63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
From the topic question thread (revised):*long-winded but perhapse worth discussion*
You can call it picky or just shy.....well, I guess "shy" doesn't really fit me. I can only think of 11. I guess the low number comes from wanting the next one to be at least as good in bed as I am.....Quit rolling your eyes!! I'll explain:
I was raised by a single parent. My father gave me access to all the information of the time about sex. I had subcriptions to Penthouse,Playboy and Sexual Psychology Today. I read the Hite Report and was given any other cited work in the journals that I asked for. From the age of 12 years old I knew more about sexuality than most grown men. When puberty kicked in, the only awkward thing about it was defining love and sex and identifying the triggers.
Subsequently, I was frequently dissapointed with inept lovers. There were 2 that were satisfying. One of those I would say had an understanding of male sexuality . For the most part I find that females lack an understanding of how to satisfy a man sexually. There's simply no *perceived* need by females to be unsefish lovers.
The impetus is on the male to initiate a relationship by facing rejection by skeptical females. Communication by the male must be interesting,humorus and showcase character traits that appeal to that paticular female. In exchange for all of that, the male is not publicly castrated and allowed to talk to the female who then starts the application process in her head for the position of " sexual partner "
If all goes well,by a time limit specified within the females social circles, she is open to having sex with him.......but......the male must still initiate it.......and......he has to just "know" when it is acceptable.
After all this, she turns out to be less satisfying than masteurbation. The act of sex is secondary to the relationship because the relationship centers on her sexual needs and not his. The male,still yearning to have his needs satisfied,seeks another partner.
She doesn't get a phone call and men are once again pigs. Lack of social pressure on the female to be anything but concerned about gratifying the male in a relationship gives them all the power in sexual subplots of a relationship. The female leaves it up to the male,being ignorant of it, while focusing on her own needs. She's a total dud in the sack and the man feels unappreciated while also being punished for making it about sex.
The relationship tumbles into a death spiral of deceit while both parties put on appearences rather than face the truth.
That pretty much sums up my disdain for the whole sexual pursuit thing. We have built a societal structure that encourages women to ignore the needs of the man in a relationship. Since the women's liberation movement started in the 19th century women are evolving like the finches of Darwins adaptation theory into what I would call shelfish relationship divas. Sucking black holes of attention-consuming need. Women of today have no need of the knowledge or effort to know or care about what the man needs from them.
If one were to go back in time, they would find a point where the scales were tipped all the way in the man's favor. Seeing the injustice of that as a society, while trying to balance them, we have come too far the other direction. Sex is again a function of procreation and fulfillment of the needs for one partner.........the woman this time.
There will be no need for chivalry. Men will no longer need to know how to give a woman an orgasm or care. What's to motivate us now that you have done away with blowjobs and anal sex because you feel less than 100% passionate about our pleasure? Do away with quickies and swallowing,go ahead. We won't tolerate The Bachelor and American Idol drool forever.
The internet has come along and saved us the agony of tolerating your diva attitudes. The age of pornography on demand has helped us start to evolve our imaginations so as to make masteurbation more tolerable than the days of underware ads amongst the sticky pages of the Sears and Roebuck catalog. A new species of male is evolving with the advent of streaming video. The days of the sexual divas are numbered.
April 20, 2005, 08:36 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
QUOTE (armybody @ April 20, 2005, 08:36)From the topic question thread (revised):*long-winded but perhapse worth discussion*
You can call it picky or just shy.....well, I guess "shy" doesn't really fit me. I can only think of 11. I guess the low number comes from wanting the next one to be at least as good in bed as I am.....Quit rolling your eyes!! I'll explain:
I was raised by a single parent. My father gave me access to all the information of the time about sex. I had subcriptions to Penthouse,Playboy and Sexual Psychology Today. I read the Hite Report and was given any other cited work in the journals that I asked for. From the age of 12 years old I knew more about sexuality than most grown men. When puberty kicked in, the only awkward thing about it was defining love and sex and identifying the triggers.
Subsequently, I was frequently dissapointed with inept lovers. There were 2 that were satisfying. One of those I would say had an understanding of male sexuality . For the most part I find that females lack an understanding of how to satisfy a man sexually. There's simply no *perceived* need by females to be unsefish lovers.
The impetus is on the male to initiate a relationship by facing rejection by skeptical females. Communication by the male must be interesting,humorus and showcase character traits that appeal to that paticular female. In exchange for all of that, the male is not publicly castrated and allowed to talk to the female who then starts the application process in her head for the position of " sexual partner "
If all goes well,by a time limit specified within the females social circles, she is open to having sex with him.......but......the male must still initiate it.......and......he has to just "know" when it is acceptable.
