour are such powerful tools for social change if allowed to express themselves freely. Censorship, in all it's forms, has always been the tool of the dictators and oppressors .
I'm surprised Political Correctness wasn't one of Free's topics...
July 18, 2010, 05:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Hey doode, All we do is try to follow the rules and quidelines here that absix set, we do what he wants the way he wants. This site belongs to Abs and Unf and they can run it any way they want, make any rules they want.
The edited word is unacceptable and extrememly offensive and in no form, way or for any reason, should be in print in this forum.
Please feel free to complain to unf or absix.
July 18, 2010, 12:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
By the way, most of you have been here to know that certain topics that have strong political connectivity are not allowed either.
Immigration is such a topic.
Since there is just so much going on in this thread, no other editing was done, I expect ya'all to keep it on a level where it will not be necessary. I expect ya'all to know that, to filter and edit yourselves.
July 18, 2010, 12:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (wandering5tar @ July 18, 2010, 05:59) QUOTE (wandering5tar @ July 15, 2010, 18:11) QUOTE (freensleazy @ July 15, 2010, 16:15) QUOTE (Liberalwife @ July 15, 2010, 16:12)Bit of a grumpy git ain't ya Free?
Nah, those were just a few random thoughts! Hey? Chazzy asked, I merely obliged!
And that one looks Jewish
And that one's a
Who let all this riff raff
Into the room?
There's one smoking a joint
And another with spots
If I had my way...
I'd have all of you shot
Oooops, I seem to have mixed this thread up with the Pink Floyd one...
(Sorry dear, as much as I do love Pink Floyd and understand what their lyrics are saying, I gotta edit out that derogatory word....not acceptable in any context. I'm sure you can understand - Chazzy)
I understand but I don't agree. You don't change people's opinions by avoiding the language that THEY use. This is why art and humour are such powerful tools for social change if allowed to express themselves freely. Censorship, in all it's forms, has always been the tool of the dictators and oppressors .
I'm surprised Political Correctness wasn't one of Free's topics...
Well, anything political is a no-no here. Frankly, I'm kinda surprised that the whole cell phone thread went as far as it did
July 18, 2010, 13:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ July 16, 2010, 05:54)Wow. At the risk of you thinking I'm lazy. You have already typed up most of my pet peeves so I'll just say refer to your post.Freensleazy I would swear you have been listening to me bitch about many of the same things.However you left off a few I would like to add.
People who go into a chat room and don't like to chat.
Parents who seem to think its OK for their child to be in charge of not just their homes and family but the rest of us as well.
People who wait to check out at the store and don't have a form of payment out (check, cash, charge card, etc..)as if they are surprised they have to pay then can't find the form of payment (Mostly women and the gigantic purses they carry). Or the people that search for the exact change for twenty minutes because they don't want to break a bill.
There is one thing I don't agree with you on. The handicapped spot situation. I have a handicapped plate. I have a seriously screwed up back and can't carry things or walk long distances on many occasions. I don't think police should stop investigating serious crimes but I do think if they are on patrol they should check handicapped id's etc.. It is highly abused by people who use other peoples cars or placards or places where people know they don't check people park there all the time that shouldn't. Also someone else mentioned that they get annoyed when they see a handicapped plate car in a regular spot. We don't have to park in the handicapped spots and if I am feeling well enough I will park in a regular spot and leave the handicapped spot for someone who may need it badly that day. The spots are much less available than you might think, especially around busy areas. Also if my kids have my car they wont AND CAN NOT BY LAW park in the handicapped spot. I hate when someone sees me park in the handicapped spot and says things like "You don't look handicapped". Not everyone that has a handicap is in a wheel chair. I can't stand when someone parks in handicapped parking and when you tell them to move they say. "I'm just waiting for someone" I always tell them its not a waiting area and unless they have a handicapped id they have to move or I will have them ticketed. It is a HIGHLY ABUSED AND UNDER ENFORCED SITUATION.
Newbie, I can assure you I was only kidding. I might regret what I am about to say, but I will say it anyway. I am very sensitive to handicapped people, especially children. I was in a profession that worked with children and I had all kinds.
Things get very intense and tempers flare, which is fine. Nice to have some spice.
I find I need a sense of humor to get by at times. I have a son with cancer that I am sure he would trade for a bad back. When you deal with something like that you get your priorities straight and learn what is important in life real fast.
I was amused at what annoys everyone and that seems so unimportant to me. I have learned the meaning of patience and compassion. Our life can change in a second.
I am sure other people have gone through many tragedies in life. My son has been battling cancer for 14 years. Not many would survive what he has.
I will shut my mouth and hope I did not offend anyone, But at this point in my life what does it matter anymore.
July 18, 2010, 15:10 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Goody, it's just good to hear from you, we love you and miss you....I took your post with the humor you intended, no problem.
