65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Pissed me right off!
yepper, people are stupid... thats why you have to drive like your the only one on the road and everyone else is nuts...and you cant trust the clown in the other vehicle...
rule number one is driver beware!
July 16, 2010, 14:36 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pissed me right off!
Mythbusters - episode 33
Driving while talking on a cell phone is just as dangerous as driving while intoxicated.
Both Adam and Kari failed a general-purpose road safety test while talking on a cell phone and while driving drunk, with cell phones by a wider margin. **********************************************************
I know, people think laws should only be for stupid people,
Geez...I am soooooo not buying into that!
Smart people are equally dangerous by being in denial that they could possible be doing something dumbass. Smart people feel that they are in an elite exceptional group that's too smart for laws and the smart people are so sure that only the weak, dumb, inferior humans should not be allowed to drive and use a phone....maybe some of you are such a unique rare individual, and most of you just think you are. These smart people are taking more risks out there on the road, disregarding more traffic laws, because of the false sense that they feel they are too intelligent, too talented of a driver to do anything dumbass and cause any dumbass harm...because they honestly feel that accidents what?...only happen to stupid people? That's a very flawed theory there...
July 16, 2010, 16:00 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Pissed me right off!
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 16, 2010, 16:00)Mythbusters - episode 33
...maybe some of you are such a unique rare individual,
I'm a legend in my own mind
July 16, 2010, 17:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pissed me right off!
Newbie did get it correct. Thanks to the lady from Jersey.
Free it is irresponsible to think that you drive 100 percent the same while distracted. I haven't talked on mine while driving in many years. I quit because I didn't care for the truck bouncing between the lines. That's an 8.5 foot wide truck in a 10 foot wide lane. Now, I see people in cars do the same and more while talking on a cell. That's a 6 foot wide car in a 10 foot wide lane. I know what the studies say and that's not what I see many times per day. As mentioned, a study can be made to say anything just like a "pole" it depends on who you interview or observe.
Chazzy, I saw that Mythbusters. It was what I see. Also the one about tailgating a truck to improve mileage and what happens when a trailer tire fails.
The last part is another post. 
To quote Bill Engvalls--- "Ya cann't fix stupid"
July 16, 2010, 17:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pissed me right off!
So Kari and Adam failed....and they are far from weak, talentless, and stupid...yet they failed the course.
So I don't list in the top ten great minds of all times list, but I do know one simple indisputable fact...
It's not possible to give your full attention to more than one task simultaneously. This statement cannot be proven wrong.
Ashcat said it beautifully...."...you have to drive like your the only one on the road and everyone else is nuts..."
July 16, 2010, 19:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pissed me right off!
Ok, I never said that, but now that you brought it up, yes, if I'm referring to myself, I do believe that. Clearly, I cant speak for someone else. My arguments are very simple.
1. Texting while driving should be banned everywhere, period. I dont subscribe to the excuse that someone has the keypad memorized and they dont have to look at the phone in order to text a message.
2. If the argument for not talking on the phone is to keep your hands free, then it should be equally illegal to hold ANYTHING while you're driving. Food, beverages, cigars, cigarettes, you name it. However, if the law says its ok to talk on speaker, you still have to hold the phone. So what the hell is the difference if you're holding it in front of you, or up to your ear?
3. If the argument for not talking on the phone is because it distracts you, then why are ear bud and Blue Tooth devices legal? Its still talking.
These are the reasons that I disagree with there being a law in the first place, because the arguments for it dont make any sense to me.
I dont argue that there is a certain degree of distraction and I also believe that varies by individuals. I DO argue that some people can safely operate a vehicle and a phone at the same time, otherwise cops wouldnt be able to ttalk and drive either, and I'm VERY serious about that. As with anything, the more you do something, the better you get at it. I've been doing it since the mid 80's when they were still called Car Phones. In the 20+ years that I've used a phone while driving, I have never once caused or posed any risks to myself or other drivers. JC, you made the choice to not use your phone, and I respect that. But thats what it should be, a choice. Not a law.
I respect everyones strong opinions about this. I'm not arguing anyone's points. I'm simply stating mine.
July 16, 2010, 19:15 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pissed me right off!
Ya know, there are texters that sang the same song you are when texting got banned.
Everything we say about cell phones, you say about texting, and texters are saying what you are saying,
"I know other stupid people (texting) cause death and destruction but I'm not stupid and I'm really oh so gooooooood at (texting).... it isn't fair!! Other people get to do stuff in their cars, why can't I do what I want to do in mine???"
We're not so different on opinions here, it's just a law was passed that didn't directly affect you (texting) and then a law was passed that does affect you directly (cell phone)
Anyone who doesn't give their full attention to the task of driving is a threat to others.
Yep, there are people out there doing incredibly risky things while distracted unecessarily.....if you're paying FULL attention on the road...you can better react to the idiots when they pose a threat.
