65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
orbs and such
been going though photos that i took at one timer or another with my digital cam and every so often i got orbs in a frame, white ones and pink one and blue and yellow too.just amazes me. just one or two frames out of the blue none before or after. i would think if it was dust or dirt or dew on the lens it would be there all the time.and from what i read about orbs could they be ghost or spooks or spirits, its not like ghost hunter stuff amnd im running around in a grave yard at night or in some spooky ole building, i get a lot of these in the day time lol
June 30, 2010, 05:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: orbs and such
I don't know, I get them with my camera too sometimes, I"ve cleaned the lens over and over again. JesseJames is really good with any photo/camera questions.
As for "orbs" like the ghost hunters talk about, I never really beleived in them, and seeing footage on TV or still photos, I always leaned toward the logical explanation.
But...if you ever see one with your own eyes, very close up, you'll realize than an orb cannot be mistaken for anything else. I have seen a few up close, it's not dust, reflection, a bug....I have no idea what they are and I'm not saying they are natural or paranomal, but they are fantastic to see.
June 30, 2010, 12:11 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: orbs and such
cool that's like them rod thingies ya see on TV flying around, have never seen any myself.then talk about seeing shadows and stuff that a whole different topic. i use to work for a sevicecenter for zenith and rca seen lots of stuff fixing camera's and stuff, replacing irises and such
July 1, 2010, 06:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: orbs and such
Don't know about the orbs, maybe just random charged particles in the air, maybe something more spiritual...
The ones I get the rare chance to see, come out of the ceiling, float and dance about 5 feet across the room right in front of me, then zip back up into the ceiling. There are always two, one noticably larger than the other. But they always seem to enter and exit in the general area.
July 1, 2010, 13:01 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: orbs and such
There's a zone between the camera's focal length and the camera lens that floating dust appears as orbs, which is why you usually can't see them before the picture is taken, but it is picked up on both still cameras and camcorders. There is a second 'orb zone' but it only appears when you are taking pictures of something really close to the camera lens, which this zone appears far in the background.
Rods are just insects flying around. Because of the insects shape and speed, the camera isn't able to capture them crisp and clear like how we normally see them. As technology has increased, so has the camera's inability to accurately differentiate the image from what we see and what the camera displays. This also explains a bit on why Rods are a more recent phenomena than orbs and also why rods tend to show a form of intelligence.
Just because something doesn't seem to have an explanation at first doesn't mean that there isn't a viable one to begin with. The humane desire for a quick and immediate explanation is often the cause for false but long lasting conspiracies, religious events, and extra terrestrial sightings. Of course, once something is set in its original explanation, its very hard to convince the masses that it is something other than its simple truth.
July 2, 2010, 03:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: orbs and such
I do understand the floating dust, when some workers were on our roof, some bricks collasped through our bedroom ceiling, hubs grabbed our digital to photo record the damage but with all the dust from the attic crash...all you could see where hundreds of the "orbs"...we had to wait awhile till the dust settled to photograph the scene.
The orbs I occasionally see in my living room, is with my naked eye...entrances and exits are always in the areas, sometimes they come near me, sometimes just do a floating dance in and out, and there's always two, one noticably larger than the other. To see them with the naked eye, they are quite amazing, beautiful...I never believed totally in any orb theroies, since only photograph and video evidence just didn't impress me. But, I'm tellin' ya...to see them with your naked eye is altogether different, they have diminsion, they sparkle and glow, they are small bright glowing shperes that seem to control their flight path and they are very rare. That's all I really know for sure.
I'm sure it can be explained with science, and I'm aware that some consider them paranormal...I won't diss either explanation...I'm a logical thinking woman of faith, and I can be openminded.
July 3, 2010, 00:55 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: orbs and such
well, you're eyes are basically cameras, so the 'orb zone' principles still apply. It just happens to be quite a bit smaller than a normal camera's 'orb zone' which explains what photographed orbs aren't usually visible to the naked eye.
I get migraines quite often, and sometimes the pressure in my head causes the nerves in my eyes to misfire, giving me these beautiful little trails of colors across my vision. If I didn't know what was causing them, I would definitely consider them as orbs, and wonder why the ghosts/aliens keep bothering me when my head hurts... Maybe my migraines are caused by my 6th sense...
