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worst day ever
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » worst day ever


 35 / male
 elizabeth, New Jersey, US
worst day ever
today my whole day basically sucked and not in a good way. started when i was bikeing home from the hardware and pet store (looking at fish) i can't tell u how out of breathe i was.

then i get home i started to paint and bam!! i knock over the can of paint so i have my mom rush in and give me a hand shes laughing her ass off and im piss. i put groccy bags on my feet cuz there covered in blue paint.... so now im slipping almost falling into the paint puddle on the tart. my mom still laughing...

later i taking out the trash and the bag rips once again my mom is laughing has she helps me get another bag over but guess one trash juice gets on my foot. down the stairs it gets on my leg.

more stuff happen i just dont remember it nor do i want to. the worst part of it is im extrmely horny and no one to help me out lmao (i found this funny) tell me about some of ur worst days
 July 9, 2010, 04:09

 User no longer registered.
Re: worst day ever
Sounds like your Mom has a helluva sense of humor!

Tuesday was like that for me. I got a nail in my tire in the morning on the way in to work. I get back from having that fixed and walk into my office and theres a baby raccoon wandering around. I had called an exterminator last week because I heard something between the interior and exterior walls and he came and set a trap. Anyway, I got the little bugger outside and then could hear upstairs that there was something in the trap. Then another baby gets out, which I also got outside and could still hear more noise in the walls.
When the exterminator got there, he pulled 2 more babies out of the wall. All tolled, 4 babies and the mother coon in the trap. Then I leave to go home and I get a traffic ticket.

Plugging a hole in a tire: $30
Exterminator's Fee: $350
Traffic Ticket: $180
Hiding under the covers all day the next day: Priceless
 July 9, 2010, 10:47

 User no longer registered.
Re: worst day ever
I'm with Free, I like your mom!

Really good topic, great reading with my coffee this morning and looking forward to more posts.
 July 9, 2010, 12:47

 55 / male
 white creek, New York, US
Re: worst day ever
I went on a hike last week in a area I did not know well,I had a odd feeling about it to begin with,but I went anyway,first I traveled past my turn,had to stop,ask turn around,found the road and what I thought was the trail.I started down the trail running next to a beautiful river,got down the trail about a half mile and it disappeared,so I turned back,trying to figure where it went to..No luck back to the car,decided I would check up the road.Found another parking area,,checked out the signs and the trail was marked out on there.I searched around for about 20 min. and took a couple trails here and there,,not to far.Another dead end.Back to the sign board and the book I had.This trail was a loop trail. I could not find the short trail up to a very nice pond,so I ended up taking the longer trail,which turned out to be much longer.I keep going and going,I thought I would never reach the pond.In the mean time I was beating my self senseless tryi ng to kill a few horseflies that had it in for me.I went to get a drink and the elastic strap that held it in broke,,brand new carrier,then I went to adjust it,and the seem split open,I finally reached a beautiful view point went to get my camera out and the slide was open the whole time,,so the batteries where dead..I was really humping along on the trail being unsure of how far it was..I finally reached the pond,I was so fuckin re leaved to see that water,You could go either way around the pond,so I went to refer to my book,it was not in my bag.so I stopped went take my tank top off and the strap broke on that,had to put it back on and tie it.I decided what I thought was the shortest route around the pond,along the way ran into some people swimming,and asked them if I was heading rite,oh yup they said just follow it around and keep on going.Reaching the other side of the pond where the trail was suppose to be there where several dif. ones to take.I asked a few more peeps,and they said yup go here,start down trail find signs saying where they go,,not where I needed to go,back and forth a few times,thank god found the rite trail,back out to the road and a parking lot,but not the one I started from,figured out where I must have been,headed down the road,,TG found my car,,and my trail book,on top of it..I humped 7 miles in 3 and half hours and could not wait for it to be over. that's my story
 July 9, 2010, 15:12

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: worst day ever
we went down to wausau last night they were having the balloon rally and light up, and a rib pigg out down by the air port , we got there it was deserted so we never found it on the way back home I'm following a car and its getting late the all of the sudden jambs on the brakes we are going hwy speed and i see a pack of raccoons run off the road. i not sure if I'm glad or not about the car not running over the flock of coons and having them all coming out from under the car a big mess and have to avoid the ones that survived .i could of lost control of the bike and glad it wasn't deer
 July 9, 2010, 15:43

 User no longer registered.
Re: worst day ever
Good Gawd wantu....seems everything you touched broke...on a day like that....have someone else hold your dick if you have to pee....

Hey, Ash...yep...critters on the road, it must be skunk mating season here...they are everywhere. Racoons, ground hogs, armidillos, critters scurrying everywhere.
 July 9, 2010, 15:52

 55 / male
 white creek, New York, US
Re: worst day ever
Believe me Chazzy if I had someone to hold onto it for me,I would have let them,,real bad ass day.
We are over run with Rabbits this year,and see tons of kritters all over the road,fresh and ripe for road kill stew. lol
 July 9, 2010, 16:14

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: worst day ever
yepper tiny live stock, we don't have no armadillos, ,but i will add possums and badgers 6 different squirrels and Gophers on my bird feeders, even got momma bunny and a baby munchin corn at 5:30am just dont have no humming birds.
 July 9, 2010, 16:16

 User no longer registered.
Re: worst day ever
Got hummingbirds, but I really miss the Whip-or-Whills (spelling???)

