73 / male small town (South Jersey), New Jersey, US
Is sex better as you age?
What do you all think? Does having sex and the climax get better with age? I know it has been more intense for me. Maybe it is just less times having sex makes a better climax. For me when there is sex the climax is wow!! Now I know with age comes experience and that does help to know what to do to help make the climax better for both partners, but in general lets here what the membership has to say. Both men and ladies.
April 30, 2010, 16:29 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Is sex better as you age?
Not sure if it's the age that has anything to do with it. But it is the knowledge of your partner. What is it that makes them go over the edge, what they like, what they not so favorable to, to what it is that just is a plain turnoff for them. Almost like having the road map of their body as where to go, how to touch, and what to touch them with, and most importantly, in what order, and how long to be there.
April 30, 2010, 23:15 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Is sex better as you age?
I think you get more daring and want to try more stuff as you get older so that makes it more interesting and hotter.
Sex is certainly better now then when i was younger
May 1, 2010, 11:33 |
60 / couple Hot and Balmy, England, UK
Re: Is sex better as you age?
with age comes confidence in yourself, what you like and dislike and what you enjoy doing to/with others.
Definately for us, sex is better with age...
May 4, 2010, 20:39 |
73 / male small town (South Jersey), New Jersey, US
Re: Is sex better as you age?
Well ladies I agree with you and with age comes the experience of knowing how to satisfy your partner. To bad you sexy ladies aren't single and in my neighborhood.
May 6, 2010, 00:38 |