79 / couple estero, Florida, US
my first dildo purchase and continuing adventures
May 13, 2009, 23:30 |
79 / couple estero, Florida, US
Re: my first dildo purchase and continuing adventures
May 13, 2009, 23:34 |
79 / couple estero, Florida, US
Re: my first dildo purchase and continuing adventures
Page 3
I can feel his eyes and I close mine as the orgasm overtakes me and I come. It is mostly silent but a few little gasps do escape from me. When I open my eyes again he mouths a silent thank you and walks off. I get back into my jeans and sweatshirt, put the clothes back on the rack and leave the store. I feel good but am also a little embarrassed and would like to disguise myself somehow so in a sports store I bought a baseball jersey and cap. I put my hair into a ponytail and was satisfied that I was now hard to recognize. So after that nice diversion it is back to thinking about a plan to buy the dildo. The plan fell into place with my new appearance. I would simply walk into the store and act like buying a dildo is the most natural thing in the world to do, which it really should be. I was hoping the cute guy was still working and he was. I left the two top buttons of the jersey unbuttoned to maybe give him a peek if he looked and I leaned a little. I grabbed my item and walked to the register. He was unfazed by what I laid on the counter. I asked him if he was a student at the U. He said no, I still have a year and a half of high school to go. I told him I was a new freshman and if he would like to hang out sometime that I could catch the bus to town. He said he had a car and would like to get together . I gave him my phone number in the dorm and left with my little treasure now in my purse. I forgot all about leaning and giving him a peek. Oh, well.
May 13, 2009, 23:35 |
79 / couple estero, Florida, US
Re: my first dildo purchase and continuing adventures
May 13, 2009, 23:36 |
86 / male Hayward, California, US
Re: my first dildo purchase and continuing adventures
Wonderful part one. I hope you have a part two, so we can know if you got together with the sales clerk and bedded him.
October 16, 2009, 08:37 |