After all this, she turns out to be less satisfying than masteurbation. The act of sex is secondary to the relationship because the relationship centers on her sexual needs and not his. The male,still yearning to have his needs satisfied,seeks another partner.
She doesn't get a phone call and men are once again pigs. Lack of social pressure on the female to be anything but concerned about gratifying the male in a relationship gives them all the power in sexual subplots of a relationship. The female leaves it up to the male,being ignorant of it, while focusing on her own needs. She's a total dud in the sack and the man feels unappreciated while also being punished for making it about sex.
The relationship tumbles into a death spiral of deceit while both parties put on appearences rather than face the truth.
That pretty much sums up my disdain for the whole sexual pursuit thing. We have built a societal structure that encourages women to ignore the needs of the man in a relationship. Since the women's liberation movement started in the 19th century women are evolving like the finches of Darwins adaptation theory into what I would call shelfish relationship divas. Sucking black holes of attention-consuming need. Women of today have no need of the knowledge or effort to know or care about what the man needs from them.
If one were to go back in time, they would find a point where the scales were tipped all the way in the man's favor. Seeing the injustice of that as a society, while trying to balance them, we have come too far the other direction. Sex is again a function of procreation and fulfillment of the needs for one partner.........the woman this time.
There will be no need for chivalry. Men will no longer need to know how to give a woman an orgasm or care. What's to motivate us now that you have done away with blowjobs and anal sex because you feel less than 100% passionate about our pleasure? Do away with quickies and swallowing,go ahead. We won't tolerate The Bachelor and American Idol drool forever.
The internet has come along and saved us the agony of tolerating your diva attitudes. The age of pornography on demand has helped us start to evolve our imaginations so as to make masteurbation more tolerable than the days of underware ads amongst the sticky pages of the Sears and Roebuck catalog. A new species of male is evolving with the advent of streaming video. The days of the sexual divas are numbered.
Amen! Thank god for the streaming Videos!
April 20, 2005, 09:38 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
It's time for our gender to stand upright and accept its adaptation.
Hetero men will seek comfort from the internet or get it on the "down low". Needs met.......game over.
April 20, 2005, 12:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
QUOTE (armybody @ April 20, 2005, 12:40)It's time for our gender to stand upright and accept its adaptation.
Hetero men will seek comfort from the internet or get it on the "down low". Needs met.......game over.
If only sheep could cook.
April 20, 2005, 13:25 |
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Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
So goes the old saying 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'. If you feel thats what They are thinking turn it around on them for your gain, at whatever the cost. Ourselves we have quite a few offers, it's just getting there that's the problem. Remember a few years ago it was us that was saying there is always another one to take your place if you don't want to get it on !!! Believe it or not it's still the same today....just look around,
April 20, 2005, 13:55 |
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Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
That pretty much sums up my disdain for the whole sexual pursuit thing. We have built a societal structure that encourages women to ignore the needs of the man in a relationship. Since the women's liberation movement started in the 19th century women are evolving like the finches of Darwins adaptation theory into what I would call shelfish relationship divas. Sucking black holes of attention-consuming need. Women of today have no need of the knowledge or effort to know or care about what the man needs from them.
Umm...I'm not trying to be rude or start a long heated debat,but(theres always a but)........
Alot of your posts are like the one I pasted above. Not all women are like this. I'd be lying if I said none were but a majority of women aren't. Alot of us are just waiting for our husbands to come sweep us off our feet again. Rekindle the ol' fire we had when we were younger. Especially if you've been together for a while. Maybe women aren't sucking black holes maybe you just fall for the wrong girls or maybe(gulp..here goes) its your outlook on women and sex that have something to do with it. Maybe you expect more than is possible from one person.
We all have times in our lives where we need to focus on ourselves for a while. Maybe just a gentle nudge(stress the word gentle) in the right direction.
If your considerably unhappy(I've seen alot of posts from unhappy men about they're selfish, ice princess wives...not just you army) why do you stay?
I'm not trying to pick on you just thought you might appreciate someone elses view.
April 20, 2005, 15:58 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
"If your considerably unhappy(I've seen alot of posts from unhappy men about they're selfish, ice princess wives...not just you army) why do you stay?"
