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Matriarchs and Patriarchs
Got any bossy gotta-run-things people in your family?
My Dad is a bit of a Patriarch I guess, always with the "I'll tell ya what ya need to do...." advice about everything (love that about him though)
My older sister is more of the Matriarch type, always the one planning all the family get togethers and functions, down to every little crumb served and every decoration and center piece put out, she runs the show like a seasoned General. She's the kind that will come in and run you out of your own kitchen. (Not a problem for me, I don't like any kitchen much)
May 16, 2009, 19:49 |
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Re: Matriarchs and Patriarchs
I have no F**K'N comment on this crap! Screw all of them! I say screw it and screw them.... just BE YOURSELF, and let them seek their own users and abusers, getting their rushes from others, not me, btdt!
May 16, 2009, 20:21 |
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Re: Matriarchs and Patriarchs
Ummmm....didn't say nuttin' about no damn abusers....as a matter of fact, I spoke very kindly and fondly of these types in my family.
I don't think of these types as abusers or users. I am being myself, and I don't mind them being themselves...I can handle it, doesn't bother me.
May 16, 2009, 20:50 |
65 / couple Harrisonburg, Virginia, US
Re: Matriarchs and Patriarchs
hmmm... that would be me... I usually end up being the one who has to do the organizing, planning and follow through on whatever is going on. I never intended to have this much responsibility but, everyone always seems to stand around and wait for... whatever... and I usually end up just doing... It doesn't matter if it's something we're doing for the store or for a group of friends or family. Some of us just end up in that role.
May 17, 2009, 01:00 |
59 / female west of Atlanta, Georgia, US
Re: Re: Matriarchs and Patriarchs
QUOTE (ticaD @ May 16, 2009, 20:21)I have no F**K'N comment on this crap!  Screw all of them! I say screw it and screw them.... just BE YOURSELF, and let them seek their own users and abusers, getting their rushes from others, not me, btdt!
100% agree here.
May 17, 2009, 03:57 |
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Re: Matriarchs and Patriarchs
Geez...sorry for ya'all....I luv my family. I don't mind at all that my sister is like she is, it's what makes her the person she is and she's good at stuff like that...doesn't bother me at all...she throws a damn fine party and seems to function well with the stress of doing it and loves doing things like that for her family. It's her talent, her personality and I love her for it just like I have my own personality and talent that I am loved for. All of us sibling are so totally different and accepted for the differences without any feeling of competition or jealousy or rivalry and my daddy, he's just being a daddy really, I love the way he steps in and tells us how he would do things and all that, I adore that about him and feel blessed everytime that I still have my daddy. I don't feel negative about these things at all.
I think most every family has it's Matriarchs and Patriarchs, I just never thought to see them in such a negative light really. I just think of them as part of the normal dynamics of a family.
May 17, 2009, 12:26 |
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Re: Re: Matriarchs and Patriarchs
QUOTE (hardandwild07 @ May 17, 2009, 01:00)hmmm... that would be me... I usually end up being the one who has to do the organizing, planning and follow through on whatever is going on. I never intended to have this much responsibility but, everyone always seems to stand around and wait for... whatever... and I usually end up just doing... It doesn't matter if it's something we're doing for the store or for a group of friends or family. Some of us just end up in that role.
Good point! Some do just end up in that role, why...I dunno maybe cuz some are like me and just kinda suck at it?
I really wouldn't want the responsibilty of trying to organize something a big anniversary party or birthday party, it's just not my kind of thing really...My sister and sister in-law are just so good at that hostess stuff.
So I and others, don't even attempt to do these things when we all know we have sis and sis-in-law around to do such a good job of it.
The Patriarchs, well my dad just jumps in and offers suggestions and advice, my daddy-in-law is the one we call to ask cuz, well, he just seems to know everything about everything and dammit...I just love know-it-alls!
I guess in a way, I'm a bit of a Matriarch too, a mother hen Matriarch, I am the one when things get a bit messy between family to step in, smooth it out and get everyone smiling and loving again.
May 17, 2009, 12:43 |
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Re: Matriarchs and Patriarchs
yep, Chazzy is the Matriarch of WN!
May 18, 2009, 01:58 |
57 / female In the Sun, Arizona, US
Re: Matriarchs and Patriarchs
My mother runs who ever lets her --- that is the key. Someone can only run your life if you let them - like Chazzy says - they can say what they want - it is how you take it that matters.
May 18, 2009, 02:41 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Matriarchs and Patriarchs
I'm sorry for bringing this one up again, I apologize to those who have a very negative feeling towards the terms "Matriarchs and Patriarchs"
But I just wanted to share the warm fuzzies, I was with my entire extended family this weekend, for Memorial Day and it was my first "Family meeting"...I was so impressed. One called specifically for the "Matriarchs and Patriarchs" to come forward one by one, introduce themselves, any guests and immediate family with them, speak of any family news or business, I was proud of these elders, they way they protect, carry on our family history, make sure the family plots and cemetaries are maintained, they are truly "heads of the family" and I'm still happy to have them, each and every one of them.
May 24, 2009, 20:15 |
65 / couple Harrisonburg, Virginia, US
Re: Matriarchs and Patriarchs
Everyone has a specific role in their own family.
I (Wild) am the organizer and get things done person.
Hard is the one we all go to for ideas about how to do anything as quickly and inexpensively as possible.
My Dad is the cook. If I want to know anything about "old-timey" cooking, I ask him.
What role does anyone else have in their family?
May 26, 2009, 22:57 |