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MY new girlfriend (:
So I met this girl and we have been getting to know eachother and were gonna take it farther. Were having a sleepover Friday night.
She's absolutly beautiful I can't wait!
October 8, 2009, 00:00 |
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Re: MY new girlfriend (:
Have at it girl! Let us know how it goes!
October 8, 2009, 01:08 |
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Re: MY new girlfriend (:
Oh don't worry, I will! Haha
October 8, 2009, 01:22 |
56 / male Way Downstate, Illinois, US
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
Very happy for you!!
Pardon me if I'm getting aroused at the thought of this "sleepover"....yes, I'm definitely getting aroused as I think about the "sleepover".
October 8, 2009, 02:10 |
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Re: MY new girlfriend (:
Great to hear, already a little nervous. lol. That twitch in your stomach. Hope you have a ball.
October 8, 2009, 04:13 |
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Re: MY new girlfriend (:
Perhaps there will be pictures. Hehe (:
October 8, 2009, 07:14 |
56 / male Way Downstate, Illinois, US
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
Pictures? Now you're just trying to make me hurt myself. Okay...I have added you to my Naughty List. I would ask that you do the same with me. I will be on call like an ER doctor (although I don't believe an ER doctor would be sporting the same wood that I am...hope not at least). Should there be ANY photographic documentation of the weekend which you are wantonly ready to share, my beeper will go off. You do understand, we're talking NAUGHTY documentation.
Post said naughty snaps to a private album on your profile and I will be by for perusal and enjoyment. And maybe my dirty comments and reviews will help you to keep the arousal and excitement of the weekend going on into next week!!
Rowwwwr! Have fun!!
Now I can't wait for Friday night!!
October 8, 2009, 08:27 |
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Re: Re: MY new girlfriend (:
QUOTE (Sexyvegan @ October 8, 2009, 07:14)Perhaps there will be pictures. Hehe (:
That will be hard, holding that camera steady.
October 8, 2009, 09:48 |
52 / male aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Re: Re: Re: MY new girlfriend (:
QUOTE (lowlands @ October 8, 2009, 09:48) QUOTE (Sexyvegan @ October 8, 2009, 07:14)Perhaps there will be pictures. Hehe (:
That will be hard, holding that camera steady.
you could always offer your camera holding skills
October 8, 2009, 10:32 |
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Re: Re: Re: Re: MY new girlfriend (:
QUOTE (slowpoke2 @ October 8, 2009, 10:32) QUOTE (lowlands @ October 8, 2009, 09:48) QUOTE (Sexyvegan @ October 8, 2009, 07:14)Perhaps there will be pictures. Hehe (:
That will be hard, holding that camera steady.
you could always offer your camera holding skills
So true, but considering the distance it would be a cam shot .
October 8, 2009, 10:38 |
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Re: Re: MY new girlfriend (:
QUOTE (lowlands @ October 8, 2009, 04:13)Great to hear, already a little nervous. lol. That twitch in your stomach. Hope you have a ball.
Have a ball? I didnt know there were any guys invited?
October 8, 2009, 11:39 |
56 / male Way Downstate, Illinois, US
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
"That will be hard", "have a ball"...lowlands...I think you're confused, man, it's just two women.
Well...two women AND the film crew that I just hired to document the weekend!!
So, SexyV...you met her on here? Bring her by and introduce her to your raunchy buds sometime!! I can only imagine that she's going to be as horny, happy and with as good a sense of humor as you. So we shouldn't offend her...too much.
I just put another big red "X" on my calendar...ONE MORE DAY!!!
October 8, 2009, 12:27 |
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Re: MY new girlfriend (:
You two are bad, i was just trying to be a gentleman and wishing her all the fun in the world. I know i am not english but i'm sure they used the words hard and balls without sexual tone.
If there will be any pics it will be me being hard and shooting my balls of.
Would it help if i said that i feel sorry for myself, because nobody invites me, no friends.
October 8, 2009, 15:01 |
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Re: Re: MY new girlfriend (:
QUOTE (lowlands @ October 8, 2009, 15:01)You two are bad, i was just trying to be a gentleman  and wishing her all the fun in the world. I know i am not english but i'm sure they used the words hard and balls without sexual tone.
If there will be any pics it will be me being hard and shooting my balls of.
Would it help if i said that i feel sorry for myself, because nobody invites me, no friends. don't feel bad, i live in the same state, and i wasn't invited either...
October 8, 2009, 16:13 |
56 / male Way Downstate, Illinois, US
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
I don't even care about not being invited...just so I get the postgame play-by-play....the, uh..."box" scores you might say.
