63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
The Are We Gay thread.
April 22, 2005, 09:14 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: The Are We Gay thread.
There is no such thing as a woman wanting sex, as men know it.
You'll pardon me Army, if I say that particular line is wrong. IMHO, I must be an extremely RARE woman (Make that 2 rare women, Me and FLev), as I always want sex , and considering that I married the MOST wonderful man in the world, I always get what WE want.
Now, I am sorry if the majority of the female half of the species comes off like that, but I have to say that women are raised differently than men are. Women are raised to never talk about , think about, or act out that they want sex (even in this so-called, enlightened age of sexual freedom for both). Men are NOT taught that, in fact it is the EXACT opposite. Men are taught that to be with as many partners as possible is the heighth of sexual prowess.
I am not excusing the way that a lot of women act, it isn't right and it shouldn't be thought that it is. Some of us have overcome this mentality and do enjoy having sex without guilt, many times, and some of us will never overcome this.
It's not right, it's not wrong, it just IS.
And just for the record....none of this was in any way meant to hurt your feelings or get a shouting at each other in the forum thing going. I just was trying in my humble way to explain something you asked about.
I'd be happy to have you for fun!!!!!
April 22, 2005, 18:23 |
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Re: The Are We Gay thread.
Male Lev...
April 22, 2005, 19:44 |
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Re: The Are We Gay thread.
(Make that 2 rare women, Me and FLev),
I truely make an effort to thoroughly please my hubby, and like wise for him. We both know what each other likes and wants...... and do not hesitate to give that pleasure to each other.
( we know what you want too Pepper, and would whole heartedly give it to you !!!!!) 
Female Lev
3some .gif">
April 22, 2005, 21:11 |
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Re: The Are We Gay thread.
I'm the same way. If there is anything that my husband wants that I'm not willing to give sometimes I'll comprimise. If I really don't like it we'll talk about it and try to come to some kind of half way point or anything else that might be comparable. I'm also more sex driven than he is. So its usually me going to bed unsatisfied not the other way around.
April 23, 2005, 06:12 |
64 / male salisbury, England, UK
Re: The Are We Gay thread.
army, i appreciate the girls point of view but i feel they only picked up on your damning points regarding womans attitude towards men. if you realise that we are all basically a member of the animal kingdom but for some reason the human race developed the ability to reason and speak, which wrongly gives us a self belief of superiority over the other more worthy animals, you may notice similar attributes, many femails show their colours, fluter their wares, or trill their love songs, this is all part of natures mating ritual, its no different from a girl 'shakin that ass' to get her man. we should applaud it and encourge it, as james brown reminded us ,its, a mans world but it would be nothing nothing without a woman or a girl, i have no gay worries whatsoever but i do know the gay community whilst young apears to be far more prommiscuous than the hetro, i hate to suggest it but you could be a taget for a gay just chancing his arm, not unlike us straights sending a email to girl who is clearly out of our league. in your case it may have worked cos you are now questioning your sexuality . ok i leave myself open for criticism here and no i aint homophobic i just call it as i see it, and this is a open forum for free debate i hope.
tread carefully sir, and just because your life may not be going according to plan please dont loose faith in your original goals. every thing comes to he who.......waits
April 23, 2005, 19:25 |
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Re: The Are We Gay thread.
one little correction allon (take it as sarcasm, sir) in the animal kingdom its the male who's usually colorful, doing the dance, flaunting his shit, building the best nest, etc to attract the drab female who generally has her pick of the males.....
BUT I'll follow your advice on encouraging the girls to shake their asses.... left, right, left, faster, there you go!
April 23, 2005, 21:28 |
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Re: The Are We Gay thread.
I like you. I hope you realize that. I like your posting, I like your wit and intelligence.
Women want more than men want; women want the fairy tale (watch the movie " pretty woman " . We want men who will commit something of themselves, other than their dicks. I can find, in one night 300 men willing to have sex with me if I look and just play a little; I couldn't find one in 14 years willing to give me more than his dick (both my failing and that of men).
