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somethink to do/think about.
I thought this was an interesting e-mail that I recieved.
February 28, 2005, 21:31 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: somethink to do/think about.
The article tries to make a "link" between the shift of bacteria to resistant strain, as seen in atibiotic therapy, and the emergence of bacteria that is adapted.
The latter is coined "natural selection" by a fellow named Darwin.
Trichlosan is a toxic agent not an antibiotic. Bleach is a good example of a toxic agent. Where is the outrage over bleach?
Just like the groups that attack dietary supplements, these folks are trying to make a case with hysteria instead of solid facts I think.
March 1, 2005, 07:24 |
64 / female mesa, Arizona, US
Re: somethink to do/think about.
how could you doubt someone with such a strong scientific background, like "vogue" magazine?
some people get all wonky over anything.
superbugs show up, frequently, because most adults, when they feel better, stop taking their antibiotic. they have killed off all the weak, wussy bacteria, leaving only the strong, macho bacteria to reproduce.
my very dearest friend, the body-moving kind of friend, died from mrs, a bacteria that is untreatable.
for something to seriously be concerned about, go to www.dhmo.org
March 2, 2005, 20:38 |