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Is texting silly or what?
Is it me getting freakin'' old and out of touch or is the current texting fad just that, a soon to fade phenomena?
I'm seeing 30y/o people walking around like freakin' zombies, head down, unaware of where they're going, punching in stupid messages. I'm not referring to the moms and dads keeping in touch with each other and their kids but the silly looking 30 somethings looking like teenagers walking around the malls, bangin' into people because they're busy texting . Seeing people actually talking on the cell phone while walking around seems so normal in comparison!
I'm sure I've stepped on a few toes here, touched a raw nerve or two here but I feel it's a subject on some minds here.
What say you?
February 6, 2009, 09:04 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Is texting silly or what?
Say what? Can you repeat yourself, I was busy texting.
I don't text very often. Half the time it takes me more time to figure out what it is they are saying with all the different codes and such they use. I have to keep myself aware of my surroundings. Most of the time I'm too busy watching everything else around me. I have to sit so I can watch the door at a restaurant or what have you. But that's just me.
February 6, 2009, 10:03 |
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Re: Is texting silly or what?
I gotta agree with ya Bill. However, with 4 kids and 10 nieces and nephews who make that their primary method of communication, I find myself doing it more and more. And to make matters worse, most of them never answer the phone to talk, they only respond to texting. I had to change my plan to unlimited texting because I was going over every month. And get this - yesterday in the chaatroom, someone said that they had just purchased a remote controlled vibrator that had the option of being able to be activated by a text! I dont know why she didnt just set her phone on vibrate, sit on it and call herself!
February 6, 2009, 10:28 |
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Re: Is texting silly or what?
Free, that reminds me of that new commercial.... Where the woman gets a call from her husband's butt.... "My butt hung up on you, sorry... "
I very rarely text.... just between me and my kids. It comes in handy when my daughter needs to get in touch with my after school... or when she's going to a game. Sometimes it's so noisy on the bus that I can't hear her and she can't hear me!
February 6, 2009, 10:35 |
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Re: Re: Is texting silly or what?
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ February 6, 2009, 10:35)Free, that reminds me of that new commercial.... Where the woman gets a call from her husband's butt.... "My butt hung up on you, sorry... "
I very rarely text.... just between me and my kids. It comes in handy when my daughter needs to get in touch with my after school... or when she's going to a game. Sometimes it's so noisy on the bus that I can't hear her and she can't hear me!
I can understand texting in that atmosphere but in reality, that's just a way of enabling there isolationism. What, they need to be walking around like freakin' zombies? Not to be taken as anything personal but I find the whole texting fad as pretty silly and unnecessary! What happened to oral communication?
February 6, 2009, 11:09 |
43 / couple Eastern, South Dakota, US
Re: Is texting silly or what?
in some cases, no its not silly. I have a few numbers of people i know that can't hear that well and so texting is very handy when it comes to them so you do not have to use a relay service to get ahold of them by phone. The same goes for me in loud background cases because i can't understand people when they're talking not as loud as the other noises. So now I just have to practice my reading skills. lol.
February 6, 2009, 14:19 |
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Re: Is texting silly or what?
I also find it silly and somewhat annoying ,take last weekend for example my son graduated prep school ,and his girlfriend ,her mom and me all rode together to save on the gas (190 mile round trip )and said girlfriends mom in her late thirties was texting constantly or checking to see if anyone was texting her even during the ceremonies but I held fast to the realization this was a one and done ,I felt so relieved when she finally stepped out of my car, for my money this boils down to a major turn off .and silly even bordering on childish ,I mean if something is going on texting can be a valuable means of communication , but to me it seems like just a boat load of people with not much to say just saying it anyway .
February 6, 2009, 23:04 |
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Re: Is texting silly or what?
maybe some of the older women like texting, they do have a vibrate option, you know...
February 7, 2009, 01:51 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Is texting silly or what?
I do some texting But it mostly jokes that I get and send them on to others, or sending somethinng to Pa because I can't talk to him.
February 7, 2009, 09:31 |
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Re: Is texting silly or what?
I text all the time with my friends. We all have kids and it is hard for us to find time to be able to have a conversation without interuptions. Plus, I have nephews, nieces, friends kids and that is how I stay in touch with them. Plus, I like to text messages to the man in my life with a few sexy pictures included...he loves it!!! Instead of Webnaughty, it is textnaughty!
