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What you always say....
What do you always say?
I say "AWWwww CRAP!!" allot and "for crying out loud" and "I swear..." because I'm actually trying very hard not to swear anymore, or not to swear near as much anyway...
I have a few too many cats, so I say "GIT" allot, and everytime I have to use the canopener, I say "NO it's not fish!!" When they get rowdy and knock things off, for some reason, I yell at them to "Knock it off!!!!" and then realize how stupid that sounds, then of course realize how stupid it is that I'm talking to them at all.
My hubs is a whiner/complainer so I'm usually saying something like "Now what?" to him.
In public, I'm all smiles and "Excuse me".... "Thank you".... and all that stuff my momma taught me.