I had a really bad night the other night...don't care to talk about it right now...later...
 July 10, 2010, 16:17

 35 / male
 elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: worst day ever
ok and its whip w/ heels i think u ment lol
 July 10, 2010, 17:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: worst day ever
You must have your mother's sense of humor!
 July 10, 2010, 19:34

 35 / male
 elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: worst day ever
so i been told. not to mention we laugh the same exact way. anyway i got something to add yesterday i missed out on getting this pinoy girl's number and she was cute. i need some self confidence building exercises but yea this was was all me on one 2 blame.
 July 11, 2010, 02:39

 35 / male
 elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: worst day ever
ok its getting slightly better work didn't kill me im about to finish my drawing for this contest. while i was at workl my mom finished most of the painting and i was able to get my lawaway b4 it got cancelled. and to make matters better the jacket i wanted was 29.99 and went down to 17.99 i was so happy. when i get a sd card for my camra i'll take a pic of it.
 July 12, 2010, 01:28

 55 / male
 white creek, New York, US
Re: Re: worst day ever
  QUOTE (wantubad2 @ July 9, 2010, 15:12)
I went on a hike last week in a area I did not know well,I had a odd feeling about it to begin with,but I went anyway,first I traveled past my turn,had to stop,ask turn around,found the road and what I thought was the trail.I started down the trail running next to a beautiful river,got down the trail about a half mile and it disappeared,so I turned back,trying to figure where it went to..No luck back to the car,decided I would check up the road.Found another parking area,,checked out the signs and the trail was marked out on there.I searched around for about 20 min. and took a couple trails here and there,,not to far.Another dead end.Back to the sign board and the book I had.This trail was a loop trail. I could not find the short trail up to a very nice pond,so I ended up taking the longer trail,which turned out to be much longer.I keep going and going,I thought I would never reach the pond.In the mean time I was beating my self senseless tryi ng to kill a few horseflies that had it in for me.I went to get a drink and the elastic strap that held it in broke,,brand new carrier,then I went to adjust it,and the seem split open,I finally reached a beautiful view point went to get my camera out and the slide was open the whole time,,so the batteries where dead..I was really humping along on the trail being unsure of how far it was..I finally reached the pond,I was so fuckin re leaved to see that water,You could go either way around the pond,so I went to refer to my book,it was not in my bag.so I stopped went take my tank top off and the strap broke on that,had to put it back on and tie it.I decided what I thought was the shortest route around the pond,along the way ran into some people swimming,and asked them if I was heading rite,oh yup they said just follow it around and keep on going.Reaching the other side of the pond where the trail was suppose to be there where several dif. ones to take.I asked a few more peeps,and they said yup go here,start down trail find signs saying where they go,,not where I needed to go,back and forth a few times,thank god found the rite trail,back out to the road and a parking lot,but not the one I started from,figured out where I must have been,headed down the road,,TG found my car,,and my trail book,on top of it..I humped 7 miles in 3 and half hours and could not wait for it to be over. that's my story

As of today i found that it was not the batteries in the camera,it was broke inside.Had to take apart and got it fixed,,,TG cause I use it to post my photos on here. lol
 July 12, 2010, 02:41

 35 / male
 elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: worst day ever
speaking of witch that reminds me i need to much sure my camra works
 July 12, 2010, 04:28

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: worst day ever
rechargeable batterys loose what they got after a awhile?
mine seem to go dead quick latly after a charge....
 July 12, 2010, 05:00

 User no longer registered.
Re: worst day ever
I think so Ash, we've been recharging the same ones for ever now, time to trash them and replace them.
 July 12, 2010, 21:18

 35 / male
 elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: worst day ever
back in the day u could get a good 6-12 charges off an old pair
 July 13, 2010, 00:49

 User no longer registered.
Re: worst day ever
GRRRRRR! ANOTHER FRIGGIN RACCOON TODAY! And Man, did that mother stink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was gonna hurl!
 July 13, 2010, 02:35

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: worst day ever
sure it wasn't a striped cat? never knew a raccoon to stink... but i do know they steal chips ahoys off the pic nick table while ya sleep
 July 13, 2010, 04:34

 User no longer registered.
Re: worst day ever
Good gawd! I live in the middle of nowhere with a forest across the street, and don't have that many raccoons, where are they all coming from?
Well...at least they are cuter than a possum...
 July 13, 2010, 11:07

 User no longer registered.
Re: worst day ever
Well, the first ones were a female and 4 babies. The one yesterday was a male, so I'm just doing the math and thinking that this might be the end of the problem. There's also been some land clearing not too far from me, so maybe their home got disrupted. No idea why they decided to nest at my place though. There's no food or water and where they went was in the loft of my metal building, and it's easily 15-20 degrees warmer up there, making the present temperature over 100 degrees. Im just keepin my fingers crossed that this is the end of it and now I'll be doing some preventive actions.
 July 13, 2010, 11:47

 User no longer registered.
Re: worst day ever
You think you're having a worst day ever? That poor raccoon lost his wife and his kids....

 July 13, 2010, 11:55

 User no longer registered.
Re: worst day ever
(laughing) Well, the way he smelled, I'm sure they ran away from him!
 July 13, 2010, 12:22

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: worst day ever
i pulled a couple of grouse out of the wifes grill once, now those stank.....
 July 14, 2010, 06:20

 35 / male
 elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: worst day ever
now wut stinks is filling ur bike tired with air to have it pop in ur face and some rubber or something idk hit u lol happened 2day... not to mention hackers messed up the date for this event grr
 July 14, 2010, 07:57

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: worst day ever
  QUOTE (ashkats @ July 14, 2010, 06:20)
i pulled a couple of grouse out of the wifes grill once, now those stank.....

Is the plural of grouse "grice"?
 July 14, 2010, 10:38

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » worst day ever

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