February 7, 2009, 15:03 |
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Re: Is texting silly or what?
As silly as people may think it is, it's a valuable means of communication when other options are not possible. Besides that, it's here to stay... get used to it.
February 9, 2009, 09:59 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Is texting silly or what?
Its cheap, convenient and fun. Nothing better than an unexpected 'hello' or saucy text to put a silly grin on my face.
(Yeah, I know I am easily pleased..... ).
February 9, 2009, 10:06 |
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Re: Re: Is texting silly or what?
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ February 9, 2009, 09:59)As silly as people may think it is, it's a valuable means of communication when other options are not possible. Besides that, it's here to stay... get used to it.
Here to stay?.....To what extent? Will we still have kids and adults zombieing around, texting with their heads down or driving cars and texting at the same time? Possibly some strict penalties for texting while driving similar to DUI laws?
February 9, 2009, 10:09 |
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Re: Is texting silly or what?
I hope we do, bill! I hope we get some laws that'll throw dumbasses in the slammer for texting while driving!! I really do! Hell, I want people to get bitch slapped for even TALKING on their cell phones while driving! Especially in a school zone!!
Now, with all that said, there still is a time and place for texting! Maybe some of you don't have kids that travel 60+ miles to a basketball game.... maybe the kids on other buses are as quiet as a mouse... HA, now that's funny! But when I need to know that my daughter made it safely to a game that's an hours drive away, I want to know without having to ask, "what? I can't hear you!!!!"
February 9, 2009, 10:16 |
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Re: Is texting silly or what?
Yep...how many of us grew up getting our asses chewed out by mom with that ale familiar "What? They don't have phones at (wherever)You couldn't have called???"
February 9, 2009, 21:17 |
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Re: Re: Is texting silly or what?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ February 9, 2009, 21:17)Yep...how many of us grew up getting our asses chewed out by mom with that ale familiar "What? They don't have phones at (wherever)You couldn't have called???"
I think every kid above the age of 8 ought to have a cell phone and be require to keep in touch with mom and dad every hour of the day when away from home. No problem there!!
It's that damn "head down, zombie texting pose" that gets to me! It looks freakin' dumb!!  jmo
February 11, 2009, 02:23 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Is texting silly or what?
Texting doesn't really bother me that much. What really gets me going, is when they use texting shorthand in regular speech. I don't know, it kind of makes the person who types this way look as though they need to repeat the second grade. I kid you not, I actually have found a resume on craigslist that started out this way... R U LKG 4 A STBLE GUY? IM UR GUY!...(what?!)
February 15, 2009, 10:42 |
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Re: Re: Is texting silly or what?
QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ February 15, 2009, 10:42)Texting doesn't really bother me that much. What really gets me going, is when they use texting shorthand in regular speech. I don't know, it kind of makes the person who types this way look as though they need to repeat the second grade. I kid you not, I actually have found a resume on craigslist that started out this way... R U LKG 4 A STBLE GUY? IM UR GUY!...(what?!)
.....4 A STBLE GUY? IM UR GUY......Were you cruising the m4m section?
February 15, 2009, 13:56 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Is texting silly or what?
think i got over it do more email now a days and i think they even passed a law about it while driving in wisconsin now......
February 15, 2009, 18:33 |
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Re: Re: Re: Is texting silly or what?
QUOTE (voyeurbill @ February 15, 2009, 13:56) QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ February 15, 2009, 10:42)Texting doesn't really bother me that much. What really gets me going, is when they use texting shorthand in regular speech. I don't know, it kind of makes the person who types this way look as though they need to repeat the second grade. I kid you not, I actually have found a resume on craigslist that started out this way... R U LKG 4 A STBLE GUY? IM UR GUY!...(what?!)
.....4 A STBLE GUY? IM UR GUY......Were you cruising the m4m section?
Either that or he needs a farmhand.....
February 16, 2009, 09:56 |
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Is texting silly or what?
QUOTE (MoonHowler @ February 16, 2009, 09:56) QUOTE (voyeurbill @ February 15, 2009, 13:56) QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ February 15, 2009, 10:42)Texting doesn't really bother me that much. What really gets me going, is when they use texting shorthand in regular speech. I don't know, it kind of makes the person who types this way look as though they need to repeat the second grade. I kid you not, I actually have found a resume on craigslist that started out this way... R U LKG 4 A STBLE GUY? IM UR GUY!...(what?!)
