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For tomorrow we die.
Today I'm making a new start. Well that isn't exactly true. I've been here before. Shifting from the dark back into the light, after slipping back before. This time will be different. Fuck...where are my shades?
September 14, 2009, 04:40 |
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Re: For tomorrow we die.
New starts...I like 'em.
September 14, 2009, 12:44 |
42 / male New Britain, Connecticut, US
Re: For tomorrow we die.
I could use one of those, where do I sign up?
September 14, 2009, 15:23 |
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Re: For tomorrow we die.
September 15, 2009, 01:25 |
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Re: For tomorrow we die.
QUOTE (david888777 @ September 14, 2009, 04:40)Today I'm making a new start. Well that isn't exactly true. I've been here before. Shifting from the dark back into the light, after slipping back before. This time will be different. Fuck...where are my shades?
Live each day as though it was your last, revelations says it all. Never leave a rock unturned, and never regret... as we learn the best through our darkest days, and become stronger with better insight of ourselves from every life experience we process. Good luck and best wishes... just be yourself, be happy (and...screw what others say and think, it's not worth it). Everyone has their own life to live, not someone elses. lol)
September 19, 2009, 15:54 |
User no longer registered.
Re: For tomorrow we die.
Well, I gotta say, I don't buy into the not caring about what others say and think totally, cuz think about...if we truly believe that, then what we ourselves think and say shouldn't matter either then in all fairness....if that were the case, nobody need say anything, cuz nobody wants to hear it.
I love listening to people, and considering what others think and say, opposite, frank and alternate oppinions.....others are the best mirror for us to see our own reflection. (That's a famous quote, and I sure don't remember it word for word or who said it...have to try and google that one later when I have more time)
Nothing wrong at all with caring about what others say and think...just have to be able to deal with it.
September 20, 2009, 02:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: For tomorrow we die.
I must say, my eyes have adjusted to the light quite nicely. And its rays feel good. I have been thinking about the two statements above for some days now. "Screw what others say and think." I agree, but always care about how others feel, and try not to let that affect how you feel. How you feel I think helps "be able to deal with it".
September 22, 2009, 15:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: For tomorrow we die.
Hey, was wondering about ya, was gonna send ya a quick note when I had some quality computer time, I'm just popping in and out right now....
Yeah, I do think about what others think and say as good healthy "feedback"....ignoring others for me just internalizes too much. Ignoring what others think about us just makes us feel a wee bit superior, and too easy to focus on the faults of others (because we no longer focus any attention on our own faults) We all have faults or characteristics that could be and should be improved upon...not ignored....but I don't let criticism get me down...I use it even when it comes from a grumpy crabby insecure source.
For instance...good example....I'm called in a negative way a know-it-all sometimes.... it just means maybe I should focus a bit more on my conversation skills, some people like that kind of communication but I should keep in mind that some find it annoying, intimidating, or I'm "putting on airs" when my intentions are nothing more than "I'm excited to have a conversation with you!!" feeling.
I don't even see anything wrong with the term "know it all"... it's silly really.
Everything I ever will know, I know because I listened to someone else who knew so much more than I. I listened to them speak, I read what they wrote, I watched what they did, so obviously...I sure do not know it all and trying to talk as much as I can with others is my way of learning even more.
September 22, 2009, 16:02 |
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Re: For tomorrow we die.
"Others are the best mirror for us to see our own reflection", Well Chazzy you have been my mirror lately.
There was a time when I felt "a wee bit superior", and my "focus on the faults of others" turned into down right judgement. I judged the entire human race. And my great love for people, turned to hate. I became a recluse. A hermit trying to find answers to the question "But why?". Years later reaching a dead end, it dawned on me I had to turn back to the human race for help in answering the "what the hell is wrong with the world today?" question.
Sometimes when others explain things in their own unique way, they can give others a broader perspective. Chazzy, I thank you for helping me in "learning even more". -David.
September 25, 2009, 22:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: For tomorrow we die.
I took a little tumble the other day. Used a crutch. But that was the cause of my slip up to begin with. No permanent damage done I hope. But I'm worried it may leave a scar. Kind of embarrassing. Though falling down in public always is.
