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First Concert
Pretty obvious that a bunch of us are music freaks in here. Not just fans, hell everybody's a fan. Alot of us in here know more than the average bear about music, musicians and lyrics.
So I axe ya, what was your first concert and when?
Mine was The Guess Who, right around the time that they were on tour, promoting the American Woman Album. My Uncle was an account executive for what was the biggest Rock N Roll AM radio stations in our area at the time (Yeah, this was a few years before FM radio went mainstream). I used to listen to that station on my transistor radio (remember those?). Anyway, I was just a peashooter back then so I dont remember much about it except for an incredible drum solo!
April 29, 2010, 18:23 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: First Concert
My first concert was back in the late 70's in St.Paul, MN at the civic center. It was the Moody Blues. Great concert.
April 29, 2010, 18:36 |
50 / male pleasure beach, New Zealand
Re: First Concert
My first concert was bob dylan in nz in the supertop auckland its a massive tent like circus styles.
absolutely amazing concert.
i remember after the first song the tent was a haze with the amount of weed smoke 
and him doing 2 encores
April 29, 2010, 19:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: First Concert
hate to admit this....but the only concert i've ever been to was Richard Marx w/ Henry Lee Summer. in 1988. my sister gave me tickets as a graduation gift.
April 29, 2010, 20:37 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: First Concert
My first concert was also the Moody Blues in the 70's. I was seventeen. My girlfriends were always allowed to go to concerts which included Led Zepplin, which she said was not that good. I think she is a dumbass.
Luckily my concert experiences didn't stop there!!
April 29, 2010, 20:52 |
50 / male pleasure beach, New Zealand
Re: Re: First Concert
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ April 29, 2010, 20:52)My first concert was also the Moody Blues in the 70's. I was seventeen. My girlfriends were always allowed to go to concerts which included Led Zepplin, which she said was not that good. I think she is a dumbass.
Luckily my concert experiences didn't stop there!!
i agree dumbass would love to have seen led zep tried to get to see them when they reunited and played at hyde park but couldnt wrangle it
April 29, 2010, 21:00 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: First Concert
our first was" bread over America" at summer-fest many years ago,then we seen thin Lizzie and Nazareth, they were even better then Nazareth. alice cooper a few times and last year we seen him at the fair......
April 29, 2010, 23:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: First Concert
my first consert was a couple years ago andit was to see type o negative which was great because lordi was opening for them great bands i was dissapointed to here that peter sleel died. but would have loved to have been alive to see skynyrd and zepplein in the 70's or urlier
April 30, 2010, 02:56 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: First Concert
How ironic an answer do I have to share on this website.
J Geils Band, Summer of 1980, Love Stinks tour
April 30, 2010, 11:05 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: First Concert
Mine was Rick Springfield, the day of my 16th birthday. The tickets were a birthday present from my stepdad.
April 30, 2010, 11:11 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: First Concert
my first, i went to see "KANSAS" in Manhattan Kansas, it was in a Great Big Circus type tent & a wind storm came up & blew the tent down on everyone, nobody was hurt, but the show was over, they gave everyone a free concert the next nite
April 30, 2010, 12:43 |