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Cosmic Birthday
Carl Sagan's birthdate is November 9th, today he would have been 75. An Astronomer and author, Emmy and Peabody award winner for his PBS series "Cosmos" he made science and astronomy fascinating and popular and also worked with NASA.
A few other Sagan facts from the 'net...
In 1969, Carl Sagan wrote under the Pseudonym "Mr. X" about the virtues of cannabis.
In 1994, Apple chose the internal codename "Carl Sagan" for its PowerMac 7100. ... meant as an homage to Carl (and an in-joke that the computer would make Apple "billions and billions" of dollars)
Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecrafts famous "message plagues"...ya know the ones, the metal plaques with the art work that includes what us (naked)humans look like just in case the spacecrafts come into contact with intelligent alien lifeforms. Carl Sagan, together with Frank Drake designed the plaque. The was drawn by Sagan's then-wife Linda Salzman Sagan.
Ah, what a man!
Carl Sagan November 9, 1934 - December 20 1996
November 9, 2009, 13:02 |
55 / couple Queen Creek, Arizona, US
Re: Cosmic Birthday
"Cosmos"was the beginning of my love of Science.What a great man indeed!
November 12, 2009, 02:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Cosmic Birthday
Ya know, all those times in my life when I did not have cable....dammit I had PBS!
I still love PBS but when you lived way-the-hell-out-there and all you had was a roof antennae, PBS (and a good stereo) were the best friends ever.
November 12, 2009, 13:04 |