For a male, a relationship begins with sex, for a woman it is conversation, sex isn't the goal, intimacy is. Men are satisfied when the box for "sex y/n" is checked. (and gone if the "n" is checked).
Not everything I post is true of all women, but for many it is fact.
April 25, 2005, 11:32 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: The Are We Gay thread.
Thank you KB.
Pretty Woman is a very good example of the way both genders can have their needs fulfilled.
Men want a prostitute.
Women want a man that won't make her feel like one.
I think we may be able to bridge this gap.
April 26, 2005, 09:10 |
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Re: Re: The Are We Gay thread.
QUOTE (armybody @ April 26, 2005, 09:10)Thank you KB.
Pretty Woman is a very good example of the way both genders can have their needs fulfilled.
Men want a prostitute.
Women want a man that won't make her feel like one.
I think we may be able to bridge this gap.
The problem usually begins when the woman has any intelligence. In days of old, women were not permitted advanced learning and were considered to be intellectually inferior to men in all things. This allowed women to be treated as prostitutes without their knowledge of a better possibliity. Today men are just coming to grips with the fact that women have minds and they don't like dealing with it. They say they do, but the "dumb blonde" mentality of perfect wife is still pervades.
I can't remember one man who would admit that I was smarter than he, in fact often the subjects would wander to sports or other subjects where I would be unable to converse at his level (as if football knowledge is an indicator of intelligence).
Men need to adapt to the new realities of life (you have had 45 years to start) and get with the times.
April 26, 2005, 09:25 |
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Re: The Are We Gay thread.
Ok..your smarter than me...what do I get for admitting it ??? The new realities of life...
April 26, 2005, 15:04 |
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Re: Re: The Are We Gay thread.
QUOTE (Leviathan4u @ April 26, 2005, 15:04)Ok..your smarter than me...what do I get for admitting it ??? The new realities of life...
you spelled you're wrong.
April 26, 2005, 15:55 |
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Re: Re: Re: The Are We Gay thread.
QUOTE (kbateman @ April 26, 2005, 15:55) QUOTE (Leviathan4u @ April 26, 2005, 15:04)Ok..your smarter than me...what do I get for admitting it ??? The new realities of life...
you spelled you're wrong.
She is one smart dame
April 26, 2005, 16:19 |
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Re: The Are We Gay thread.
Answer the question KB. So whose counting, YOU'RE right again....BRAT
April 26, 2005, 16:51 |
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Re: The Are We Gay thread.
Who's counting?
for admitting it? Anything you want. anything at all. sky's the limit. go for it.
April 26, 2005, 18:00 |
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Re: Re: The Are We Gay thread.
QUOTE (kbateman @ April 26, 2005, 18:00)Who's counting?
for admitting it? Anything you want. anything
at all. sky's the limit. go for it.
OK then...come to California and collect what I owe you in person before it's all gone....know what I mean ...GULP !!!!
April 26, 2005, 19:25 |
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Re: Re: Re: The Are We Gay thread.
QUOTE (Leviathan4u @ April 26, 2005, 19:25)
OK then...come to California and collect what I owe you in person before it's all gone....know what I mean ...GULP !!!!
You just wait. Summer travel time is coming soon!
April 27, 2005, 05:31 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: The Are We Gay thread.
Perhapse the Movement's intelligencia should have acted to save chivalry. The first time a woman,assuming the door would be held for her, kissed glass and complained there were no more "real" men, they should have figured it out.
Chivalry is the last of the old customs that recognized gender inequalities. In a blood thirsty seige of all gender inequality, the Movement has become genderless.
Men are more likely now to battle sexual harassment than dragons. There are no more beautiful maidens nor knights to claim the prize. The wizard lawyers have cast the spell from the bitter pot of stirred frenzy........POOF!...The knights are wearing pink sweaters and the maidens have become dragons!
April 28, 2005, 11:24 |
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Re: Re: The Are We Gay thread.