October 8, 2009, 16:38 |
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Re: MY new girlfriend (:
I know we guys always say woman do a lot of yep yep yep, looks like we know it too, caused by an innocent sleepover. lol
October 8, 2009, 16:41 |
56 / male Way Downstate, Illinois, US
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
I'm truly hoping there's nothing "innocent" about it. This is SexyV we're talking about here!!! I have more faith in her than THAT!!!
October 8, 2009, 17:10 |
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Re: MY new girlfriend (:
October 8, 2009, 17:19 |
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Re: MY new girlfriend (:
"Box scores"! Now thats just friggin funny!
October 8, 2009, 17:24 |
56 / male Way Downstate, Illinois, US
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
Thank you, thank you...I'll be here all week...make sure to tip your waiters and waitresses...and try the veal!!
October 8, 2009, 18:31 |
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Re: MY new girlfriend (:
YOur all going to be very disappointed, I got diagnosed with swine flu today and so I will not be having a fun night tomorrow.
Triple c and a cuddly blanket are my only company.
October 9, 2009, 00:53 |
56 / male Way Downstate, Illinois, US
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
I feel so BAD for you!! Well...something to look forward to. Plus, all of the scenarios that have been playing out in my dirty mind have been pretty hot...so thanks for those!! Maybe I can share them with you sometime. I somehow wound up in a few of them...even though I wasn't invited!!
October 9, 2009, 01:27 |
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Re: MY new girlfriend (:
Ohmy. I'd love to hear!
This sucks. Lol
October 9, 2009, 01:41 |
52 / male aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
sorry to hear that hun, i hope you get better real soon
October 9, 2009, 03:34 |
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Re: MY new girlfriend (:
Bad news, well hope you will be well soon again. and then... you can go and grab all the fun you cant have now.
October 9, 2009, 04:10 |
56 / male Way Downstate, Illinois, US
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
Hope you get to feeling better soon!!! And, please, each time you log on if you could wash your hands with some Purell...just to keep the rest of us from getting it? Thanks!! Luv ya!
(that's you feeling so bad you're purple...and me covering my nose and mouth each time you sneeze.)
October 9, 2009, 04:46 |
56 / male Way Downstate, Illinois, US
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
How you feeling? Hope you're better. Remember, lots of fluids and use your vibrator every four hours as needed. You'll be feeling better in NO time!!
-Dr. Luv2Chat4U (Ph.D - that would be "pretty hard dick"
October 9, 2009, 13:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
You guysss I feel like I'm dieing!!! I'm in bed curled up my head hurts really bad.
There's a plumber here so I can't sleep ): my dad muffed up the plumbing last night and we don't have any running water. ):
October 9, 2009, 14:51 |
56 / male Way Downstate, Illinois, US
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
OH, SexyV!! Feel so bad for you, girl!!
Got the pig bug AND no running water! That sucks.
Wish I was there to take your temperature...
...wanna see my thermometer?
-Dr. Luv2Chat4U M.D. (for "Massive Dick!"
October 9, 2009, 16:27 |
User no longer registered.
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
The most accurate readings are in the ass and in the mouth. You in? Haha
October 9, 2009, 20:34 |
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Re: MY new girlfriend (:
The flu and no running water!!
Wishing you a very speedy recovery, get well real soon...and also wishing you a prompt competent plumber as well!
October 10, 2009, 00:31 |
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Re: MY new girlfriend (:
Well my plumbing just got fixed and I was able to shower. So I am already feeling better. Maybe it's the pills talking? Haha. Thanks chazzy!
October 10, 2009, 00:52 |
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Re: MY new girlfriend (:
Good to hear YOUR plumbing is fixed.
October 10, 2009, 04:12 |
56 / male Way Downstate, Illinois, US
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
Now SexyV...a question...
When the pills talk...do they only talk to each other or do they talk to you? Do they have an accent? Are they pissed about being pills? I mean their whole life can be gone in one good swallow followed by a glass of water.
Oh, yeah...'swallow' reminds me SexyV...my thermometer works best when administered orally. For the most accurate reading it's probably going to have to stay in your mouth for a good ten or fifteen minutes!!
October 10, 2009, 06:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
My head doesn't hurt as bad, but its still a pain. My cat woke me u at 6am cause she was bored...I could almost kill her!
Not only that, but it snowed over night ):
October 10, 2009, 11:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: MY new girlfriend (:
Wish we could put an extra blanket on ya and bring you a tray of tea in bed....get well soon...I can't stand it when someone is suffering
October 10, 2009, 13:06 |