Have I said Booooo hoooooo lately???
July 16, 2010, 19:35 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pissed me right off!
I thought by now you would know that its all about me!
July 16, 2010, 20:54 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Pissed me right off!
Chazzy You seem to think I meant the STUPID PEOPLE LAW would apply to people with low intelligence. Not at all. Maybe I should rename it The NO COMMON SENSE(The worlds most over used oxymoron) law. Smart people do stupid things. I hope that at some point people realize that being distracted in anyway can be a bad thing, I've seen people swerve out of lane because they were looking at a girl in a bathing suit walk down the street. Should we have a law against the guys looking or the girl in the bathing suit? My point is people should pay attention. However there are many minor tasks that can be done and still pay attention. Talking to a passenger in the car or on the cell is the same thing. Of course I am saying talking not dialing, texting or holding your phone. I have wireless headsets and speaker phone. My hands never have to leave the steering wheel. I also don't use it unless its important or someone calls me. I keep it short and if not important I tell them I will call back when I get home or to my destination. Again I do it as a choice because I am legally allowed to talk on my phone and feel I can do it safely. I just try to use my drive time as my quiet time as well.
July 16, 2010, 22:30 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Pissed me right off!
QUOTE (freensleazy @ July 16, 2010, 20:54)I thought by now you would know that its all about me!
Oh, it has been from the start!
I don't believe for one minute that anyone is a superior species of human and can drive undistracted while on the phone. Geez, you can't divide your attention between two things and give either one your FULL attention. unless....you are actually a superior being, a superior species with two brains...no, wait....a superior species of human with two heads each encasing a totally separate brain...yeah, then one head could talk on the phone while the other head concentrated on driving, oh, no...wait, I'm really sure talking head with the phone would be a distraction to the driving head, and probably, every other car on the road that saw a two head superior human driving, then if you're really a superior human, you probably don't need to use a cell phone, you're superior so you probably would have better superior methods of communication and travel .... so....never mind.
BTW....Cops aren't talking to their kids, their BFFs, calling each other because they're bored and afraid they might fall asleep at the wheel if they don't have an interactive cell phone conversation, calling home to see what everyone wants for supper, calling their mom to whine about their no-good boyfriend, etc...so nope, not buying it!
So not even a comparison.
July 17, 2010, 00:52 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: Pissed me right off!
To quote Bill Engvalls--- "Ya cann't fix stupid"
Yeah, But you can shoot them.
July 17, 2010, 02:08 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Pissed me right off!
I guess we have to agree to disagree. That's what I love about these forums. You get to see different opinions and think about them I hope with an open mind. At least I try to be open minded. I would like to say that I have seen and heard of many police officers on personal cell phones chatting while on patrol. I also don't think its necessary to be on my cell phone as if whatever the issue is it can't wait (except in a true. I always get annoyed when people call my cell for stupid reasons. I also don't like hearing personal conversations of other people. The constant texting drives my crazy! What the hell do these people text about. I don't think i am or my life is so interesting that someone would want to know every little thing I am doing. I so don't get the twitter thing at all. Who gives a damn if your out walking your dog? Anyway thanks for the interesting topic.
July 17, 2010, 02:08 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Pissed me right off!
ur right, ppl text about everything from walkin the dog to the color of paper they wipe their ass with, who gives a blue fuck. my niece sends almost 4,000 text a month, wtf?? i dont know anyone i wud text that much in a year, let alone a month
July 17, 2010, 02:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pissed me right off!
People can't seem to function without texting or having a freakin' phone stuck to their ear.
The stupid laws have been kicked around for a long long time, the thing is ya see....I know it's not that uncommon (in my area) for people to reguarly have to cross a little high water on their way from or to their home. It's a fact of life here, so attempting to cross can be stupid, or ...maybe not. If ya'all think that it's okay to use your cell phones for really important calls while driving,
then maybe it's okay to attempt to cross a flooded road if it's for a really really important reason....maybe they left their cell phone on the other side?
Stupid laws, we have them already....seatbelt laws, child restraint laws, cellphone and texting laws, drunk driving laws, cuz these are things that common sense would say we should do anyway.
And for all the other things ya bring up, hot women , food, smoking, getting a bj.....whatever else you can think of.
There are laws against these things! C & I laws, negligence laws, reckless endangerment laws, nobody does something distracting in their car thinking and knowing that it will result in an accident, they do these things thinking, just like some of ya with your cell phones, that they can do these things safely.
And that's why we have all these laws, and there's more a-coming! There has to be a serious need, and passionate people to push for a law to be specific and individualized like the cell phone and texting laws.
At least some insurance companies if not all, raise the rates of drivers who smoke, maybe if you want to choose to use your cell phone while driving, you should pay a higher premium too?
July 17, 2010, 16:37 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Pissed me right off!
