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poor sportsmanship?
is it just me, or what? not sure how many people at WN are aware of the current NFL football goings on. but long time rival teams the Minnesota Vikings and the Green Bay Packers played a game today. the issues that i have are this. a couple of years ago, Brett Favre, the quarterback for the Packers announced his retirement. the man is a legend, had lead Green Bay to many division championships and won a few Super Bowls. so, he retires, and then decides that he still wants to play. the Packers said that they were moving ahead towards a future, with out him, he signs a deal with the New York Jets, plays like crap, and re-retires. then the Vikings woo him, and he again UN-RETIRES, and signs with Minnesota, (oh my, the BLASPHEMOUS feelings the the die hard Vikings fans had...until the season starts, and the Vikings remain UNDEFEATED through the first 6 games...)
ok, so the problem is, when the Packers and Vikings played today, when Mr. Favre stepped onto the field for the first time as a Viking, he was BOOED HORRIBLY....like i said, NO RESPECT for all the accolades and championships...
i'll end this little rant with the words of my brother...
If Favre had played his career in MN and left for Green Bay, MN fans would still have given him a round of applause. MN fans=class, Cheeseheads=no class.
no offense intended for any WN that are from Wisconsin...these opinions are my OWN.
November 2, 2009, 04:59 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: poor sportsmanship?
I enjoyed watching the Green Bay - Jets game tonight. I didn't see the beginning of the game and the booing you mentioned. I rooted for the Jets with a specific thought in my mind. For a year I dated a BIG cheesehead. Throughout the game I wondered, would he be rooting for GB or the Great Brett Farve? The man that led GB for many years. I finally decided it would be the later. So, I liked seeing GB get their butts kicked in the beginning. However, it is just a game and poor sportsmanly behavior is childish and ridiculous.
November 2, 2009, 05:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: poor sportsmanship?
GB wasn't playing the Jets, it was the Vikings...the famous "BORDER BATTLE" that ensues every year...and YES, GB did lose, but they almost won.
November 2, 2009, 05:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: poor sportsmanship?
Why is there so much B/S over everything?
Why are people like that?
Why do people make a mountains out of mole hills?
Why do people get into other people's business they have no reason to be in, on top of them not knowing the whole truth and scenario around it, and yet they are the first to take someone that is innocent and crucify them.
NO NEED!! If everyone would mind their own business, the world would be a better place!! I agree with ya L&H.
November 2, 2009, 07:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: poor sportsmanship?
I think Favre destroyed his reputation completely with his I'm retired, no wait, I'm not retired.
I do however like his Sears ad.
November 2, 2009, 13:42 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: poor sportsmanship?
Not to bash in on your rant, but...
All the money that is wasted each year on a SINGLE sports franchise (for the non sports people that just means a single team), and it was instead donated to a scientific cause, we would have:
A cure for cancer, straight up, as long as its caught in time cure for all types.
A cure for aids, herpes, hepatitis, and any other publicly rampant disease.
We would have cars that run 80 or 90 miles to the gallon (which was developed in the 70's, the patent was bought by the oil companies, you do the math on what happened...)
We would have a car that runs on some other efficient and effective fuel source.
we would have robots in our homes that would do our chores for us, cooking, cleaning, laundry, vacuuming, etc (No women jokes please)
I'm sorry, but our country has become like the great roman empire that fell because that country was too distracted by all the games that were being played so the public didn't realize that their government was failing.
November 2, 2009, 15:02 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: poor sportsmanship?
QUOTE (Mooant @ November 2, 2009, 15:02)Not to bash in on your rant, but...
All the money that is wasted each year on a SINGLE sports franchise (for the non sports people that just means a single team), and it was instead donated to a scientific cause, we would have:
A cure for cancer, straight up, as long as its caught in time cure for all types.
A cure for aids, herpes, hepatitis, and any other publicly rampant disease.