October 1, 2009, 08:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: For tomorrow we die.
I hope you're feeling alright? Did you break a leg, wearing a cast?
I'm recovering from a fall down my stairs, broke my tailbone. I had a bit of a set back by being on vacation last week and spending too much time sitting in the car.
October 1, 2009, 11:28 |
User no longer registered.
Re: For tomorrow we die.
lol, I hope you were not worried. My trip-up happened in the lobby here at WN long stupid, story. Re-read post. I'm fine but what about you? I used to skateboard for years so I know about falling on my ass. And the tail bone is very painful to bang. But I never broke it . Was it your coccyx that you broke? Has to hurt. Hope you are recovering quickly. Glad you didn't let it stop your vacation. Take care David
October 4, 2009, 17:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: For tomorrow we die.
Somewhere along the way, I forgot to pay attention to where I was going. And the light has become blinding. I dropped my shades. (it was that fall in the lobby)
Now I can't see clearly. See things that aren't there.
Stumbling around in the light can be fucked up.
I need new shades. The light should not make me feel uncomfortable.
I have one final question. Can a persons spirit/soul be conveyed online? Does one need voice, sounds, expression, movement, etc. I think it can be.... I guess I am just amazed to what extent.
Need to step back. Assess the situation. Get my priorities...... Fuck I need new shades.
October 5, 2009, 15:41 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: For tomorrow we die.
QUOTE (david888777 @ October 5, 2009, 15:41)I have one final question. Can a persons spirit/soul be conveyed online? Does one need voice, sounds, expression, movement, etc. I think it can be.... I guess I am just amazed to what extent.
There's a good discussion question...I think so...but on a site like this, some are so concerned with standing out (ya have to, especially men cuz men always outnumber the women on adult sites)
I love reading and checking out profiles...and some do convey so much with thier choice of username, photo, and especially and ad text. More is conveyed when they are activily here, and you get the time to talk via messages, chatrooms and forums.
Forums more so I think, you actually get to see how they interact with all kinds of people on a variety of topics and scenarios...
October 6, 2009, 00:23 |
User no longer registered.
Re: For tomorrow we die.
Chazzy. You have been such a wonderful host, I cant thank you enough. And the people here have been so warm and friendly. I have had a lot of fun.
Thank You everyone!
even icup0036 Take care, David.
October 7, 2009, 05:51 |
User no longer registered.
Re: For tomorrow we die.
Awww shoot....so maybe he'll come back, I liked him....
I dunno...but what the deal was with icup0036, and the "slip up"in the Lobby he mentioned several times...but whatever it was, I'm sure we coulda help work that out.
October 7, 2009, 12:38 |
56 / male Way Downstate, Illinois, US
Re: For tomorrow we die.
David and I have had a lot of good talks in the Lobby and I think I cracked him up with some e-mails. Good guy. He wrote me an e-mail last night telling me that he had to leave...wanting to move on...thanks for the laughs, but he had to go. I wrote him back and told him not to be a stranger! No reason he couldn't pop in from time to time and say 'hi'. He's on a journey...looking for something...I told him I hope he finds it, whatever it is.
Yeah...too bad losing a good one.
October 7, 2009, 12:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: For tomorrow we die.
Yeah, we do recommend firstly, that anyone wanting to "move on" keep a free account here, it can always be "vagued up" (remove photos, re write the text, etc... but keep the account just because you may find yourself wanting to pop back in every so often.
October 7, 2009, 12:57 |
User no longer registered.
Re: For tomorrow we die.
Sorry to hear he left, appeared to be a fellow dutchman. Hope he finds his luck and happiness
October 7, 2009, 13:42 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: For tomorrow we die.
He enjoyed speaking with all of you, Chazzy, Luv, Low. He's enjoyed the site but certain elements made him feel a little uncomfortable. He reminds me of someone I corresponded with on another website, alot. I didn't want to say anything to him about this because Matt was troubled by with many issues that took him months to reveal to me. And, some of these issues were very painful and required medication.
I agree, nothing wrong with keeping a profile, but has to be his choice. All for now, getting repiped.
October 7, 2009, 19:34 |