July 3, 2010, 04:10 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: orbs and such
i can understand the dust and the bricks ,we went though of fire we took the chimbly apart brick by brick after they took the walls apart, we had our share of creosote and ash. but we never picked up orbs, we did get some at a mouth of a cave in Chippewa falls at a old brewery site and moved into the back of the cave.the other were at grandfather falls gorge on the Wisconsin, the ice age trail runs though it and a nice place to and take your camera but ya have to be care full its rocky and rugged.the bulk of the river was diverted to run the hydro.so this is the spot were i got the orbs again several colors in full sun it believer this might be the spot were father Menard disappeared in the later half of the 1700s, was the orbs him and his Indian guides its unknown to me. there is a monument in his name .
back to the house the wife still says she seen green eyes in the basement when she was doing the wash and it wasn't one of the cats, and i have heard some one walking around twice around Easter time i n the old house we were in for many years the first one was some one was stomping around and they were pissed, the next time was i was falling a sleep on the couch facing the back, i heard the front door closed, it came into what was the old pastors study and now a bedroom and heavy footsteps went though the room , into the kitchen, back into the dinning room and up the stairs. i called out is that u going to the john they stopped. i got up she was still sleeping and so were all the cats....it was kind of creepy.
then there was the shadow people that i seen twice now in my life, the first was when i was young looking though grandmas attic in Chicago a guy in a trench coat and hat walking in front of the window back and forth, i went and got my uncle there was no one there,then just a month ago i was in bed and i thought i seen someone walk bye our bedroom door in our new place, and to make it creepy there a old funeral home next store that was converted into apartments...would you rent one?
July 3, 2010, 04:14 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: orbs and such
Wow, a lot to respond to on that one... Them not showing up with the bricks is most likely because of lighting conditions, which is the same reason why they would show up in the caves. Orbs tend to show up in dark dusty (or misty areas like the cave) areas where there is a bright but indirect source of light in the background.
The other paranormal experiences is most likely just tricks of the mind. Our brains have a pre-programmed need to fill in the details. The most classic example of this the way our brain processes our vision. If you close one eye, you still see what seems like a whole image. In actuality there is a blind spot that the brain fills in the details with what it 'knows' is there. This blind spot is caused by the neural cord that connects the eyeball to the brain. There's a bunch of tests online you can use to make shapes disappear in the blind spot, its cool to check out. Also those Magic-Eye posters rely on the brains interaction with the blind spot to make images appear.
July 4, 2010, 09:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: orbs and such
Magic Eye posters, those things were fun, there were always a few "What? What? I can't see it??" people.
Even that is an old Shaman thing, to train oneself to see the other world (the background becomes foreground, and foreground becomes background) It was just one of the things that had to be practiced and perfected in order to become a shaman.
There are things that have yet to be explained, and may never be in our lifetime. I believe in science although over time, so many accepted theories are proven very wrong later, I believe it's good for us to believe in something bigger than us, and to believe that again someday we'll be with our lost loved ones, to believe that against all odds a "miracle" can happen. I think beliefs are a healthy part of a culture.
July 4, 2010, 11:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: orbs and such
Have to say all depends on what you have seen with your own eyes whether you believe in something or not. As that is the best evidence that no-one can disprove
July 4, 2010, 14:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: orbs and such
I learned the blind spot trick when I was a very young and tiny child, that's when I started losing most of my vision. One eye deteriorated faster than the other, I could amuse myself by making something in the room disapear.
Even as a tiny thing having a tiny vocabulary, seeing very little of the world yet....I knew it was just a "trick" thing.
I was once in a car load of others and we all watched a fantastic display of flying light ufo's for over an hour....I won't call them angels, or aliens, nor will I insist on tagging them with something of pure science.
They were a once in a lifetime experience of seeing something fantastic. I kinda feel the same about my two visiting orbs.
From physics and science to religion and culture....no one really knows anything for sure. I like that open grey area.
July 5, 2010, 15:07 |