My thesis is not about one woman in my life but all the women I have had sex with. There is 1 woman that stands out as exceptionaly unselfish. They didn't make me feel this way but they are the exception. I don't think my expectations are very high at all because I have made it standard to learn what the woman wants. I have a reasonable expectation for *at least* an effort at reciprocation. Since I can observe that this is not going to happen from 90% of my experience, why should I look further?
I am saying that I have a relationship,as viewed by my wife, that is ideal......for a woman. I've swept her off her feet and I work to maintain the relationship. Why should she reciprocate? Just because I talk to her about her day when I don't feel like it and couldn't give a shit about office politics doesn't motivate her. Long massages whenever she wants to ease her aches or just make her relaxed are no inspiration. Getting up before her to make breakfast even when I feel sick or tired because she has to be to work first and often skips it if I don't doesn't ring a bell. Calling her just to talk in the middle of the day because I was thinking of her doesn't pull the trigger. Cleaning the kitchen and all the dishes because she cooked and I'm sharing the load is just a whiff. Being the first to give her an orgasm and rarely missing one in all the times we've made love should be the kicker..............but I still get hand jobs. I use lots of foreplay. I'm a great kisser. I work her into a frenzy so I can get brief,halfway hand-cheat oral. I can't cum in her mouth....ever. She has deeper orgasms if I stimulate her analy but she doesn't let me use my penis....ever.
This is not the first woman I've ever heard of with these limitations. It's simply a case of her getting off and not giving a shit if I do.
I could go on but so could many other men I'm sure. She gets what she wants. In my experience 90% of the women I've had sex with would also see this as ideal. What would I be leaving for? I can't get much better. They were all very content until the day I left them. I have communicated my needs explicitly. They feel guilty for awhile but always fall back to the comfort of commitment. I don't see an opportunity for that to improve.
Anyhooo, I have the internet and some long deployments to look forward to. I haven't gotten back half of what I've given to women in general. All the commitment I have put into learning about what women want has just created lazy,spoiled divas for the most part.
I believe I'm experiencing a new understanding and I'm ready to accept it.
April 21, 2005, 08:32 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
"I'm not trying to pick on you just thought you might appreciate someone elses view."
I know you are a sweetheart.
It's hard to tell someone's posture from just reading a post. I'm not angry or a bitter woman hater or anything. I'm stating it as matter-of-factly as I can.
Women do need to know though that just because they have a pussy doesn't make them an adequate lover or even a satisfying one. Men do WAY to much work in a relationship for little crumbs of what a woman KNOWS a man wants. It's no big mystery,yet, I don't see it happening very often whether I or some other guy has experienced it.
April 21, 2005, 10:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
I agree with you army, personnally I dont even waste my time anymore I try to find worthwhile enjoyable activities to spend my time' when it comes to sexual needs I have this lifelike masturbation toy that gives me intense orgasms ,god knows I would love a sexy woman to share these times with but the ones I encounter are like the ones you describe above I am unwilling to put up with the other 99% of B.S.
April 22, 2005, 18:19 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
*By Pepper*
"I must be an extremely RARE woman"(from another thread)
I would have to agree. I think the females that post on the board,participate in chat and answer email are extremely rare creatures. Those that understand and give a man what he needs sexualy are even more rare. On the other hand, females that *think* they fulfill all of a man's sexual needs seem to be in great abundance.
The social pressures you mentioned about females being taught not to respond sexualy is reasonable and certainly the foundation of the crisis. American females have transitioned, through the liberation movements from Seneca Convention past the melt-down of the 70s bra burning without shaking that social expectation.
Why did this old custom survive? The Movement could certainly have arranged its demise. By the 80's men were wearing pink and being sensitive, even crying in public. Women were free to take on masculine roles. Why then, are they not embracing the most obvious social masculine trait for their very own?
Simply, it's treacherous work and females aren't very familiar with dealing with rejection. Up until the internet the supply of attention from men has far outpaced the demand. Once a female attracted a male's attention, her part was complete.
When a woman wants sex,she gets it. This is traditionaly preceded by meals and gifts that must meet her requirements. No need to give a thought about what the man's needs are. If he doesn't catch her interest in the first 5 minuets there will be another guy buying her drinks. No need for her to learn technique or even be a little uncomfortable sometimes. The social expectation is for the man to take on all these responsibilities for a snowball's-chance-in-hell at sexual gratification.
