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What's a girl to do?
Recent events pertaining to the creep that was arrested for robbing and murdering at least one woman after answering an erotic ad seem to bring on other revaluations as to his fiance and his other sexual deviations. Come to learn that he would meet up with these women by responding to erotic ads and then he would rob them and in at least one case, murdered them. His live in fiance claims she had no knowledge of his extracurricular activities. I'll assume she is either the dumbest woman on the planet or she didn't want to believe her hero was capable of something so fiendish. He even had a private area (off limits to her) in their apartment where he kept his gun.....used in a murder. What she didn't raise a red flag over this?
Anyway, she says she supports and will stand by her fiance's plea of innocence. Oh by the way, she has decided to cancel their upcoming summer wedding. What a shock, huh? :Odin:
April 27, 2009, 12:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: What's a girl to do?
Wouldn't be the first serial criminal/murderer that showed no clue whatsoever of his darkside.
Ted Bundy's friends, family, coworkers were shocked as hell at first too.
April 27, 2009, 12:58 |
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What's a girl to do?