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Tiger Wood's apology statement.
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Tiger Wood's apology statement.


 User no longer registered.
Tiger Wood's apology statement.
Just curious what others thought about it.

Do you think it was a good apology, was he sincere enough?
Do you think the sex addiction/rehab angle is for real, or a cop out thing?
 February 21, 2010, 16:28

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
A definite cop out, his been caught to many times so he has to look like the victim as that is the only way to stop him looking so bad.
If he didn't want to sleep with other woman he would'nt sorry i don't believe its something you can be addicted to, thats a good excuse to use to sleep about
 February 21, 2010, 16:58

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
Personally, whatever happens in this man's own world is his own business not anyone elses, and everyone should mind their own business, I can't figure out why everyone has to be in other's peoples business anyways... like we are all us our ms and mr goody 2shoes, (edited), lol. JMO
 February 21, 2010, 19:13

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
Then tica...I think he should not have given a public statement. He brought us into it when he insisted on going public and holding this media event.

And since he did, I see nothing wrong with discussing it.
 February 21, 2010, 21:48

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
I never said i was a goody 2 shoes, but i still know how to behave and treat people in the right way
 February 21, 2010, 21:56

 60 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
A talk-radio station around here, was discussing this very subject. Something struck me funny,most of the women wanted him strung up by his balls for what he did. They claimed that sex addiction is not a disease for a guy, yes, a guy, but nymphomania when referring to a woman suffering from the same addiction is legit. One even went on to say, "He should impeached from the game of golf forever, for what he did!" Last time I checked, you don't get elected to play golf...
 February 21, 2010, 22:01

 60 / couple
 Hot and Balmy, England, UK
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
will Ashley Cole borrow the statement I wonder?
 February 21, 2010, 22:15

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
No one is perfect, period. We all have our choice as to do things or not. What little I did see, he was using the sex addiction thing as a way to win back his public support, by trying to make us feel sorry for him. I have no ill feelings for him, he is a great golfer and always will be. That no one can take from him.
 February 21, 2010, 22:17

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
Although written and rehearsed, his apology seemed sincere.
The "straight-to-rehab-as-soon-the-news-breaks" is a bit of an old tired thing really, a bit of a cop out.

I sure don't want to see him strung up or banned from his sport. (Michael Vicks yes, but not Tiger)

I think he can rebound from it, it will never be forgotten but he can overcome, not sure any wife is so strong as to overcome this. My admiration to the woman if she can. No ill impression of her if she can't.
 February 21, 2010, 23:14

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
I think the entire thing was blown way out of proportion.

WTf? So, he cheated. is that such a big surprise? Shees, jealous people out to get money from him is all that was about.
 February 21, 2010, 23:55

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
He did it, he did it.... he said it, accept it, get over it, move on.
 February 22, 2010, 15:10

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
I will say this, if i had millions of $ in the bank, & could live comfy the rest of my life.. DAMMNED if i wud go on TV & aploogize....lol
 February 22, 2010, 15:15

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
Best comment yet, NRG!!!
 February 22, 2010, 15:22

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ February 22, 2010, 15:22)
Best comment yet, NRG!!!

if i had hurt my family, i wud apologize to them, but i sure as hell wudnt air my dirty laundry on tv
 February 22, 2010, 15:28

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
Just to mention it...
I'm "over it"....I never was "on it"....it's not like we have based our lives around this...it's just a topic.

I enjoy hearing what others think on just about everything.
Just asking what impression others had of his public statement.

So, one topic does not make an obssesion, it's just one more topic among many other topics. That's all it is.

 February 22, 2010, 15:41

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
I think that's the worst thing, that his wife has been publicly hurt, it's bad enough being hurt like that, but more then once, in the public eye, must be devastating for her and the family.
I must agree it shouldn't have any baring on his golf as that is a completely different issue.
And chazzy i have no problem having an adult discussion with what is happening in the world from time to time.
 February 22, 2010, 17:36

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
  QUOTE (NRG4U @ February 22, 2010, 15:15)
I will say this, if i had millions of $ in the bank, & could live comfy the rest of my life.. DAMMNED if i wud go on TV & aploogize....lol

Absolutely correct.
 February 22, 2010, 19:57

 60 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
Did I hear this right?!...The women that Tiger cheated with all want an apology, because they thought that Tiger was cheating on his wife with them exclusively? The porn actress want one, because of the waitress. The waitress want another, because of the hair stylus, and the stylus want another, because of the madame...WTF!...They even got lawyer's to help them out!...Run for the hills Tiger!!!...
 February 22, 2010, 23:39

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
The media needs to find a new Sears and Roebuck catalog to wipe themselves with at their own out house, and while their in there doing their buzzies, here comes the torch, lol.
 February 22, 2010, 23:44

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.