Free, yep....as long as ya'all handle your opinions respectfully, we don't mind. What topics to allow and which ones are not...can be gray, can depend on the ability of the people posting to post opinions with respect, keep it civil, keep it fun.
Shoot, even a Chevy vs Ford thread can get nasty and need moderating, deleted or locked, I've seen sports threads blow up ugly.
I do not care for it much when someone throws words and phrases like censorship when it comes to decisions to edit, lock or delete. Each of us is responsible for understanding and agreeing to the terms of membership of this site, and for the terms of use for the forums.
Abs and Unf have the right to decide what they want on their own website. It's their house, they can make all the rules, choices and decisions they want.
There is a huge library of songs lyrics that contain an equally offensive word, we will not allow those lyrics to be copy and pasted or quoted anywhere on this site either.
Sincerely your oppressing dictator of a bitch,
July 18, 2010, 17:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
I miss you too Chazzy, you are the best. Thank you.
July 18, 2010, 18:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Hey Free, I hope I did not put a damper on your thread. I just get a little carried away sometimes.
Newbie thanks for your message. That was very thoughtful of you.
We all have things that annoy us. Just a few of mine are:
1. People that go through the express lane in the grocery store with their cart overflowing and the cashier says she can't say anything to them. I always ask.
2. Selfish people, there is a difference between being careful and stingy.
3. Taking advantage of people or a business. I know of someone on my street who told of taking some cookies back to the store, because they weren't any good. In the same breath she said she did eat the whole box before she took them back. Go figure
July 21, 2010, 16:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Goody, please. No damper at all, its always good to hear from you. And I liked your rants too. I'll add to them people who go buy an article of clothing with the intention of wearing it once to an function or event and then returning it.
People who litter
People who empty their ashtrays in parking lots
Frivolous lawsuits
Disco Music
People that walk in while you're on the phone and start talking to, or sit there and listen to your conversation
July 21, 2010, 17:24 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
I'm a closet disco freak
July 21, 2010, 21:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (kamarel @ July 21, 2010, 21:17)I'm a closet disco freak
No worries friend, your secret is safe with me!
July 21, 2010, 21:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
You may hate and/or dislike so many things in this world, Free....but you luv me! Oh yes you do, you know you do, you luuuuuuuvvvvvv me!!!!
July 21, 2010, 22:02 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 21, 2010, 22:02)You may hate and/or dislike so many things in this world, Free....but you luv me! Oh yes you do, you know you do, you luuuuuuuvvvvvv me!!!!
Well of course I do! Who wouldnt?????????
BTW, I dont hate anything, even though I may have said it. Strongly dislike? Perhaps. However, one thing that I'm not, is opinionated! LMFBO!!!!!!!
July 21, 2010, 22:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Ok, if I'd driving north on a 2 lane road and a car thats coming south that has something get in their way, should make them stop until they can safely pass. Whether its someone on a bicycle, a pedestrian, a cone blocking a pothole, a mail truck or whatever. They have no right to cross over into oncoming traffic to avoid whatever is blocking their lane, just so they dont have to slow down.
July 27, 2010, 01:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
...amd I totally agree with you!
Around here, you can often end up behind a tractor. I allow for that kind of thing, I may end up arriving early but I'm never late!
July 27, 2010, 12:27 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
That's crazy, people are so inconsiderate. They should not cut someone off rather than just use their brakes. My dad taught me defense driving, always anticpate what the other idiot might do. My hot buttons are the speeders, especially going through the school zone (fast car with a baby in the back seat) and those that don't come to a COMPLETE STOP before the stop sign. I was in front a speeder one day, stopped BEFORE THE CROSSWALK, not letting him intimadate me, and it was a good thing because there were 2 pedestrians crossing. He would have wiped them out!
July 27, 2010, 16:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Ok, this hasnt happened for a while, but it pisses me off nonetheless. In the Introductions Forum, Yeppers is always kind and welcoming, saying a warm hello to anyone who posts there, regardless of gender. But every once in a while, some mook reads his welcome as a homosexual response. I know, theyre typically just new here and dont know the people or how things roll here. But I just hate to see things like that said to such a nice guy who only means well.
November 8, 2010, 14:37 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Oh, Chazzy, you know I love you girl but WTH were you thinking giving sleazy his own forum??? Must have been a weak moment...
Yo, Sleazy, you glad I am back yet?
November 8, 2010, 15:42 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Its been WAY too long!
November 8, 2010, 15:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
I think in the interests of equality and fairness Julianna should have her own forum too.
was that the Green Eyed Monster I just saw??
November 8, 2010, 15:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
How did you know she has green eyes?
