54 / male London, England, UK
The Old Ones Are The Best...
And I'm not talking about my jokes.
Saw Bon Jovi's farewell performance at the O2 Arena on Saturday night; 3 hours of great entertainment - wish I could keep it up for so long (ooops I said none of my jokes!)
I'm not particularly a fan of their middle-of-the-road, middle-class rock, but you can see why they still sell out every show.
Oh, and no "recorded content" or "session musicians" (i.e. the real talent for boy bands) and most importantly NO SIMON FUCKING COWELL.
June 28, 2010, 11:30 |
47 / couple deridder, Louisiana, US
Re: The Old Ones Are The Best...
i saw zz top in the 80s ,ozzy in the 90s,black sabbeth with ozzy, way back in the day.metalica , van halen, anthrax, iron madden, motorhead,meggadeath, loved every one of them live but hank williams jr. put them all to shame as far as live concerts go on hell of a show...
June 29, 2010, 06:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: The Old Ones Are The Best...
I saw ZZtopp once too, it was a great show, I didn't care how or what they did to make up for just the three of them on stage, they gave a great show, and they are a classic band. It was fun, pure fun.
July 5, 2010, 15:10 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: The Old Ones Are The Best...
Bob Dylan, Billy Joel, Elton John,Billy Joel and Elton John together, Rod Stewart, Harry Chappen,YES, Meatloaf,Beach Boys, Monkeys, Foreigner, Journey, Bob Segar and the Silver Bullet band, Jimmy Buffet,Hall and Oats, Tom Petty and the Hart breakers with Stevie Nix, The Duprees, Mountain,Brooklyn Bridge, Ramones
OK I guess I can't name them all but I never went to a concert I didn't enjoy.Harry Chappen was is a small venue. It was a gym at Wagner college I believe and we all just sat on the floor and it was like friends sitting around and playing music and chatting with each other. It was great. Meatloaf was similar but we sat at tables can't remember the venue. Billy Joel was always like you knew him the way he talks to the audience and has fun. Elton John commands respect for his talent and always puts on a show that you will remember.Rod Stewart is nuts and just has so much fun on stage you can't help but enjoy it.Dylan was my first concert so of course I will always remember that.
July 16, 2010, 08:57 |