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Pain killers
There's some talk about Vicodin and Percocet...even the FDA taking them off the market because of the acetaminophen in them (known to cause liver damage I believe?) What I was reading was about the effect all this talk will have on doctors and how they might change they way they feel about prescribing these drugs, and will these painkillers be reformulated now?
I don't like pills, I have vicodin but rarely take them, only if I have too. I do think that these narcotics get passed out by doctors too much. They are heavily abused.
It'll be interesting to see what "they" find as a solution to all this, what changes if any are done...
July 4, 2009, 12:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pain killers
liver damage is only part of the issue here. i'm pretty sure that acetaminophen is a common ingredient in meth. it's possible that by not making those drugs, that it may cut down t he manufacturing of it.
July 4, 2009, 13:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pain killers
This'll be
I feel that those two aren't the only drugs that should be taken off the market. Think about this. All of the drugs pushed today cause more than two serious side effects. Most are three or more. This is a way to fix a health problem?
Any drug that causes so many additional problems should NEVER be approved for sale. The drug companies should also be banned from commercial advertising of any prescription drug.
Thanks for letting me rant.--
July 4, 2009, 13:48 |
65 / couple Harrisonburg, Virginia, US
Re: Re: Pain killers
QUOTE (JCSOS @ July 4, 2009, 13:48)This'll be
I feel that those two aren't the only drugs that should be taken off the market. Think about this. All of the drugs pushed today cause more than two serious side effects. Most are three or more. This is a way to fix a health problem?
Any drug that causes so many additional problems should NEVER be approved for sale. The drug companies should also be banned from commercial advertising of any prescription drug.
Thanks for letting me rant.--
July 4, 2009, 14:48 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Pain killers
my two cents worth is Advil or ibuprofen,gee we got a good spell checker one to spell ibuprofen for me, it was the only thing next to Vicodin ,that was letting me do my job every morning, then they gave me athrowteck,some time after thwt my left leg started swelling up and all the tests started so i dont take advil no more ,or aleve....
July 9, 2009, 05:01 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pain killers
I usually do have Vicodin in the house, but I rarely take any. I just don't think it's necesary to hit up a narcotic for every pain.
I just don't like pills at all.
July 9, 2009, 11:20 |
65 / couple Harrisonburg, Virginia, US
Re: Pain killers
It would be really easy for me to get out my soap box now, but I won't...
They have known for for than the 30 years that I have been a nurse that Tylenol causes irreversible liver damage. They have also known for many, many years that Darvocet, Percocet, Vicodin, etc are all over perscribed and abused. The most interesting "new" fact regarding these drugs is that they have been found to be a contributing factor in dementia's. For some reason we have been led to believe that we are never supposed to be uncomfortable for any reason. They have a pill for everything and now we're finding out the consequences of all these pills.
July 9, 2009, 12:04 |
65 / couple Harrisonburg, Virginia, US
Re: Pain killers
I think they should take all of the drugs off the market and start over. Or maybe just go back to herbal medicine!
July 9, 2009, 12:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Pain killers
I do agree, I think we were meant to experience pain (to a point, I do believe in some pain killers like for post surgery, trauma, and for some extreme conditions.)
I believe pain is our indicator as to whether we are getting better, or getting worse, that pain tells us when to slow down, lay down, or get up and start pushing ourselves and to what point. I believe it's healthy to have a tolerance for pain.
I get a prescription of Vicodin for just about everything and I don't need it.
July 9, 2009, 12:11 |