QUOTE (armybody @ April 28, 2005, 11:24)
Men are more likely now to battle sexual harassment than dragons. There are no more beautiful maidens nor knights to claim the prize. The wizard lawyers have cast the spell from the bitter pot of stirred frenzy........POOF!...The knights are wearing pink sweaters and the maidens have become dragons!
well, don't blame me. I didn't ask for it. I think I would be perfectly happy running around in a torn peasant dress, (with a sexy dirt streak on the right side of my face) and disheveled hair, with heaving bosom as a mounted knight ran me down with his armored horse. Maybe he would even use the tip of his lance to snap the already frayed straps holding my clinging dress to my sweat slickened body. *sigh* Oh well... back to grinding men into dirt..
April 28, 2005, 11:40 |
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Re: The Are We Gay thread.
April 28, 2005, 12:09 |
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Re: The Are We Gay thread.
We have something for you to grind.......on !!!
April 28, 2005, 13:53 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: The Are We Gay thread.
"well, don't blame me. I didn't ask for it."
C'mon, your trying to tell me that lesbians have nothing to do with the metrosexual trend in an effort to recruit disgusted women?
Actualy, in an odd shaped nucleic acid sometime after the Movement, lesbians became whacking material, replacing hetero women. Without lesbians internet porn would collapse.....so....kudos.
I happen to be a knight,but I can see that I'm too late. It would be terribly messy to try to snatch you up into a tracked vehicle. I *do* have a large knife to make your clothing revealing though. After a thorough groping whilst you struggled, you would be squirming agaist the quartering while your panties are freed by the tip of my blade.........
Well, anyway, back to the streaming porn.
April 28, 2005, 14:38 |
66 / male Gwinette/Walton Co., Georgia, US
Re: The Are We Gay thread.
Armybody... I'm with you. Same experience here. I have no atraction to mens body's, but being horny all the time, when one offers to suck my cock dry, I'm all over it. When a woman wants to have sex , I know Ill have to spend at least an hour afterward talking, listening, holding, etc. Sorry babe, Ive got a wife for that.
KB... you are smarter than me, younger and stuningly beautiful. The full meal deal.
Rock on.
April 28, 2005, 14:52 |
64 / male salisbury, England, UK
Re: Re: The Are We Gay thread.
[quote=(jess8in2003 @ April 28, 2005, 14:52)
When a woman wants to have sex , I know Ill have to spend at least an hour afterward talking, listening, holding, etc. Sorry babe, Ive got a wife for that.
i enjoy holding a woman close after she has orgasmed, i believe she needs to feel secure with her partner, and i get satisfaction from the feeling of caring about my lover and therefore we are caring about each other.
April 28, 2005, 16:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: The Are We Gay thread.
I at least have this going for me. I'm not a cuddler. I'm hot, sweaty, tired, get the hell off me for a second and let me catch my breath...cool off a little bit
Oh and a second wind for the next hour. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a cuddle now and then, but usually before sex, not after.
April 28, 2005, 19:34 |
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Re: Re: The Are We Gay thread.
QUOTE (armybody @ April 28, 2005, 14:38)C'mon, your trying to tell me that lesbians have nothing to do with the metrosexual trend in an effort to recruit disgusted women?
Actualy, in an odd shaped nucleic acid sometime after the Movement, lesbians became whacking material, replacing hetero women. Without lesbians internet porn would collapse.....so....kudos.
I happen to be a knight,but I can see that I'm too late. It would be terribly messy to try to snatch you up into a tracked vehicle. I *do* have a large knife to make your clothing revealing though. After a thorough groping whilst you struggled, you would be squirming agaist the quartering while your panties are freed by the tip of my blade.........
Well, anyway, back to the streaming porn.
Panties? What panties dost thou speak of sir knight? HEY Thats Not a KNIFE!!!!
Actually I don't know any lesbians that go out of their way to recruit. Every woman I know simply takes life as it comes. The militant feminists can go to hell for all I care.