SO NRG does this mean you are in need of a new clothes washer and dryer????????? That one you are using, the ringer style went out years ago, yea know.
 February 23, 2010, 01:42

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
  QUOTE (funlovingpair @ February 23, 2010, 01:42)

SO NRG does this mean you are in need of a new clothes washer and dryer????????? That one you are using, the ringer style went out years ago, yea know.

they have wringers now?? hell im still using a washboard...lmao
 February 23, 2010, 03:16

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
  QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ February 22, 2010, 23:39)
Did I hear this right?!...The women that Tiger cheated with all want an apology, because they thought that Tiger was cheating on his wife with them exclusively? The porn actress want one, because of the waitress. The waitress want another, because of the hair stylus, and the stylus want another, because of the madame...WTF!...They even got lawyer's to help them out!...Run for the hills Tiger!!!...

As I said. It's all about the money.
 February 23, 2010, 13:47

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
I thouoght his apology was pretty good, he took full responsibilty for his own actions, held only himself accountable and that's a pretty rare thing.

 February 23, 2010, 15:04

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
Tiger Woods has offered another apology, this time to parents of children at the preschool that his 2-year-old daughter attends.The letter that Woods and his wife, Elin, wrote to parents of children attending Premier Academy to apologize for increased media scrutiny around the school.

"We hope that the paparazzi will find something better to do with their time in the near future," the letter said.
 February 24, 2010, 14:34

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
all i have to say about this is, i really don't give a @#$@. i hate golf. big deal, he f'n cheated on his wife. if he was not a celebrity? would anyone even care? that's what's wrong with the world today, a famous person makes a mistake or two, and the media blows it all out of proportion, and in a year or two? some one else makes a mistake and the world forgets about the last celebrity. tell me, by this time next year? will anyone even remember what any of Tiger's mistresses names? does any one even know them right now? i don't.

he cheated on his wife, big deal. GET OVER IT.
 February 24, 2010, 15:17

 54 / male
 London, England, UK
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
Well, I think it's great entertainment. His self-flagellation & fake sincerity, the media feeding frenzy, the holier-than-thou sponsors dropping him, etc. etc. etc.

All based on the mistaken belief that anyone gives a flying fuck...

No one cared that President Clinton couldn't keep his dick in his pants so why should we worry about a block who spends his days hitting a little ball with a stick?
 February 24, 2010, 22:39

 47 / female
 north, England, UK
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
Tell me...there is no truth in the rumour...Many kids are wearing tops that say "My momma fuck*d Tiger Woods, and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt?...
 February 24, 2010, 23:49

 User no longer registered.
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
Lib made me giggle!

HBG, I do appreciate your direct and adult approach.
NRG, I'm still laughing!

Those all pissed of at the paps and media, that's why I limit my media news exposure. I catch the headlines in the morning, get most of my news online where I can limit what I read. (I don't have to click and read anything I don't want to)
It works for me, I try to just get the facts and leave the media firestorms behind.

Tiger wanted to make a public statement, so I listened to it. I think he did a pretty good job of taking full responsibility for his own actions and just wandered what impression others had of his statement.
 February 25, 2010, 13:26

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
  QUOTE (wandering5tar @ February 24, 2010, 22:39)
Well, I think it's great entertainment. His self-flagellation & fake sincerity, the media feeding frenzy, the holier-than-thou sponsors dropping him, etc. etc. etc.

All based on the mistaken belief that anyone gives a flying fuck...

No one cared that President Clinton couldn't keep his dick in his pants so why should we worry about a block who spends his days hitting a little ball with a stick?

I don't think we should. As previously stated. No one would care if he wasn't famous. i also feel there was NO need for this public appology. Unless one or more of his sponsors wanted it. He was however hitting a lot more than a little ball with his stick.
 February 25, 2010, 18:05

 42 / male
 New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Tiger Wood's apology statement.
This is what my statement would read in this situation:
I apologize to only one person in this world, the only person that deserves it. To my wife, I am deeply sorry for the self centered actions that I took without your regard. To the others involved in the situation, I should not have dragged you into this, but I still feel that it is only my wife that sincerely deserves an apology. Whatever solution my wife feels is appropriate for my actions I will do my best to accommodate.

To those that are not involved, please continue on with your lives as I am trying to continue on with mine. The only reason why this situation is news worthy is because I am a famous athlete. If I was any other person in this world, no one would care at all, so now I ask why you care about what happens in my personal life?

And to the media, that feels the need to be filming every moment of the time I spend in public areas, and are trying to get film and footage of me in my home, go fuck yourselves and find something better to do. There is other news in the world besides me. Stop wasting your time on such ridiculous things. Stop wasting the time of the public. Hell, there's even positive things in the world that should be reported, but the public is failing to hear about them because you are feeling the need to shove my personal life down their throats!
 February 25, 2010, 18:18

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Tiger Wood's apology statement.

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