QUOTE (NRG4U @ July 17, 2010, 02:49)ur right, ppl text about everything from walkin the dog to the color of paper they wipe their ass with, who gives a blue fuck. my niece sends almost 4,000 text a month, wtf?? i dont know anyone i wud text that much in a year, let alone a month
I've been wonderin about this. Everyone [ok, not everyone] wanted cell phones so they could constantly talk to thier friends. Now, it seems that those same people want to just send text messeges and not talk to thier friends. It's a phone, shouldn't ya actually have a voice conversation? I'd think the text could wait till ya got to your 'puter. What happened to goin and seeing your friends in person?
July 17, 2010, 16:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pissed me right off!
I think the gadgets have given us obsession.
I visited with a sweet elderly relative last week, she told me when one of her grandsons visits, he spends the entire visit staring at his gadget with his thumbs flying, she asked me exactly what he was doing? When I explained that he could be playing a game (rude enough) but he is most likely texting, and that meant the entire time he was sitting in her living room he was talking via text with other people.(extremely rude)
Grandma decided she doesn't like that very much.
The kid has got an etiquette lesson coming up real soon.
July 19, 2010, 13:03 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Pissed me right off!
its way things are going. the smaller and more powerful the gadget the more it will happen. the new phone apps are all about what you can do in your hand. the ipad is small enough to carry in a large purse and when they can get a 160gb memory into a handheld unit no one under 30 will need to pick up a phone to call ever. our generation and the one behind us, could very well be the last to remember what it was like to write a letter. make a call. drive to the store. go to the movies. leave your house.
July 19, 2010, 21:25 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Pissed me right off!
Because of texting they have created a new language GTG, LOL etc...I spell bad enough. But these kids almost never use full words and I've noticed its creeping into ever day language Example:"puter" instead of "computer".It is also changing etiquette as we know it. My daughter was so shocked that someone took the time to hand write a full thank you note to me. Not even just a preprinted Thank you or a hand written just thank you but a true note.I realized that except for formal things my kids did most of their thank you notes on computers and through email or text. I read that this is perfectly exceptable these days as good etiquette. It might be but, it is sad we are losing such a nice personal thing as writing a note. We are loosing a lot of personal touches due to technology. I do love having all the gadgets but not using them instead of the personal things but more of and extension. I still love the sound of someone I care about I can't get that from a text.
August 7, 2010, 21:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pissed me right off!
Ok, its over. 1 ticket dismissed and the other reduced to a parking ticket. $75. I still dont agree with it, but it could have been worse. At least its behind me now.
September 29, 2010, 15:43 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pissed me right off!
Well, it's good it's over. But it sure was a kicker lot of fun arguing with you about it!
September 29, 2010, 16:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pissed me right off!
I have to agree with that. You, JCSOS and Newbie certainly threw some good jabs. Very worthy opponents! LOL!
NEWSFLASH: Anyone is welcome to argue with me anytime for free!
September 29, 2010, 16:55 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Pissed me right off!
QUOTE (freensleazy @ September 29, 2010, 16:55)I have to agree with that. You, JCSOS and Newbie certainly threw some good jabs. Very worthy opponents! LOL!
NEWSFLASH: Anyone is welcome to argue with me anytime for free!
You don't need to tell me twice! Not that I needed the invitation. Arguing with you seems to be a past time lately. lol You know its fun.
September 29, 2010, 19:13 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pissed me right off!
I gotta say, JCSOS not only has that great one liner sense of humor, but always comes to a debate with some great stats and facts.
September 29, 2010, 19:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pissed me right off!
This is easliy fixed ya know. ALL cell phones have GPS as well as manhy other devices. Just make them so if they sense a speed over 5mph the go to emergency only calls.
September 29, 2010, 20:01 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Pissed me right off!
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ September 29, 2010, 19:13) QUOTE (freensleazy @ September 29, 2010, 16:55)I have to agree with that. You, JCSOS and Newbie certainly threw some good jabs. Very worthy opponents! LOL!
NEWSFLASH: Anyone is welcome to argue with me anytime for free!
You don't need to tell me twice! Not that I needed the invitation. Arguing with you seems to be a past time lately. lol You know its fun.
Oh come on, you do the tough exterior thing better than most, but youre nothing but a softy at heart!
September 30, 2010, 11:51 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Pissed me right off!
QUOTE (freensleazy @ September 30, 2010, 11:51) QUOTE (newbie1011 @ September 29, 2010, 19:13) QUOTE (freensleazy @ September 29, 2010, 16:55)I have to agree with that. You, JCSOS and Newbie certainly threw some good jabs. Very worthy opponents! LOL!
NEWSFLASH: Anyone is welcome to argue with me anytime for free!
You don't need to tell me twice! Not that I needed the invitation. Arguing with you seems to be a past time lately. lol You know its fun.
Oh come on, you do the tough exterior thing better than most, but youre nothing but a softy at heart!
Well, there's the problem. It ain't my heart that's soft.
October 1, 2010, 15:20 |