Women have evolved through Women's Liberation, and that is a good thing but they gave up or failed to grasp essential skills in the process. Supply of attention is shifting to the internet because males can get more chances at more females. As it becomes more dificult to get a male's attention females will lack the skills required to warrant it. No longer just putting your make-up on and dressing nice, females must be begging for it and showing body parts. In the near future that won't work either as males adapt. They will learn that the possibility of physical contact is even less than when they had fewer *chances*. Rejection is more frequent with seemingly more willing women. The logical step is for men to accept the next best thing to gratification,which females have conditioned them to BTW, and use internet porn.
The way I see it, sex is the female gender's game to lose. Once the internet has eliminated your advantage, you are obsolete. Thanks for the pics but we have streaming video now. The sex in the videos is always hot because WE ARE CHOOSING what pleases us. The profiles women post only work briefly because you have to proactively participate now and give us something back. You must CATCH OUR ATTENTION within the first few posts or we will see it as rejection. We have had quite enough of that thank you.
So..........if women continue the less-is-more strategy of days gone by and try to apply it to the internet, we will not need them.
April 25, 2005, 09:24 |
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Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
You don't know how I have longed for the return of the time of "true men." Men who don't castrate themselves to fit into societal mores, alst the while blaming the women's movement.
Men used to rule. They used to take that which they wanted, by sword if necessary. Marauding Knights and local Lords took what they wanted of the peasant women, the women rarely considered this a source of shame, but rather a badge of beauty, to be found exciting enough to be taken.
Men have willfully given away their dominance. They allowed themselves to fall into the trap of "sexual equality" and the "we are all the same."
Men stood on the dais and proclaimed loudly "We must not be men, we must be equals," and women, laughing loudly, took their manhood and bottled it.
Now it is too late. You have written the laws disallowing your manhood yourselves. Those men who do occasionally remember their manhood are quickly stomped or imprisoned.
I lament.
April 25, 2005, 11:48 |
64 / male salisbury, England, UK
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
that sure sounds like a ' pretty woman ' looking for her white knight!
there are still real men around, Australia aint lost the plot entirely yet.
But i believe you can still be a real man , but show no-one is above you, and certainly no-one is beneath you, regardless of sex, race, colour etc..
April 25, 2005, 15:34 |
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Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
You all have been in the city waaaaaaaay to long !!
April 25, 2005, 16:46 |
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Re: Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
QUOTE (allon @ April 25, 2005, 15:34)that sure sounds like a ' pretty woman ' looking for her white knight!
there are still real men around, Australia aint lost the plot entirely yet.
But i believe you can still be a real man , but show no-one is above you, and certainly no-one is beneath you, regardless of sex, race, colour etc..
Perhaps in Australia men are still allowed to be men, but in England the last true man was Margaret Thatcher.
April 26, 2005, 07:53 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
*By KB*
"Men used to rule. They used to take that which they wanted, by sword if necessary. Marauding Knights and local Lords took what they wanted of the peasant women, the women rarely considered this a source of shame, but rather a badge of beauty, to be found exciting enough to be taken."
Yes. This equality shit has made the "marauding" moot. Former peasant women are unable or uninterested in weilding the same sword. They are using the same strategy of "being beautiful enough" without the reward to the knight of being "takeable".
Equality,which arose from the Movement,is to blame for this dydfunction. The idiot men in the pink sweaters *are* accessories to the crime though.
April 26, 2005, 08:51 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
April 26, 2005, 08:51 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
QUOTE (armybody @ April 26, 2005, 08:51)
Yes. This equality shit has made the "marauding" moot. Former peasant women are unable or uninterested in weilding the same sword. They are using the same strategy of "being beautiful enough" without the reward to the knight of being "takeable".
Equality,which arose from the Movement,is to blame for this dydfunction. The idiot men in the pink sweaters *are* accessories to the crime though.
Yet is the crime the crime of the woman? is it a crime to take that which is forfeited by the male. do you punish the dog for licking the plate you leave on the floor?
If men wish to be the dominant sex, they must take their dominance back, and the only way for this to happen is for the weaker more sensitive males who have allowed the castration of american society to occur to be ruthlessly purged.
*I might be a little extreme, and I would still be gay , but you could then throw me to the ground and take me if I lipped off like this*
April 26, 2005, 09:16 |
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Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
Whatever you say !!!
April 26, 2005, 10:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
you stop that!
April 26, 2005, 10:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
Oh...I was just going to throw you on the ground and ravish you like you said....just to see the look in your eye....which I'm sure would be something like this....
