63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Can give phone/chat orgasm but can't get own nut.
I have given the big O over the telephone and through chat. The most arousing by far is the phone sex but never enough arousal to cum.
I think it's because sense of smell is such a strong trigger for me.
Does anybody else give good phone/chat but incapable of recieving?
February 21, 2005, 07:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Can give phone/chat orgasm but can't get own nut.
I worked, for a short period of time, for a phone sex company. I really didn't get much out of it myself, it was just tedious work, like any other job.
February 21, 2005, 07:58 |
63 / male Dallas, Texas, US
Re: Can give phone/chat orgasm but can't get own nut.
Oh man, I just remembered this.
Once when I lived in the midwest some guy called me. It was long before caller ID so I just picked up and said "hello?" After some silence I said "yes,hello?" Some guy started just breathlessly asking me to say something, anything. Ok,so I have no hangups about sexuality whatsoever I obviously had some desperate person with such an odd fetish that they would never get any. I felt sorry for them so I said "what do you want to hear?"...."anything....just anything. oh thank you, thank you." I just started talking about the fetish and wondered how he chose my number and the next thing I knew he was making these gutteral noises into the reciever, and you know, I knew what he was doing.
I had the weirdest expression the rest of the day. The experience was so unique that I had no idea how to handle it.
February 22, 2005, 11:55 |