I'm not sure when lesbians became men's whack material, but most of the lesbians you see in internet porn are not gay . They are straight women acting as bisexuals to fulfill the male fantasy of lesbian sex . I personally don't lesbian porn to be that exciting.
And CG..... If I ever get there to meet with you, your attitude about cuddling will change. You won't want me to be even 1 inch from you.
April 29, 2005, 05:48 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: The Are We Gay thread.
[By KB]
"I'm not sure when lesbians became men's whack material, but most of the lesbians you see in internet porn are not gay ."
Exactly! What an interesting observation. The customer wants lesbians that fit their needs for visualizations, not real lesbians. Also, men have a need for women to fit their fantasies of the willing, attentive participant that gets turned on by *his* excitement in a hetero context, ie: she just wants to make him cum. She NEEDS him now, in any orafice he can stick it. This is also far from reality.
Internet Porn:1 A Real Woman :0
Scientific American has an article in the May 05 issue comparing the male and female brains through functioning scans like PET and MRI imaging. The amygdala is dominant in the males and the frontal cortex is bulkier in the females.
Apparently I want a woman with a bodacious amygdala and females seek a man with a nice bulge in his frontal cortex
April 29, 2005, 07:14 |
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Re: Re: The Are We Gay thread.
QUOTE (armybody @ April 29, 2005, 07:14)
The only problem with this is that internet lesbians fulfilling the male dream of multiple accessible women (who are fantastic with their tongues), has no equivalent in reality.
I can say that I do not know what you are going to do about your dilemma. I have no solution to feed women that will make them suddenly desirous of frequent meaningless sex with multiple men.
It all comes down to the simple fact that we want security, love and warmth. You want sex .<period.
April 29, 2005, 13:55 |
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Re: The Are We Gay thread.
April 29, 2005, 14:00 |
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Re: The Are We Gay thread.
You know this is a great topic ..
Men want a women they can have sex with and not deal with all the time .. kinda a friend with benefits ..
Women want someone to care for them and take care of them . why is it our jobs as men to do this . How many ladies out there shake what they got for a sugar daddy to pay thier way for them ...
Also yes it is sad that women are rasied to think it is wrong to feel this pleasure . For yes it is ok for a man to sleep with numbers of women and be a stud , but for ladies your a whore and dirty . Why is that . Sex is natural . it's the chruch's fault for all that I feel ... but that's a whole other topic ...
I think that's why more men are driven to Bi actions . cause men can see sex for pleasure and not building a relationship . Two different things . Men want to feel pleasure . and don't want the small talk first .
if our country didn't have thier head up thier ass they would see that prostition is one of the oldest jobs for women and gives men want they want . No strings sex .
I think you can find love with a woman and give her what she wants but a woman will never be able to give a man what he wants . we are just to different .
July 18, 2006, 12:00 |
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Re: Re: Re: The Are We Gay thread.
QUOTE (kbateman @ April 26, 2005, 09:25) QUOTE (armybody @ April 26, 2005, 09:10)Thank you KB.
Pretty Woman is a very good example of the way both genders can have their needs fulfilled.
Men want a prostitute.
Women want a man that won't make her feel like one.
I think we may be able to bridge this gap.
The problem usually begins when the woman has any intelligence. In days of old, women were not permitted advanced learning and were considered to be intellectually inferior to men in all things. This allowed women to be treated as prostitutes without their knowledge of a better possibliity. Today men are just coming to grips with the fact that women have minds and they don't like dealing with it. They say they do, but the "dumb blonde" mentality of perfect wife is still pervades.
I can't remember one man who would admit that I was smarter than he, in fact often the subjects would wander to sports or other subjects where I would be unable to converse at his level (as if football knowledge is an indicator of intelligence).
Men need to adapt to the new realities of life (you have had 45 years to start) and get with the times.
I welcome women [and everyone] that is smarter than I. I truly enjoy more intelligent conversation. Have also found that it is difficult to meet many women that are smart as many have snotty/stuckup attitudes. That I do not need.
July 22, 2006, 09:31 |
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