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 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Tell me about it


 User no longer registered.
Tell me about it
Tell me about you, when you were a child... did you grow up in a strict household, a noisy one, what where you like and what did you do?

Did you grow up with allot of neighborhood kids, or was it more of a rural area?

Did you have a bicycle, did you play little league, belong to the girl or boy scouts?

Were you an only child, or have allot of siblings to fight and play with?

Were you shy? Did you play well with others, did you do household chores or were you a bit spoiled?

What were you like as a kid?
 March 13, 2010, 12:49

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Tell me about it
My childhood was a good one, we were poor, but generally happy. My (adopted dad, the only one i ever knew) was fresh outta the army, married my mom with 4 lil boys, something unheard of then, even a divorced lady was nearly unheard of. So i have lots of respect for my dad. He was strict but fair. During the week was all work, bed early & up early to do chores before school. The weekend were ours tho, we might play softball with neighbor kids, ride horses, or my favorite, a moonlight trail ride that started about 10:00. I was taught how to hunt, how to shoot, ( my dad was a crack shot, only one guy in his company cud outshoot him), so me & my brothers were all good shots long before we ever went to military. In Hi School, i became a rebel, always pulling pranks on teachers, & a few things that i'm not so proud of that lead to my military career, like shooting a water tower, & shooting out 131 street lights. But the military straightened me up, im a grown man now, & have nothing but respect for my parents. Mom, who was very musical, made sure all her kids learned at least one insturment,was very loving & worked hard. 2 of my brothers are gone now, so its just me & one other & a foster sister
 March 13, 2010, 13:39

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tell me about it
Four boys??? Your mother....is a saint!
 March 13, 2010, 13:44

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Tell me about it
lol, yes she is,, i was 6 weeks old when they married
 March 13, 2010, 13:47

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tell me about it
we were not poor, but not rich, either. Dad worked a lot to support the 8 of us. i have five sisters and two brothers. i'm the baby of the family. my sisters tend to tel me that i was spoiled growing up, cuz i got away with more than they did, but it's not being spoiled, it's a matter of fact that mom and dad had seen it all before, and were used to it. i did get away with having to do less chores, but that also meant i never got anything new, all my clothes were usually hand-me-downs, and i NEVER got a new bike until i was old enough to buy one on my own. my parents were strict, but fair. we got to have a bottle of soda and some chips on Friday nights, other wise we rarely got to have soda pop. it worked out ok, cuz we'd return the empties, and get the 80 cent deposit back, that was our allowance for the week. each kid got a dime. but you could buy a lot for ten cents back then!
 March 13, 2010, 15:28

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tell me about it
Lived in the same village i live now, as its save and friendly.
I have grown up with alot of my friends and we are still close now and our children are now friends which is cool.
I have siblings and a lot of cousins etc near by.
I grew up a tom boy, playing football climbing trees always up the stables with my horse. Never spoilt, my mum and dad were not overly strict but enough.
I was a little bitch to my mum through my teenage years but an angel outside, i apologise all the time still for those years ha ha
 March 13, 2010, 20:25

 60 / couple
 Hot and Balmy, England, UK
Re: Tell me about it
grew up with a victorian father and the discipline that goes with it.
A loner, skinny little thing...climbed trees, played in the mud!!!...not alot different from now really!! lol
 March 13, 2010, 22:56

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tell me about it
I was a hand me down kid too, LandH. But I did learn to sew, and update, and recreate my own clothes from all the hand me downs.
I was a bit of a loner too, cj....I played with all the neighborhood kids but I really loved just hiking or biking all day by myself too.
 March 14, 2010, 01:36

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Tell me about it

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