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Are you a 'Woe is Me", or are you a ''ROCK''?
Do you make your life and lifestyle a 'Three Ring Circus' letting everyone, know all of you with your feelings/emotions on everything, publicizing it, or.... do you go through life silently, taking one step at a time... allowing only the few close family/friends you know, know ALL of you and your life?
July 18, 2009, 07:32 |
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Re: Are you a 'Woe is Me", or are you a ''ROCK''?
I really don't need to let anyone know everything, don't need to know everything about anyone cuz there's one constant among us all....life is hard.
Using hardship and stress is really no excuse. We've all seen good times and bad. No one lives that charmed and perfect life. Every life has it's dues to be paid...sooner or later.
Stress and hardship may explain why we behave the way we do, do the things we do, say the things we do...but stress and hardship is no excuse for not owning up to our behavior, and it's no excuse for not improving ourselves. If we do not own up to our stress induced behavior, and allow the excuses to justify everything, then stress and hardships is just a crutch to hobble around on, get attention from, special consideration from, pity from...and that won't cut it.
Sharing your burdens with others in order to help heal yourself and throw away your emotional crutch is great.
Crying and whining just to be excused for being a bad behaving person is just passing the burden on to others.
There is a constant among us all, life is hard....and I accept that. I accept that with all compassion and responsibility. I can share a burden, and be thankful others feel they can share theirs with me.
(Of course....who gives a flying F**k what I think, eh? )
July 18, 2009, 12:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Are you a 'Woe is Me", or are you a ''ROCK''?
Cant let everbody come close, just a few. From the other side, too many lonely people on this earth. Find the balance.
July 20, 2009, 21:36 |
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Are you a 'Woe is Me", or are you a ''ROCK''?