We would have cars that run 80 or 90 miles to the gallon (which was developed in the 70's, the patent was bought by the oil companies, you do the math on what happened...)
We would have a car that runs on some other efficient and effective fuel source.
we would have robots in our homes that would do our chores for us, cooking, cleaning, laundry, vacuuming, etc (No women jokes please)
I'm sorry, but our country has become like the great roman empire that fell because that country was too distracted by all the games that were being played so the public didn't realize that their government was failing.
November 3, 2009, 00:00 |
User no longer registered.
Re: poor sportsmanship?
Yeah, but hell, it's a sad sick crazy world, we need distractions like games, entertainment, sports...
November 3, 2009, 02:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: poor sportsmanship?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ November 3, 2009, 02:47)Yeah, but hell, it's a sad sick crazy world, we need distractions like games, entertainment, sports...
Lets see now. Games,ummmm. Theres watching clothes in the dryer, watching it rain or snow sideways, going for walks, taking a drive, ans OMG meeting new people in person. [all more exciting to watch than pro football.]
I have no respect for people who get paid over 1 million dollars per year and then aren't smart enough to pool thier resourses and build thier own stadium. No, they have to blackmail the state or city.
November 3, 2009, 13:37 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: Re: Re: poor sportsmanship?
QUOTE (JCSOS @ November 3, 2009, 13:37) QUOTE (Chazzy @ November 3, 2009, 02:47)Yeah, but hell, it's a sad sick crazy world, we need distractions like games, entertainment, sports...
Lets see now. Games,ummmm. Theres watching clothes in the dryer, watching it rain or snow sideways, going for walks, taking a drive, ans OMG meeting new people in person. [all more exciting to watch than pro football.]
I have no respect for people who get paid over 1 million dollars per year and then aren't smart enough to pool thier resourses and build thier own stadium. No, they have to blackmail the state or city.
Well, all that blackmailing of the city and state is because the teams know that those cities and states want them there for tax reasons (More money for them), so who wouldn't take advantage of that?
(Curse you Whalers for leaving CT! You were the only major sports team this state had! And Fuck You Patriots for wasting all of our money on getting ready to build a stadium even bigger than what you got now and then at the almost last second saying nevermind! Massachusetts has enough sports teams, they can share you guys with us!)
EDIT: oops, posted inside your quote...
November 3, 2009, 15:26 |
65 / male Northern, Michigan, US
Re: poor sportsmanship?
Well in regards to the treatment of Brett, he brought MANY great years to Green Bay, and to then turn on him in such a way shows no appreciation for that. He is in the twilight of a hall of fame career and didn't want to be a second stringer if possible. I've always thought it was cool that Green Bay actually as a city owns the team, but it's sad such things have to happen from a city so rich in football history.
Wayne Gretsky left Edmenton, yet helping bring several Stanley Cups to that city, to the Oilers is something to be thankful for. I believe in sports and being devoted to your team and city while you're part of them, but let the guy play and wish him well! Football with all it's wonderful tradition and lore is still a game...strip away all the glitz and money, it is a game. And these athletes in their later years are inside still the kid in the back yard dreaming of being a part of whatever sport they love. Deep within their hearts that kid still remains and they don't want to lose that magic. For some it is the limelight, for others its a never ending love and passion for what has been a huge part of who they are, of their life, it's the love of the game...and I believe that Brett Favre is the epitamy of that love.
I mean C'mon, someone actually hired a plane pulling a banner to fly over the stadium with a nasty comment on it?
Joe Namath could barely walk let alone play years ago after sooo many knee surgeries, does one not think he played for the love of the game. In every sport there's examples. I played tennis literally from mid morning till dark every day when I was a kid. Bjorn Borg was THE man to me...he retired for quite some time and tried to come back, that wasn't about money, again it was about the love, the passion for his sport.
Damn, being in Michigan if I swim almost due west across Lake Michigan I could go to Green Bay and talk to these people....then get beaten to death, lol....
November 3, 2009, 17:44 |