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Footprints in the frost
"The summer is over I can count the cost.
Footprints on the beaches are now footprints in the frost ..."
Ah, I was always a "Squeeze" fan!
I love living here where the seasonal changes are dramatic.
It's frosty and dark when I get up to take the old dog out in the morning, the stars seem crisper and closer as winter nears.
Feeling that fall chill and grabbing for a soft fuzzy coverlet or afghan, fresh from the laundry with the fragrance of fabric softener.
Closing up the drapes, doors, windows and snuggling with the warm glow of a soft lamp light.
The days are still bright and sunny, perfect for an impromtu drive taking gorgeous photos of fall foilage to email to our friends and family that live in a location that is devoid of such seasonal sites.
I adore the changing seasons, and now that it's fall, I feel that internal cocooning, nesting need.
Hey, it's cuddling, snuggling, nesting season!! Hot coffee and hot cocoa with peppermint schnapps, bon fires, hard labor of cutting and stacking firewood, squirreling for the upcoming winter and all that!
October 26, 2008, 20:43 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Footprints in the frost
It sure seemed to change quickly this year. Green leaves one day then yellow and on the ground a few days later. Not even sure the maple leaves got red this time.
It's been very windy here all day and while I had things i wanted to do outside, I will wait. Good news is that I don't have to mow leaves anymore.
October 26, 2008, 22:23 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Footprints in the frost
Our maples are bright rich reds right now, but the wind is howling, and our first frost warning tonight, spend yesterday hauling in all of our houseplants and setting them up for the winter.
October 26, 2008, 22:42 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Footprints in the frost
'tis the season. I don't have house plants or any outside. The only plant I had that I didn't kill was a philodendron. I've heard ya cann't kill those.
October 26, 2008, 22:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Footprints in the frost
Not for nothing Chazzy but I'm not a winter baby, nothing what-so-ever (nothings wrong with others liking it, it's just not for me)! The house gets all stuffy and closed in, windows are shut (not in my bedroom, lol), the fans aren't blowing (in my bedroom they are all year, lol), the germs multiply faster and quicker, in turn, you can be more sick (depending on your health and immune system), for some...
SAD comes into the picture (seasonal depression), you need all those heavy clothes to wear inside and of course outside, you can't stay outside long, (like if it were the spring/summer time), driving conditions are worse due to the snow/ice on the roads, you have to convert over summer clothes to winter clothes in your closets, to me it's just a nuisance all around. I'll take 100 degree weather anyday (with low humidity), lol!! I feel life seems to flow quite a bit easier and consistant in the Spring/Summer Vs. Fall/Winter feeling alot more alive, more energy and healthier in the Spring/Summer. One thing that doesn't change much through out the year and is wonderful are the cuddles and hugs if you have someone around to share them with jmo. (As I said, we are all different with our likes/dislikes and agree and disagree, that's what makes us the people we are)
October 26, 2008, 23:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Footprints in the frost
I like living where I can enjoy all the seasons. No sense in hating or dreading them, they're comin' anyway...so I choose to enjoy them the best I can...and I sure do!
The seasons constantly remind me of how things have to change sometimes, things need to die and drop thier seeds, things need the hibernation and dormacy to make for a full lush spring and summer.
I'm not gonna worry about germs, hell...summer time people drop over from heat stroke and exhaustion. Spring time a flood or tornado could get ya, etc....I don' t mind the house being a bit closed up, that's the orgin of "spring cleaning"...a pleasant ritual of another season.
Even in the worst of winter, I get outside at least once a day for an hour or so...gathering kindling, getting the nights supply of firewood, cleaning snow off the walk....
I even love Winter!
October 26, 2008, 23:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Footprints in the frost
AND... that is wonderful Chazzy! I just can't wait to get to a warmer climate where it's more consistant and beneficial for myself in every way, feeling alive again!
October 26, 2008, 23:18 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Footprints in the frost
rained last night and blowing all day and now raining and big wet flakes too, radar show snow in the arrowhead of MN and southern Wisconsin...already sick of it and it hasn't even started yet. still need another 10 face cords of mixed hardwood yet and stack it in the basement and out side,, and cut for the garage stove too. all the sawmill have doubled the price for slabwood too even the amish
October 26, 2008, 23:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Footprints in the frost
Wood heat is our supplement heat, so we don't need much more to have enough for the winter.
It's kinda nice, the smell of sawdust this time of year.
Still need to get the chimney cleaned, but winter is still a ways off, gonna enjoy the fall time while it's here.
There's a nice fresh bearded tooth mushroom on my tree out front, too bad it's about 25 feet up! I love the wild fall mushrooms, so completely different than the grocery store/pizza type of mushrooms...there are so many different ones, each has it's on taste and texture.
October 27, 2008, 00:03 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Footprints in the frost
we have some freinds the can the wwild mushrooms and we have our share of them yet puff balls and whitcaps and artist moss on dead tree trunks, just have to know which are safe...
October 27, 2008, 00:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Footprints in the frost
I know my shrooms! I love the summer ones too...the fall ones like sulphur shelves, hen of the woods, bearded tooth I like much better than the more popular coral/deetantler mushrooms, don't like the after taste of those much...
I've eaten puff balls too, ash...pretty good when they are fresh.
October 27, 2008, 00:10 |