April 26, 2005, 14:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
QUOTE (Leviathan4u @ April 26, 2005, 14:56)Oh...I was just going to throw you on the ground and ravish you like you said....just to see the look in your eye....which I'm sure would be something like this....
less talk, more ravish!
April 26, 2005, 15:54 |
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Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
Your wish is my command !!!!
April 26, 2005, 16:55 |
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Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
Welllllllllllllllllllllllll I'mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Waitttttttttttttting...........
April 26, 2005, 18:01 |
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Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
Good things cum to those who wait. Besides that you'll be here soon enough...
April 26, 2005, 19:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
wouldnt the last several posts be more at home in the chatroom setting ,good natured banter has always irritated the crap outta me .besides being
May 1, 2005, 04:37 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
Well what astute dialogue would you like to reciprocate with ?
May 1, 2005, 08:36 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
QUOTE (jd39l @ May 1, 2005, 04:37)wouldnt the last several posts be more at home in the chatroom setting ,good natured banter has always irritated the crap outta me .besides being
Ohhh loosen up and banter me, banter me hard, jd!!!
May 1, 2005, 09:31 |
71 / male dallas, Texas, US
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
*By KB*
"Men used to rule. They used to take that which they wanted, by sword if necessary. Marauding Knights and local Lords took what they wanted of the peasant women, the women rarely considered this a source of shame, but rather a badge of beauty, to be found exciting enough to be taken."
were did that come from? take two to have good sex no matter male & male,female & female,or male & female: each partner should enjoy that special time together. ("Men used to rule. They used to take that which they wanted, by sword if necessary. Marauding Knights and local Lords took what they wanted of the peasant women, the women rarely considered this a source of shame, but rather a badge of beauty, to be found exciting enough to be taken." ( if we did that now our ass would be in jail )
May 2, 2005, 13:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
I gave up on having an honest, sincere relationship with a man. I've tried, but it seems that when I spoke eye to eye, openly and honestly, the silly twits try to "read between the lines" and everything I say is perceived as a "head game" and they make their counter moves based on that assumption. It's not that complicated ! Silly and stupid!
I'm not vague about it, I'm not dropping hints, what I SAY, is simply, what I want, need or think...
May 5, 2005, 04:57 |
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Re: Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
QUOTE (texas @ May 2, 2005, 13:56)
were did that come from?  take two to have good sex no matter male & male,female & female,or male & female: each partner should enjoy that special time together.
( if we did that now our ass would be in jail )
The last part is exactly what I am stating.. the world has changed and it hasn't all been an evil female plot to subjugate men and make them miserable. I sometimes think the old ways were better, a woman could enjoy sex with a passing stranger and not be stigmatized by it. Only the "highborn" had to worry about such drivel.
The concept of " good sex " is a relatively new one, for eons sex was primarily a recreation for men and a means of reproduction; women were taught to "not show overt interest in sex and not to permit more than was absolutely necessary to keep your man."
The topic here isn't quality sex, it is more a "lack of sex" thread, and a search for answers to why women do not respond to the mating cries of the male.
May 5, 2005, 06:41 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
QUOTE (kbateman @ May 5, 2005, 06:41) QUOTE (texas @ May 2, 2005, 13:56)
were did that come from?  take two to have good sex no matter male & male,female & female,or male & female: each partner should enjoy that special time together.
( if we did that now our ass would be in jail )
The last part is exactly what I am stating.. the world has changed and it hasn't all been an evil female plot to subjugate men and make them miserable. I sometimes think the old ways were better, a woman could enjoy sex with a passing stranger and not be stigmatized by it. Only the "highborn" had to worry about such drivel.
The concept of " good sex " is a relatively new one, for eons sex was primarily a recreation for men and a means of reproduction; women were taught to "not show overt interest in sex and not to permit more than was absolutely necessary to keep your man."
The topic here isn't quality sex, it is more a "lack of sex" thread, and a search for answers to why women do not respond to the mating cries of the male.
I'm thinking my remote control needs another channel for mating cries. TV - VCR - DVD- Sat / Cable - Pussy! Oh maybe one for cold beer too?
May 5, 2005, 06:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Are males/females evolving sexual dysfunctionality?
The blame should be shared between the sexes for the entire mess. Women (not all) have difficulty dealing with a difference between "love" and "sex", and men (not all) do still draw a distinct line between what they want to bring home to mamma, marry, and bear their children and a whore who loves to fuck 24/7. I wish it could be as simple as NOT trying to be what you think someone else wants(or needs), and finding someone who isn't trying to be what they think you want(or need).
May 5, 2005, 08:11 |
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