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Redbuds and Daffodils
Fresh hot coffee, cool mornings, stunning sunrises. Daffodils everywhere, the Redbuds are glorious, wild violets and Hyacinths....then the flip side...my flower beds are full of leaves and wild onions, the lawn already needs a good mowing and weed whacking, the patio furniture needs scrubbed and I gotta do that seasonal clothes in storage switch thing.
April 6, 2010, 12:56 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Redbuds and Daffodils
yup same here, put the winter clothes away, summer clothes out, get the oil changed in the mower, but warm weather is here, so its a small price
April 6, 2010, 13:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Redbuds and Daffodils
Yard work? It's not green enough nor long enough to mow yet.. It never gets raked unless there's some gravel on the part I mow. I'm looking forward to retirement so i can fertilize the lawn then complain I have to mow it too often.
April 6, 2010, 20:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Redbuds and Daffodils
QUOTE (JCSOS @ April 6, 2010, 20:04)Yard work? It's not green enough nor long enough to mow yet.. It never gets raked unless there's some gravel on the part I mow. I'm looking forward to retirement so i can fertilize the lawn then complain I have to mow it too often. we all know how good you are at spreading the BS, so you shouldn't have any problems fertilizing your lawn...
April 6, 2010, 20:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Redbuds and Daffodils
I miss my garden, having to live in an apartment for a while and whilst it is near a park I really used to love the Spring for being outside
April 6, 2010, 22:26 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Redbuds and Daffodils
raked my share of leaves and the dandelions are blooming next to the foundation we got some rain and the grass is getting green again, but no red buds up here .....soon we will have pussie willows budding out and the softwoods then the hard woods too.
April 7, 2010, 04:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Redbuds and Daffodils
The white lilacs are in full bloom, I love lilacs....the lawn got a half assed quickie mow the other day, and I have plastic storage tubs every where trying to get the winter clothes put away.
April 10, 2010, 01:18 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Redbuds and Daffodils
It's another beautiful sunny spring day here and life is good
April 10, 2010, 09:02 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Redbuds and Daffodils
i wonder if a redbud would survive up here north of the 45Th? seen a lot of them last spring when we were camping in southern ill in the Swanee before we crossed the Ohio into Kentucky,i seen some Egyptian lilacs once they were purple,the neighbor had them was nice to clip a big ole vase full for the table
April 11, 2010, 16:25 |
54 / male bowlingreen, Kentucky, US
Re: Re: Redbuds and Daffodils
QUOTE (ashkats @ April 11, 2010, 16:25)i wonder if a redbud would survive up here north of the 45Th? seen a lot of them last spring when we were camping in southern ill in the Swanee before we crossed the Ohio into Kentucky,i seen some Egyptian lilacs once they were purple,the neighbor had them was nice to clip a big ole vase full for the table u guys shoulda gave me a hollar,lov 2 camp n fish.hav a farm n todd co that is full of redbuds n dogwoods,hav a pond n campsite set up.its beautiful this time othe year.gimea yell if u make it down again.
April 15, 2010, 08:36 |