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Please take the time........
To help the wolves of Yellowstone and the Rockies. It's gut wrenching to hear what's going on in Alaska.... and it's about to happen in Yellowstone and the Rockies, as well.
Chazzy and Abs, y'all have been so good to me over the years. When it's clearly stated that URLs should not be posted, you've let me get away with posting them when it comes to helping the wolves. It's a passion of mine to help save these magnificent creatures, and you two have been a huge part of that. I'm grateful to you both for allowing me to do what I've done. I'm also proud of you two for helping me spread the word.
I won't put a URL in this post, but I will ask that anyone who reads this..... please go to the defenders of wildlife web site and read about the atrocities that are happening and are going to happen.
I'm sick to my stomach over this and mad as hell!!!! These uneducated people that are running this country need to educate themselves about wildlife and learn to make better decisions! Everyone can help... I truly believe that! My daughter sat at the computer for 30 minutes the other day... just typing her little heart out, writing a letter to these people.... telling them how appalled she is at what's taking place. If she can do it, anyone can! It only takes a little bit of your time.
I would appreciate it if y'all could at least just read up on it. It will infuriate some into action... for others, maybe not. But at least you'll know....
April 3, 2009, 10:02 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Please take the time........
Whelp, yep...back in the day when the site was smaller, we had bigger loopholes in the forum rules.
I find it sickening to see any of our critters facing endangerment of extinction...it just ain't right for sure.
Geez, I live on a planet that supports an uncountable amount of life, I'm aware of that and know that I (a human) am NOT the most important thing on this earth, I co-habitate with living things of all kind....dammit, nearly stepped on a few venomous snakes, encountered a few predatory wild animals, hungry vegetable eaters in my gardens, etc...in my life, never once have I felt the need to destroy the entire species. If I am the species with the ability to build civilization and cultures, then I should be smart enough not to let a few critters be the ruin of me.
(I'm currently thinking of a fantastic William Faulkner story about a little boy hunting and killing all the cottonmouths he can....if anyone remembers the title of that story let me know...or I'll have to add it to my way long google list)
April 3, 2009, 10:23 |
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Please take the time........