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Is my voyeurism a fetish or not?
I had the pleasure of watching a female tenant in my apartment complex, masturbate. She is divorced and horny. I talked to her in the laundry room and one thing led to another, when I eluded to my favorite subject, female masturbation. She then hinted that she wouldn't mind having someone watch her masturbate, but it would have to be from a hidden position. She gave me a specific time to go to her apartment. I stood there, behind the partially closed door bedroom door and saw her bring herself to orgasm 3 times. It was a gorgeous site. I let myself out of her apartment without saying a word. I am hoping to run in to her again and maybe she'll invite me to her apartment to see her masturbate one more time! Would you women ever consider doing this if you felt comfortable, safe and bold enough? I'm just curious.
March 12, 2005, 04:53 |
57 / male sterling, Virginia, US
Re: Is my voyeurism a fetish or not?
absolutely! i was riding around with two friends of mine one night. one guy, and one gal. it turns out we were all just friends. anyway the girl who i'll call marie said "you know what i want to see"
jim, and i said "what", and she went on to say "i'd
like to see a guy jack off and cum for me". well it did'nt take long ,and we gave her a show. i have to say it was pretty interesting. and a total turnon to be a part of that scene. id do it for any woman who asked me to, anywhere!
in answer to your question is voyerism a fetish?
definitely! but remember the true definition of
fetish means the person requires the desired object or act to achieve orgasm. so you probably have a deire of a compelling nature. which reminds me of a friend of mine who liked it for someone to watch as he banged his girlfriends. i guess thats a different topic!
March 12, 2005, 05:47 |
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Re: Is my voyeurism a fetish or not?
You're right about the "true definition", goinsth4u, the word "fetish" is used loosely, allot. As for your queston, voyeurbill, a very high percentage of women like to be watched while they masturbate, as so do men. I think that's the main motivation for anyone who owns a webcam!
March 14, 2005, 07:10 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Is my voyeurism a fetish or not?
What the hell she went through all the trouble of inviting you into her apartment to watch her masturbate and you did'nt try to lend her a hand..whats the matter with you?...your fetish could use some work..lol
March 14, 2005, 12:25 |
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Re: Is my voyeurism a fetish or not?
I love to watch (voyeurbill). I would rather just view women masturbating and not lend a hand. When an artist is painting, you don't offer to help them out. To me, it's a vision that keeps on giving!
March 15, 2005, 03:40 |
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Re: Is my voyeurism a fetish or not?
Watch and learn?
March 15, 2005, 05:42 |
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Re: Re: Is my voyeurism a fetish or not?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ March 15, 2005, 05:42)Watch and learn?
Oh I watched and I learned all right! I learned that I want to do that more often. Along with an my oral fetish, I'm always looking for that one female who will bare her soul for me and get herself off while I watch!! There is no other vision for me!!!!!!!!!
March 21, 2007, 07:09 |
69 / female Minneapolis -St.Paul, Minnesota, US
Re: Is my voyeurism a fetish or not?
I would love to be in a high-rise hotel in New York. The walls would not be so thin as to disguise all sound but neither would they be so thick as to be considered a disturbance. The curtains and windows would be left wide open to encourage any voyeurs to enjoy the show. It would begin wiht a bare bottomed spanking with much kicking and exposure of both my bare bottom and my pussy. After the spanking , everything would be pulled down while you tried to soothe me with your tongue. After I came to a screaming, pelvic thrusting orgasm, you would immediately begin to arrange me into positons for fucking. Nothing would be left uncovered, and while we were both coming, so would our voyeur . The nest night? More of the same.
April 27, 2008, 04:37 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Is my voyeurism a fetish or not?
QUOTE (rosiecheeks @ April 27, 2008, 04:37)I would love to be in a high-rise hotel in New York. The walls would not be so thin as to disguise all sound but neither would they be so thick as to be considered a disturbance. The curtains and windows would be left wide open to encourage any voyeurs to enjoy the show. It would begin wiht a bare bottomed spanking with much kicking and exposure of both my bare bottom and my pussy. After the spanking , everything would be pulled down while you tried to soothe me with your tongue. After I came to a screaming, pelvic thrusting orgasm, you would immediately begin to arrange me into positons for fucking. Nothing would be left uncovered, and while we were both coming, so would our voyeur . The nest night? More of the same.
Sh*t, I need a cigarette now!! Man, that was hot! If I could, I'd love to be there with you, you hottie you! You should think about submitting some of your stories to Literotica. com
April 30, 2008, 14:05 |