November 8, 2010, 16:00 |
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Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Well, my forum would be filled with commentary on high heels, accessories, etc. Not certain my rants are forum worthy...Sleazy is one of the finest men I know but I would never tell him that.
Blue eyes here. I am jealous of no one, I am substantial enough to stand on my own credits...plus, my boobs are way bigger than Sleazy's...
November 8, 2010, 16:38 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (freensleazy @ November 8, 2010, 14:37)Ok, this hasnt happened for a while, but it pisses me off nonetheless. In the Introductions Forum, Yeppers is always kind and welcoming, saying a warm hello to anyone who posts there, regardless of gender. But every once in a while, some mook reads his welcome as a homosexual response. I know, theyre typically just new here and dont know the people or how things roll here. But I just hate to see things like that said to such a nice guy who only means well.
Don't get yourself all worked up. We don't want you to hurt yourself. Just remember you can't fix dumb.There will always be people that say or do stupid things.
November 8, 2010, 16:39 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
I didn't see the most recent incident. Yeppers is the best!!!!!!!
November 8, 2010, 16:54 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Well, I dont know the guy at all, Ive never spoken to him. He just seems like a decent guy . And as I said, I know its probably misunderstood, I just hate to see it happen at all.
November 8, 2010, 19:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
I dont know Yeppers either. He's OK in my book.
And look I can already speak fluent Yepperspeak.
3some .gif">
November 9, 2010, 08:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (Julianna @ November 8, 2010, 16:38)...plus, my boobs are way bigger than Sleazy's...[/quote
Sleazy has boobs?  In that case, ANYONE'S would be bigger.
November 9, 2010, 09:01 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
I heard on the radio yesterday that there was a study done that shows that students who regularly attend classes have better grades than students who dont. Really? Who knew? Some group actually had to do a study on this? And more importantly, who the hell funded it? I guess ya just cant fix stupid.
May 14, 2011, 15:04 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (freensleazy @ May 14, 2011, 15:04)I heard on the radio yesterday that there was a study done that shows that students who regularly attend classes have better grades than students who dont. Really? Who knew? Some group actually had to do a study on this? And more importantly, who the hell funded it? I guess ya just cant fix stupid.
I was just asking my gf about this, " Because of all the stupid people breeding. They give no thought to the poor kids they're bringing into this f'd up world or how they're going to get an education. Or even feed them. 98% of girls think they have to have a baby or 3. it's the American way. Then we pay the welfare moms more $ to have more kids. "
You can't fix it and it is multiplying. Then again, it is supposedly intelligent people running these studies, and obviously the money used could benefit so many more worthwhile issues.
May 14, 2011, 16:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Ive been saying that for years Kiss, some people should just not be allowed to reproduce.
May 14, 2011, 17:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (freensleazy @ May 14, 2011, 17:29)Ive been saying that for years Kiss, some people should just not be allowed to reproduce.
I've told people for years that my parents should have stopped after my sister was born.
May 14, 2011, 18:01 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
According to my kids I had them so I would have people to do things for me and I wouldn't have to pay them. Well some days they say I had them so I have someone to make miserable just as entertainment when I'm board.
May 15, 2011, 15:42 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ May 15, 2011, 15:42)According to my kids I had them so I would have people to do things for me and I wouldn't have to pay them. Well some days they say I had them so I have someone to make miserable just as entertainment when I'm board.
I thought that's why people had kids.
May 16, 2011, 01:38 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Freensleazy's Forum
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ May 15, 2011, 15:42)According to my kids I had them so I would have people to do things for me and I wouldn't have to pay them. Well some days they say I had them so I have someone to make miserable just as entertainment when I'm board.
Newbs, where the hell have ya been?
May 16, 2011, 02:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
Ok, this sent me into a stratosphere of pissed off that Ive never known. Last week, I got a text from my cell phone provider (which is a stupid term because we pay them for a service, they dont provide anything for us)saying that I was behind on my bill. I didnt get it because last week, I was going by one of their stores and knew my bill was due, but didnt have it with me, but I went in and paid $120 into the automated bill machine. I wont mention the name of the company, but it rhymes with horizon. Well, I guess the bill was $127. I dismissed the whole thing and didnt think twice about it. So today, I went to make a call and I got transferred directly to their collections department. OVER SEVEN FRIGGIN DOLLARS!! I have been with the company for 25 years and they shut me off for $7???
Well, needless to say, the person that answered the customer service call got an earful of my wrath and turned my phone back on right away, saying that everything is done by computers now. Unbefrigginlievable.
June 29, 2011, 23:18 |
35 / male elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: Freensleazy's Forum
i need to pay my own bill *sigh it gets turned off this month..... no job no money no anything -_-!! i feel though once my contract is up im switching to metro pcs friend got it and says its pretty good.
June 29, 2011, 23:21 |