65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
green beer did ya get your share?
green beer the last time i drank some i had the worst hangover i ever had and some hot sloppy sex too
and then the gut rot for 3 days too
March 19, 2010, 17:02 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: green beer did ya get your share?
My green beer was just fine. Cold, refreshing and went down just fine. Why rot gut?
March 19, 2010, 19:54 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: green beer did ya get your share?
QUOTE (ashkats @ March 19, 2010, 17:02)green beer the last time i drank some i had the worst hangover i ever had and some hot sloppy sex too
and then the gut rot for 3 days too
ROT GUT??? lol u deserved a hangover when there is perfectly good Crown to drink...lol
March 19, 2010, 20:00 |
66 / male A place in Bendover, British Columbia, Canada
Re: green beer did ya get your share?
Well, I'm a believer of "Never Eat Yellow Snow" so I guess I have to believe in "Never Drink Green Beer" lol Although I did have a green hot dog.
March 19, 2010, 22:28 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: green beer did ya get your share?
ohhh had some last year the bar keep set it down in front of me and i was a looking at it , must of been old or something was darker green the usual and i had a glass and a half and and a belly ache came right on, next day had one of them there pounding headaches and i swear i ate a box of laxitive or something, and not like she slipped me a micky finnn or something i could see the glass as she wa pouring......just beware of that green PBR hey or what ever it was...and i always say dont drink the green beer hey
March 20, 2010, 01:52 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: green beer did ya get your share?
There's a place in DC called, "The Bratskellar". They boast over 5000 different kinds of beer from all over. The menu even has an order form attached, in case you want to take some home with you or ship it there. I had one called, "Saint Sixes", pours out dark-green. Two of these babies will knock you on your ass, no lie. Found out that it was aged over 20 years before it can be bottled. Had more alcohol in one than a fifth of Jack...Yikes.
March 20, 2010, 02:08 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: green beer did ya get your share?
wow sounds like a place in Milwaukee called the port of Heidelberg or some thing like that had over 50 kinds of inport german beer, i use to drink becks, german beer is good an all i just cant drink bitter beer, got it in a big glass boot chug o lug then we go to the blue canary for buffet 4.99 a place all ya could eat...
March 20, 2010, 02:46 |