62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
In class the teacher announced that a test was going to happen tomorrow, and you couldnt miss it for anything other than a bad sickness or a death in the family. A kid raised his hand and asked, "what if I suffer from sexual exhaustion?" and the teacher replied. "That's ok, you can write with the other hand."
April 27, 2010, 13:14 |
54 / male bowlingreen, Kentucky, US
Re: Classl
r.a.f.l.m.a.o. teacher going over abc's wit class,billy raising his hand,hesitent that he wil giv an inapropriate awn,she calls on cindy,a tel me a word that start wit a.apple rhe replies,good cindy.hand stil raised,b,boy says wally,good,said the teacher,she works her way down to r,by this time billy is frantic to hav his turn,she couldnt think of a word that started with r,that would b inapropreate so she cald on billy,what's a word that begin wit leter r?he replies-rat.very good billy,she said.with a dic thiiiiis long he ad's.
April 29, 2010, 07:54 |