.....4 A STBLE GUY? IM UR GUY......Were you cruising the m4m section?
Either that or he needs a farmhand.....
February 16, 2009, 18:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Is texting silly or what?
QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ February 15, 2009, 10:42)Texting doesn't really bother me that much. What really gets me going, is when they use texting shorthand in regular speech. I don't know, it kind of makes the person who types this way look as though they need to repeat the second grade. I kid you not, I actually have found a resume on craigslist that started out this way... R U LKG 4 A STBLE GUY? IM UR GUY!...(what?!)
Oh my goodness. And I thought my writing skills need work. About the only time I use that sort of language is when I write sarcastically (i.e. OH noEs!11! Y?) on message forums. Even on the rare occasions that I have texted, I try to write out whole words. It was only recently that I would even type "textspeak".
March 9, 2009, 02:48 |
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Re: Re: Re: Is texting silly or what?
QUOTE (227Big @ March 9, 2009, 02:48) QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ February 15, 2009, 10:42)Texting doesn't really bother me that much. What really gets me going, is when they use texting shorthand in regular speech. I don't know, it kind of makes the person who types this way look as though they need to repeat the second grade. I kid you not, I actually have found a resume on craigslist that started out this way... R U LKG 4 A STBLE GUY? IM UR GUY!...(what?!)
Oh my goodness. And I thought my writing skills need work. About the only time I use that sort of language is when I write sarcastically (i.e. OH noEs!11! Y?) on message forums. Even on the rare occasions that I have texted, I try to write out whole words. It was only recently that I would even type "textspeak".
You and I are on the same page as to the "textspeak". We were taught that there is the right way to spell and the wrong way.
The sad part of texting and in particular is the "textspeak" or the shorthand. I see it as a product of the public schools caving to the political correct crowd by not demanding that the students actually learn to spell correctly by telling the students that it's perfectly acceptable to spell words phonetically.....spell the word as it sounds. That way, the student's "self respect" is not damaged! Huh
Now with "textspeak", it's hip to shorthand the words. R U K? (Are you okay?) WTF????
March 9, 2009, 07:35 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Is texting silly or what?
The thing is, Bill, while I do use some of the more common lingo (wtf, lol, etc.) in an informal online setting, there's no place for that in a school assignment, unless you're doing a paper on internet culture or something like that, or a work setting. I see it the same way as in regular speech: there's a tone you speak in with friends and family, then there's another for formal settings.
March 9, 2009, 08:11 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Is texting silly or what?
Hey 227, I'm with ya 100% there. Informally, wtf, lol, ttyl is fine but even then, I sometimes want to write out the complete words because that's how I was taught back in the day.
March 9, 2009, 09:40 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Is texting silly or what?
I can say one thing it was nice to have the phone to send a text when my grandson was born. I was able to send a text out to the waiting room to let them know we had a baby. that way the Grandpas and the proud uncle had the news at the time he came into the world.
March 9, 2009, 09:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Is texting silly or what?
QUOTE (funlovingpair @ March 9, 2009, 09:56)I can say one thing it was nice to have the phone to send a text when my grandson was born. I was able to send a text out to the waiting room to let them know we had a baby. that way the Grandpas and the proud uncle had the news at the time he came into the world.
Congratulations to you both. Enjoy the new one. I hope he brings you joy!
March 9, 2009, 11:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Is texting silly or what?
My daughter never uses shorthand in school..... she does while texting only because it's quicker. Sometimes she'll turn her phone off because she's sick of getting messages from all of her friends. She can't stand it when they write just to say.... "hey, I'm bored.. what are you up to?" (in shorthand, of course. I don't use it so I don't know how to write it lol ). It's not a 24/7 thing with her... and I'm happy about that. But like flp said, there are times when it comes in handy.
March 10, 2009, 09:51 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Is texting silly or what?
Moon you are very lucky to have a daughter like that. I don't think I have ever heard of a Teenager shutting off there phone.
At one time that was the only way I could talk with Pa. When I was working he was home and when I got home he was at work. So we sent more messages then.
March 10, 2009, 10:17 |
60 / male Tulsa, Oklahoma, US
Re: Is texting silly or what?
I love to text with people.I have several friends who really dont like talking on the phone but will answer a text immediatly.When i want to know if someone is still up but dont want to wake them up i will text them,if they are awake and want to talk they let me know
March 22, 2009, 21:07 |